This document certifies that an individual named [name redacted] completed the requirements to obtain a C.A.A.E. - D.E.S.S. General de Gestion degree from the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises de PARIS. It was signed by the director of the institute, M. CAPET, on November 25, [year redacted]. The certification bears the seal of the institute and was authenticated by the Vietnamese consulate on October 21, 2014.
The document defines functions for generating FizzBuzz, binary, and prime number sequences. It uses Kleisli arrows and monadic bindings to iterate over ranges and apply functions recursively or lazily to filter and transform the values.
This document outlines funding opportunities for energy research and innovation under the Horizon 2020 program. It discusses 14 specific calls related to competitive low-carbon energy, smart cities and communities, energy storage, sustainable biofuels, enabling decarbonization of fossil fuels, and modernizing the European electricity grid. Each call is described in 1-2 paragraphs covering its goals, challenges, funding amount, and technology readiness levels targeted.
Este documento presenta los objetivos y 叩reas de enfoque del programa de trabajo de eficiencia energ辿tica de Horizonte 2020. Se centra en cuatro 叩reas principales: edificios y consumidores, calefacci坦n y refrigeraci坦n, industria y productos, y financiaci坦n de la energ鱈a sostenible. Detalla 22 temas espec鱈ficos con fechas l鱈mite de propuestas en 2014 y 2015, y los presupuestos asociados a cada tema. Tambi辿n cubre brevemente el desarrollo del mercado de energ鱈a baja en carbono, con dos temas
Este documento presenta la primera lecci坦n de un curso de ejercicios y nutrici坦n desarrollado por Charles Atlas para construir fuerza y salud. La lecci坦n incluye ejercicios para desarrollar el pecho y los pulmones, as鱈 como consejos sobre la importancia de la respiraci坦n profunda y la eliminaci坦n de toxinas a trav辿s del ejercicio. Tambi辿n enfatiza la necesidad de una actitud positiva y perseverancia para lograr resultados.
El documento describe las cuatro estaciones del a単o, mencionando actividades y elementos caracter鱈sticos de cada una. En oto単o se juega con hojas y casta単as, en invierno con la nieve y se come sopa en Navidad, en primavera se juega con flores y hay ciruelas en Sant Jordi, y en verano se juega al sol, se come helado y se usa ba単ador en la verbena de San Juan.
This document provides a summary of Philippe Lequeux's professional experience including his roles and achievements in management, sales, marketing, and market research within the pharmaceutical industry. He has over 20 years of experience in multinational companies, handling all aspects of operations from production to sales in countries including Cambodia, Algeria, Vietnam, and across Africa and French territories. His achievements include developing multi-million dollar businesses and improving company profitability and market share.
Philippe Lequeux is a French citizen born in 1960 with over 30 years of experience in operational management, marketing, sales, and market research in the pharmaceutical industry in multicultural environments. He has held country manager and consultant positions in Vietnam, Cambodia, Algeria, Indonesia, and Africa. Lequeux has a Doctoral of Pharmacy from Universit辿 de M辿decine & Pharmacie de Rouen along with Masters degrees in Economics & Finance and Business Management. He is highly proficient in French and English with elementary skills in Italian and Vietnamese.
The document shows two line graphs comparing the monthly and moving annual total (MAT) sales values for Servier Vietnam from 2000 to mid-2005. The monthly sales graph fluctuates between 0 and 4 million USD while the MAT sales graph rises steadily from 0 to over 18 million USD for the period shown, with sales growth rates between -4% to +42% year-over-year.
This document provides a summary of Philippe Lequeux's professional experience including his roles and achievements in management, sales, marketing, and market research within the pharmaceutical industry. He has over 20 years of experience in multinational companies, handling all aspects of operations from production to sales in countries including Cambodia, Algeria, Vietnam, and across Africa and French territories. His achievements include developing multi-million dollar businesses and improving company profitability and market share.
Philippe Lequeux is a French citizen born in 1960 with over 30 years of experience in operational management, marketing, sales, and market research in the pharmaceutical industry in multicultural environments. He has held country manager and consultant positions in Vietnam, Cambodia, Algeria, Indonesia, and Africa. Lequeux has a Doctoral of Pharmacy from Universit辿 de M辿decine & Pharmacie de Rouen along with Masters degrees in Economics & Finance and Business Management. He is highly proficient in French and English with elementary skills in Italian and Vietnamese.
The document shows two line graphs comparing the monthly and moving annual total (MAT) sales values for Servier Vietnam from 2000 to mid-2005. The monthly sales graph fluctuates between 0 and 4 million USD while the MAT sales graph rises steadily from 0 to over 18 million USD for the period shown, with sales growth rates between -4% to +42% year-over-year.
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