JOSUG2014 OpenStack 4th birthday party in Japan; the way of OpenStack API DragonNaoto Gohko
JOSUG2014 OpenStack 4th birthday party in Japan
the way of OpenStack API Dragon.
we provide OpenStack API on "GMO Apps Cloud" known to be capable of providing efficient social Games.
This document discusses writing PHP extensions in Go using cgo. It explains how to build a Go package as a shared library, export functions so they can be called from C, and register the extension in PHP. Some constraints of calling C from Go like lack of function-like macros and union member access are also noted. The document provides code examples and links to a sample GitHub project for building a PHP extension in Go. It raises that segmentation faults may occasionally occur during PHP shutdown, which could indicate an issue in the Go runtime.
This document summarizes a presentation about MySQL and PHP. It discusses the mysqlnd extension in PHP and how it differs from using the libmysql client library. Key points include that mysqlnd is bundled with PHP by default now, has some additional features like asynchronous queries, but is still less mature than libmysql. The document also demonstrates how mysqlnd and libmysql return different data types from MySQL queries and how this impacts memory usage when fetching result sets.
This document discusses N:1 replication, which allows multiple master databases to replicate to a single slave database. It describes how N:1 replication works and some limitations, like inability to keep up with schema changes or restarting easily. The document then introduces MHA (Master High Availability), a tool that can automate failover between masters. While N:1 replication and MHA have similar mechanisms for switching masters, N:1 replication requires specifying the exact binlog position, so it does not support automatic failover when a master completely fails like MHA can.
This document discusses randomization functions in PHP like shuffle() and str_shuffle(). It examines how the implementations have changed over time in PHP versions. Specifically, it finds that earlier versions of shuffle() and str_shuffle() did not produce truly random results due to issues with the random number generation. The current implementations in recent PHP versions do properly randomize the values, but the document proposes reimplementing shuffle() to use mt_rand() for improved consistency across environments.
This document appears to be notes from a talk given at the Tokyo Ruby Kaigi 10 conference on January 25, 2013. The speaker, do_aki, discusses various text editors for programming like vim and emacs. They note that Excel is not actually an editor but an image viewer, and provide a demo. The talk briefly mentions Ruby and PHP.
This document discusses PHP and Ruby extensions that allow running Ruby scripts within PHP and PHP scripts within Ruby. It introduces php-extension ruby, which enables running Ruby code from PHP, and php_embed gem, which enables running PHP code from Ruby. It provides sample code for using these extensions and discusses challenges in implementing web applications that utilize both languages.
19. "{$a} lines"
#* E I O op fetch ext return operands
0 E > ADD_VAR ~0 !0
1 ADD_STRING ~0 ~0, '+lines'
#* E I O op fetch ext return operands
0 E > NOP
1 FAST_CONCAT ~1 !0, '+lines'
20. "{$a} / {$b} lines"
#* E I O op fetch ext return operands
0 E > ADD_VAR ~0 !0
1 ADD_STRING ~0 ~0, '+%2F+'
2 ADD_VAR ~0 ~0, !1
3 ADD_STRING ~0 ~0, '+lines'
#* E I O op fetch ext return operands
0 E > ROPE_INIT 4 ~3 !0
1 ROPE_ADD 1 ~3 ~3, '+%2F+'
2 ROPE_ADD 2 ~3 ~3, !1
3 ROPE_END 3 ~2 ~3, '+lines'