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What is php
 Php == ' Hypertext Preprocessor'
 Open-source, server-side scripting language
 Used to generate dynamic web-page
 PHP script reside between reserved PHP tags
 This allows the programmer to embed PHP script
within HTML pages
What is PHP (cont ,d)
 Interpreted language script are parsed at run time
rather than compiled beforehand
 Executed on the server-side
 Source-code not visible by client
 Various built in function allow for fast development
 Compatible with many popular database including
Mysql, postgresql, oracle, Sybase, infomix and
How PHP work.?
 The PHP software works with
the web server, which is the
software that delivers web
pages to the world. ... This
process is essentially the
same when PHP is installed.
You request a file, the web
server happens to be running
PHP, and it sends HTML back
to the browser, thanks to the
programming in PHP.
Web application
 Open-source CMS integration
 Web service integration
 Custom PHP Programming
 Theme development
 PHP based MySQL solutions
 Payment gateway integration
 PHP Framework development
 PHP Web support and maintenance
Benefits of using PHP
 Cost-effective- It is an open source, its components are free to use and
easily available to all. You need not buy expensive software for it, and your
website will be developed at a minimum cost.
 Platform compatibility- Another benefit of using PHP is that it runs on all
leading operating systems whether it is Windows, MacOS, Linux or UNIX; it
supports all the major web browsers.
 Secured- It is one of the most secure ways of developing websites and web
applications; as it has got a security layer to protect against viruses and
threats, which makes it more beneficial.
 Ease Manageable- The users can be able to manage customized website
effortlessly and also be able to increase the level of development with the
help of some popular PHP frameworks such as Cake PHP, Laravel,
Phalcon, Code Igniter, and many more.
Topic include in PHP
 PHP install
 PHP Syntax
 PHP Variable
 PHP Echo/Print
 PHP Data Type
 PHP String
 PHP Constant
 PHP Operators
 PHP if-else-elseif
 PHP loops
 And many more
Training Criteria of
Techedo Institute
 Module 1. HTML
 Module 2. HTML 5.o
 Module 3. DHTML (CSS)
 Module 4. JavaScript and JQuery
 Module 5. Core PHP
 Module 6. MySQL
 Module 7. Advanced PHP
 Module 8. Content Management Systems (CMS)
 Module 9. MVC
 Module 10. Web Hosting
 6 Months PHP Professional
 3 Months PHP Professional
 45-day mid-semester PHP
MON - SUN :9:30AM-9:00PM

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PHP Course and Training

  • 1. PHP
  • 2. What is php Php == ' Hypertext Preprocessor' Open-source, server-side scripting language Used to generate dynamic web-page PHP script reside between reserved PHP tags This allows the programmer to embed PHP script within HTML pages
  • 3. What is PHP (cont ,d) Interpreted language script are parsed at run time rather than compiled beforehand Executed on the server-side Source-code not visible by client Various built in function allow for fast development Compatible with many popular database including Mysql, postgresql, oracle, Sybase, infomix and Microsoft
  • 4. How PHP work.? The PHP software works with the web server, which is the software that delivers web pages to the world. ... This process is essentially the same when PHP is installed. You request a file, the web server happens to be running PHP, and it sends HTML back to the browser, thanks to the programming in PHP.
  • 5. Web application development Open-source CMS integration Web service integration Custom PHP Programming Theme development PHP based MySQL solutions Payment gateway integration PHP Framework development PHP Web support and maintenance
  • 6. Benefits of using PHP Cost-effective- It is an open source, its components are free to use and easily available to all. You need not buy expensive software for it, and your website will be developed at a minimum cost. Platform compatibility- Another benefit of using PHP is that it runs on all leading operating systems whether it is Windows, MacOS, Linux or UNIX; it supports all the major web browsers. Secured- It is one of the most secure ways of developing websites and web applications; as it has got a security layer to protect against viruses and threats, which makes it more beneficial. Ease Manageable- The users can be able to manage customized website effortlessly and also be able to increase the level of development with the help of some popular PHP frameworks such as Cake PHP, Laravel, Phalcon, Code Igniter, and many more.
  • 7. Topic include in PHP PHP install PHP Syntax PHP Variable PHP Echo/Print PHP Data Type PHP String PHP Constant PHP Operators PHP if-else-elseif PHP loops And many more
  • 8. Training Criteria of Techedo Institute Module 1. HTML Module 2. HTML 5.o Module 3. DHTML (CSS) Module 4. JavaScript and JQuery Module 5. Core PHP Module 6. MySQL Module 7. Advanced PHP Module 8. Content Management Systems (CMS) Module 9. MVC Module 10. Web Hosting TIME DURATION 6 Months PHP Professional training 3 Months PHP Professional training 45-day mid-semester PHP training (SCO 134-135-136 FIRST FLOOR ABOVE AXIS BANK SECTOR 34-A CHANDIGARH) 7837505001,7717255001 hr@techedo.com MON - SUN :9:30AM-9:00PM