This document discusses photos that will be used in a magazine. It explains that the front cover photo will be a mid-shot of the artist to fill most of the frame and attract attention. Internally, one photo shows the top of the artist's legs to feature her on one page while leaving space for text. Another internal photo shows the artist tilting her head and shaking her hair to provide a new perspective. Varied poses and angles between the photos are intended to sustain reader interest and prevent repetitiveness.
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Photoshoot - Photo Analysis
1. This is the photo I will be using for the
front cover of my magazine. I wanted a
front on mid shot because I want to fill
the majority of the front cover with it and
I think this will be the most effective way
of doing that. I also think that this will
attract the attention of the readers
because it will be quite bold and ‘in your
face’, this will be because the majority of
the artist can be seen and therefore fills
the photo. I also think that because a mid
shot makes the artist fill the photo it stops
the audience being distracted by useless
background and therefore allows them to
focus more intensely on the artist.
Furthermore, she is biting her bottom lip,
this is a very striking pose as it hints a
sense of sexual content within the
magazine, this should help to gain and
maintain the audiences attention. This
pose makes the image and artist look
quite seductive, this fits with the ‘pop’
style of the magazine because most pop
artists go for this look. It also hits the
target audience because they will be
mostly teenagers who are attracted to
this style of image.
2. This photo will be used on the contents
page of my magazine. This image
contains more of the artist, for example
in the image the tops of her legs can be
seen. I have done this so that she fills
the majority of one side of the page. I
want to do this so that on the other
half text explaining features and
contents of the magazine can be
displayed. By doing this little of the text
should overlap the image meaning it
will be easier to read and therefore the
magazine can maintain the audiences
attention easier. Furthermore, by
showing the tops of the artists legs it
again hints a sense of sexual content
within the magazine, without using the
same pose as before, this stops the
magazine looking repetitive whilst still
giving the same impression to the
audience. The artists head is slightly
tilted and she is shaking her hair with
her hand, this gives a new perspective
of the artist and overall makes the
image look more interesting.
3. This photo will be used on the
double page spread of my
magazine. This is another image
of the artist just to help the
audience build up an image of
the artist. Her body is slightly
tilted and she is ‘pouting’ her
lips, this is to again give a new
perspective of the artist and to
make the magazine seem more
interesting, by changing the
pose it should also stop the
magazine looking to repetitive
and unprofessional. The fact
that her hair isn’t perfectly
presented is also important
because this will make the
image feel more ‘real’ and
personal as it shows the artist
in the way she actually looks.
4. This photo will be used on
the double page spread of
my magazine. This is another
image of the artist just to
help the audience build up
an image of the artist. It is a
mid shot like the one that
will be used on the front of
my magazine, it shows the
artist as the focus of the
image because she fills the
majority of the photo. It is
different to the image that
will be used on the front as
she is not pulling a seductive
pose, this makes the image
feel more real, and lets the
audience see what the artist
looks naturally.
5. This photo will be used on the double page spread of my magazine. This is another image
of the artist just to help the audience build up an image of the artist. She is holding her hair
with both hands and has her mouth open as if she is saying something. This makes the
image and overall the magazine feel more interesting as it is a different pose to the other
photos. I also feel that this photo feels more real, and looks less faked. I think this will make
the image feel more personal and also make the audience feel like they have seen the ‘real’
artist, I think this is very important. This image is also more landscape than the other
images, this will look effective when it is in contrast with other vertical images and vertical
columns of text. It ultimately adds a different shape to the magazine.
6. This photo will be used on the double page spread of my magazine. This is another
image of the artist just to help the audience build up an image of the artist. She is
sat on the floor and is smiling very naturally, this is good because it makes her look
very real, and not fake at all. This will make the magazine article feel more
personal. Furthermore, she is sat down because it gives a new perspective and
angle that isn't shown in the other photos, this will make the magazine article feel
more interesting. The fact she is sat on the floor also implies the artists ‘down to
earth’ nature, this will be very effective in my double page spread.
7. Overall I think that the variety of different photos
that I have taken will enable me to make my
magazine look very effective. By showing her in
different poses and at different angles it will stop
the photos looking repetitive and will sustain the
audiences attention. Furthermore, I think that the
way that some of the photos are slightly seductive,
is really effective because it links with both the
magazine style and the target audience. This will
also stop the magazine looking boring and make it
look professional.