This document provides strategies and resources for improving web usability and accessibility through DIY methods. It discusses performing usability tests with low-cost tools, following standards like WCAG 2.0 AA, and using free accessibility evaluation tools. Vendors should be told to comply with Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 and contracts can include penalties for non-compliance. Accessibility involves considerations for many types of disabilities and screen readers can help evaluate sites.
How Games Make You Level Up In Your Real LifeV鱈tek Mi邸tina
Po鱈taov辿 hry lze konzumovat v principu dvma zp哲soby. M哲転eme je hr叩t s otevenou hlavou a mimo z叩bavy v nich hledat principy a techniky penositeln辿 do na邸eho re叩ln辿ho 転ivota. V opan辿m p鱈pad jde pouze o dal邸鱈 zp哲sob, jak se lze zbavit sv辿ho voln辿ho asu.
Tohle rozdlen鱈 plat鱈 pro v邸echna dal邸鱈 m辿dia od film哲 a転 po knihy. Nicm辿n zrovna hern鱈 pr哲mysl v posledn鱈 dek叩d roste jako z vody a do pracovn鱈ho procesu pich叩z鱈 generace lid鱈, pro kter辿 je to naprosto standardn鱈 m辿dium. Chceme-li vypr叩vt znakov辿 p鱈bhy, d鱈ve nebo pozdji se pro toto vypr叩vn鱈 hry stanou mainstreamov箪m prostedkem.
J叩 si kladu za c鱈l pedat v叩m moj鱈 vizi budoucnosti, kde ,,levelovat" budeme v鱈ce my ne転 na邸i virtu叩ln鱈 avatai. Naprosto jasn vid鱈m, jak箪m zp哲sobem budou po鱈taov辿 hry sv箪m d鱈lem pisp鱈vat k zlep邸ov叩n鱈 na邸ich osobn鱈ch i profesn鱈ch 転ivot哲. A co mohou prov辿st s va邸鱈m znakov箪m narativem za pt nebo deset let.
Viver sustent叩vel papel reciclado (duas receitas)F叩bio Silva
O documento fornece instru巽探es passo-a-passo para fazer papel reciclado em casa, incluindo como preparar a polpa de papel, formar as folhas usando uma moldura e tela, e prensar as folhas para secagem. Tamb辿m fornece dicas para adicionar itens como linha ou flores para efeitos decorativos.
Foundations of Healthcare System Factor Analysis on DengueRalph Bawalan
The document discusses dengue fever in the Philippines, including:
- Over 27,000 cases reported so far in 2022, down slightly from last year, with most cases in children aged 1-10. 172 deaths were reported.
- The Department of Health's strategies include community education campaigns promoting cleaning of mosquito breeding sites, distributing mosquito traps, and coordinating with local governments.
- Successfully controlling dengue requires an integrated approach including surveillance, community participation, environmental management, access to healthcare, and political/financial support for long-term programs.
This document discusses HIV/AIDS epidemiology in the Philippines. It notes that the number of new HIV cases per day in the Philippines has risen sharply in recent years. While overall HIV prevalence remains below 1%, prevalence among high-risk groups has also increased. Several factors put the Philippines at risk of a broader epidemic, including increasing mobility, sex work, unsafe sex, and injecting drug use. The document also outlines how HIV attacks and weakens the immune system.
The document discusses reproductive health, population dynamics, and their interrelationship. It notes that everyone has a right to reproductive health and happy families. Population growth influences development, and the population of poor countries is expected to more than double by 2050. The document then covers topics like reproductive health problems, the Millennium Development Goals, pillars of reproductive health like responsible parenthood, and the Philippines' reproductive health realities and constitutional provisions.