The document outlines photovoltaic (PV) buyback rates in France from July 1st to September 30th 2012. [1] The rates vary depending on the type of building or installation and its power capacity. [2] Higher rates are given to residential buildings with fully integrated roofing systems, while the lowest rates are for installations over 12 megawatts. [3] Questions about the rates can be directed to the provided contact.
2. Type of Buyback rates
building/installation Cts /kWh
P < 9kWc 35.39
Fully integrated 9kWc < P < 36kWc 30.96
roofing systems -
Int辿gr辿 au b但ti Schools or hospitals P < 36kWc 24.64
Other types of building P < 9kWc 21.36
P < 36kWc 18.42
Simplified rooftop
Any type of buildings
Int辿gration simplifi辿e
au b但ti 36kWc < P < 100kWc 17.50
For any type of
P<12MW 10.51
Temporary figures pending for official publication in the Journal Officiel
For more information(in French only):
As shown in the table below, buyback rates vary according to the type of installation. Each project must be analyzed with regards to
the technologies in-use.
3. Questions?
Please feel free to contact us!
Your contact:
Jean-Michel Strasbach, Tel.: +33 (0)3 89 20 76 42
See you soon in Als ce!