Robinson and hardin business platformMarques HardinR&H will provide management and advisory services across multiple platforms including risk management, investments, group employee benefits, retirement strategies and estate planning, financial planning, business problem solving, business advisory, and family wealth counseling. Their services span life insurance, health insurance, disability income, mutual funds, retirement plans, estate transfer, financial planning, business transition, and philanthropic strategies.
Workshop - Social Media For Startupsucla1985The document provides biographies and case studies about Red Social WW, a social media and PR agency. It discusses challenges startups face in getting media coverage and offers strategies they have used successfully for clients, including positioning clients as industry experts on trends, providing data and research to journalists, and leveraging social media platforms. The case studies provide examples of how these approaches helped startups and companies gain media coverage.
Gestalt Foundation OverviewThe Gestalt Foundation, Inc.The Gestalt Foundation is a nonprofit organization that aims to increase public access to information and intellectual property through digital media and support open-source initiatives. The foundation plans to obtain 501(c)(3) status in 2010 and is led by a small board of directors. The name "Gestalt" refers to an organization that is more than the sum of its parts by bringing together relevant open-source information from different sources into a unified and simplified experience. The foundation's flagship project is a next-generation website that will serve as a central hub of information about free/libre open-source software.
Hello websocket(cn)g65537The document discusses the limitations of traditional HTTP for building real-time web applications and introduces HTML5 WebSocket as a solution. It covers how WebSocket enables full-duplex communication with lower overhead compared to alternatives like polling and long polling. While WebSocket addresses many issues, it does not guarantee reliability out of the box and additional application logic is needed. The document also discusses cross-domain restrictions, proxy traversal, and how WebSocket can be used beyond the web.
Portfolio Worksminimaki88Kagoshima in Japan has become a sister city of Perth, Western Australia. A new commemorative 50 cent stamp was issued on May 25, 2007 to celebrate the relationship between the two cities. The stamp features images representing the cultures of Kagoshima and Perth.
Robinson and hardin business platformMarques HardinR&H will provide management and advisory services across multiple platforms including risk management, investments, group employee benefits, retirement strategies and estate planning, financial planning, business problem solving, business advisory, and family wealth counseling. Their services span life insurance, health insurance, disability income, mutual funds, retirement plans, estate transfer, financial planning, business transition, and philanthropic strategies.
Workshop - Social Media For Startupsucla1985The document provides biographies and case studies about Red Social WW, a social media and PR agency. It discusses challenges startups face in getting media coverage and offers strategies they have used successfully for clients, including positioning clients as industry experts on trends, providing data and research to journalists, and leveraging social media platforms. The case studies provide examples of how these approaches helped startups and companies gain media coverage.
Gestalt Foundation OverviewThe Gestalt Foundation, Inc.The Gestalt Foundation is a nonprofit organization that aims to increase public access to information and intellectual property through digital media and support open-source initiatives. The foundation plans to obtain 501(c)(3) status in 2010 and is led by a small board of directors. The name "Gestalt" refers to an organization that is more than the sum of its parts by bringing together relevant open-source information from different sources into a unified and simplified experience. The foundation's flagship project is a next-generation website that will serve as a central hub of information about free/libre open-source software.
Hello websocket(cn)g65537The document discusses the limitations of traditional HTTP for building real-time web applications and introduces HTML5 WebSocket as a solution. It covers how WebSocket enables full-duplex communication with lower overhead compared to alternatives like polling and long polling. While WebSocket addresses many issues, it does not guarantee reliability out of the box and additional application logic is needed. The document also discusses cross-domain restrictions, proxy traversal, and how WebSocket can be used beyond the web.
Portfolio Worksminimaki88Kagoshima in Japan has become a sister city of Perth, Western Australia. A new commemorative 50 cent stamp was issued on May 25, 2007 to celebrate the relationship between the two cities. The stamp features images representing the cultures of Kagoshima and Perth.
Unidad 3 tecivan floresEl documento analiza las características y propiedades nutricionales de la leche y los diferentes tipos de leche. Describe los requisitos de calidad de la leche cruda y los procesos para producir leche entera, descremada, en polvo y condensada. También examina las variedades de leche de otras especies como cabra, burra y yegua, y sus usos.
EcgNAO, Medical University of Shahid BeheshtiThis document discusses the electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) and how it is used to analyze the electrical activity and functioning of the heart. It explains key aspects of an ECG reading such as the waves, segments, intervals, their durations and clinical significance. These include the P wave, QRS complex, T wave, PQ segment, ST segment, and QT interval. It also discusses cardiac vectors, axes, deviations, and conditions like left axis deviation, atrioventricular block, and sinus bradycardia that can be detected from an ECG reading. Diagrams of the cardiac cycle, left ventricular pressure-volume loop, and the effects of preload, afterload and contractility on heart
Radiologia veterinariaAngyEl documento proporciona información sobre la nomenclatura y tomas radiográficas utilizadas en imagenología veterinaria. Explica los términos anatómicos básicos como craneal, caudal, dorsal y ventral, y describe las diferentes tomas radiográficas para evaluar regiones como casco, cuartilla, menudillo y carpo. También incluye casos de estudio con radiografías para su análisis.
2. วันนี้เรามีวิธีง่ายๆในการสร้างปกหนังสือบน photoshop มาให้ได้เรียบรู้กันในที่นี้เราจะเอา too l ต่างๆที่มีอยู่ในโปรแกรมมาใช้ ซึ่งเหมาะกับคนที่เริ่มต้นในการออกแบบหนังสือและยังไม่ถนัดที่จะใช้ photoshop ซึ่งเราก็จะเอา tool ง่ายๆมาเป็น idea เริ่มต้นในการสร้างกัน สิ่งที่ควรคำนึงถึง