Team Phottandence presented a smartphone app called Phottendance that uses facial recognition to take attendance for classes in seconds by having the faculty take a photo of the entire class. The app recognizes faces in the photo and marks attendance in the cloud backend without collecting biometric data. Phottendance has cost advantages over hardware-based attendance trackers as it only requires a smartphone. However, students may dislike that proxies are not possible with the facial recognition system.
2. Purpose
● Faculty wastes 5 mins in each lecture for attendance.
● Students can barely tolerate another 5 mins of torture after lecture.
● A mundane and repetitive task; good for computers, not for humans.
5. Edge over other solutions
Current Scenario- Hardware based attendance trackers;
Cost Involved: Purchase, Installation, Maintenance.
Phottendance- A Smartphone; Cost Involved- I guess
everyone has a smartphone !