An optical fiber is proposed with a segmented core and depressed cladding regions to reduce nonlinearity and bend loss. The segmented core decreases optical and acoustic coupling to increase the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) threshold. Depressed cladding regions improve bend properties. Test results show the fiber has an SBS threshold over 12 dBm and bend losses under IEC standards, enabling its use in a single fiber for both feeder and customer segments of fiber-to-the-home networks. This simplifies deployment and reduces costs compared to using multiple fiber types.
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Photonics 2008
1. A New Design Concept of Optical fibers to Reduce
Non Linearity and Bend Loss in Optical Networks
Non Linearity -Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
SBS is a nonlinear phenomenon which arises due to the interaction of Acoustical and
Optical modes. When the input power reaches a certain threshold Pth then forwarding
propagating light is scattered in the backward direction due to this effect.
Poor picture quality due to
SBS effect
Good picture quality
in High SBS
threshold fiber
SBS Threshold Measurement set up
Bend Loss
Radiative losses occur whenever an optical fiber is subjected to extrinsic
perturbations like bend of finite radius and such losses are called Bend Losses.
90 degree Cable
Cable is
Class A: G.657 Attributes
Attribute Detail Value
MFD Wavelength 1310 nm
Range of nominal values 8.6-9.5 袖m
Tolerance 0.4 袖m
Bend loss
Radius (mm) 15 10
Number of turns 10 1
Max. at 1550 nm (dB) 0.25 0.75
Max. at 1625 nm (dB) 1.0 1.5
Profile Design
Core region is divided into three sub core regions and clad region consists of two
clad regions.
n1 > n2 > n3 > n5 > n4
t3 > t2 > t1
The segmented core reduces the optical and acoustical mode coupling and thus
increases the SBS threshold and the depressed clad regions improves the Bend
property of the fiber.
Measured Bend loss values of fiber
R=10 mm 1 turn R =15 mm 10 turns
1550 1625 1550 1625
Fiber1 0.237 0.688 0.023 0.126 G.657A
Fiber2 0.24 0.743 0.026 0.128 G.657A
Fiber3 0.237 0.633 0.021 0.124 G.657A
Network operators are constantly looking for solutions which can decrease
complexity,cost and improve overall network performance.
High SBS threshold and low bend loss fiber is a solution in todays FTTH
networks.The feeder fiber used at the CO/HE allows more power transmission
because of its high SBS threshold and at the customers end, it can meet the
stringent wiring conditions because of its better bend properties.
Typical FTTH network architecture
An optical fiber with high SBS threshold and lower bend losses enables
network operators to install a single fiber in FTTH networks.
High SBS threshold fiber allows more power transmission which in
turn increases the number of customers in typical Passive optical
networks. It enables longer reach and higher split ratios.
In Indoor cabling, there are stringent bending requiremnts which
requires that the fiber should have better bend performance. Since the
same fiber will be used in the network, splice loss will also be reduced.
Deploying a single fiber will reduce equipment costs, as it needs far
less equipment than that required by other single-mode fibers to
provide the same amount of network coverage; additionally, it can
eliminate the need for special transmission equipment to manage SBS
E-2, Sterlite Technologies Ltd, MIDC, Aurangabad, India,
The fiber has an increased SBS
threshold value as compared to
conventional single mode fiber.
It also complies G.657A attributes
Optical parameters
MFD m 9.48
Cut off lambda nm 1286.0
Zero dispersion nm 1324.0
Slope @ ZDW ps/nm2-km 0.092
Attn 1310 dB/km 0.34
Attn 1550 dB/km 0.20
SBS Pth @1550 dBm 12.0