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Make Shuklaji Dance!!
Project : Interactive installation for retail space.
Guide : Keyur Sorathia
Course : DD305 Physical computing
Team members : Soumya Tiwari
Ankit Kumar
Jatin Bajaj
Arun Singh
Amit Jaglan
People visiting the liquor shops are well aware about what they want but
they are least bothered about the the effects of the drink. The various
hoardings and graphics used for the same purpose are hardly noticed by
them as they are psychologically and behaviourally different than the
customers in other retail spaces.
Informing: IThe installation must be infoming so that the customer can be get
an idea about the effect of liquor on a person with respect to its quantity.
Catchy: The installation must be cathcy so that it is noticed bu most of the
customers and they are attracted to try it .
Involving: The installation must be involving so that the customers uses it
again and again for some and doesn’t leave frowned that his time has
been wasted.
Playful: The installation must be playful. We can use negative emotions to
inform about the effects of liquor but that may end up in loosing the
customer. Instead, the installation must be playful.
Behavioral changes of a person under the various effects of the wide
range of alchohol.
A serires of motivational examples:
This link tells about 100 famous interactive installations.
In following video, shows interactions comes person comes in vicinity
of an object. 
This video tells about when an advertisement moving with a person as
the person walks past a shop.
This is an installation made with kinect for the promotion of children's clothing
in the city of Medellin. It has the feeling of game and fun to which children
can easily associate. http://vimeo.com/65126709
Some inspirational papers
Charting Past, Present, and Future Research in Ubiquitous Computing.
of TechnologyIn this article, author tells about the behaviour of ubiquitous
computing in the past decade, which was started by weiser at zerox .
They have also provided some significant achievement in these areas
and they also tell about the problem faced.
Ubiquitous Interactive Displays in a Retail Environment. Claudio Pinhanez,
Mark Podlaseck, Rick Kjeldsen, Anthony Levas, Gopal Pingali, Noi
Sukaviriya*. IBM Research, T.J. Watson. A steerable projector-camera
system is used in a store to transform ordinary surfaces into interactive
displays where customers look up products. Directions to products are
projected on signage boards hung around the store.
During our research analysis, we first tried to understand what do the various
terms related to retail environment mean. So we looked for terms related
to retail environment.
We tried to find out what comes under retail environment. We found that
shops, malls, particular product specific places come under retail environment.
It is a Place where we can again find a lot of people and a crowd, who
are there to buy some product.
Then we started looking for various variables related to retail environment.
We found that the various variables related to the retail environment are
like customers, owners, buyers, sellers, staff, shop owners, product owners,
suppliers, money, infrastructure variable.
Among these infrastructure variables include windows, stands, products
being sold, doors, passages, lightings, decorations etc.
Then we looked into what does Interactive Installation mean. An Interactive
Installation is anything which is giving you some feedback for you action.
And hence starts interacting with the person. The interaction may not
always be fun, it can also be something which is maing you learned for s
ome unknown thing.
So interactive installation in retail environment refers to so means which catches
your attention in a public place where all are there to purchase something and
hence does its job of either educating or entertaining the person.
Then we started to explore different possibilities in this field already and
get some idea to what extent we can actually go. We found many varied
examples in this field. Here were examples which were just using a hand
swipe to some examples
All these movements were driven by the system and had a basic motive
of either education or learning.
Also the interaction can be pleasing to any of the sense of human. It can be
sight, auditory or touch. Senses of taste and smell are quiet weak and are
mostly not used.
Then we started exploring the various technological aspects of it. We
found that devices like arduino, kinect, motors, screens, makey makey ,
speakers, smart phones etc can be used for this purpose. So we read
about these devices also and how do they function and what are their
We also read about some terms related to Interactive Installations like
ubiquitous computing, cloud computing, projectors,
Initial brainstorming

a customer
a gazer
a prospective
or a
window shopper

Considering space restrictions
Large / Medium / Small




The Interaction provided
by the window for specific products

Glimpse time of
the user at the
window determines
the user’s
towards becoming
a customer
or not
Glimpse Time

It depends on the factors like user type, cognitive load and level of interaction
(interaction degree)

Glimpse Time = Interaction Degree X Cognitive Load
User types
Brand Identity


Branding Requirements

The task is aimed to inform the customers in the Bars/liquor shops about
the effect of drinking and yet keep it involving and playful at the same
time to be able to catch the customer’s attention.
Users : User A User B
User A : Does not take drinks
User B : Occasional drinker/ heavy drinker
Context : Discotheque
Time : Weekend, Public holiday, Celebration
Decide to go to
a discotheque
for spending the

User A(reluctant to go)
User B(excited to go)

User A(bored)
User B(enjoying)

Both the users
are back home,
spent the ‘time’
like any other ‘time’

User A(bored)
User B(drunk)

User A passes
time getting
bored, while
User B gets
drunk at the bar
Users : User A User B
User A : Does not take drinks
User B : Occasional drinker/ heavy drinker
Context : Discotheque
Time : Weekend, Public holiday, Celebration
Decide to go to
a discotheque
for spending the
User A(reluctant to go)
User B(excited to go)
User A passes
time getting
bored, while
User B gets
drunk at the bar
User A(bored)
User B(enjoying)
User A, notices an
installtion, highly
bored of regular disc
dancing, goes towards
it and interacts with it.

User A(bored)
User B(drunk)
User A, being a non
alchoholic, enjoys
the drunk dancing
mans reactions on
screen to different
User A(happy!)
User B(drunk  happy!)
User B, notices an
installtion, even though
not in his complete senses
goes towards it and
interacts with it.

User A(bored)
User B(drunk)
User B, enjoys seeing
the installations reactions
and thouroughly enjoys
getting drunk himself
and the drunk dancing
man on screen!
User A(happy!)
User B(drunk  happy!)
We wanted to come up with an installation where a person can see himself
on the screen and judge the effects of alcohol by trying different types of
alcohol in different quantity.
So, we started painting different bottles with different colors to denote different
types of Alcohol and then prepared a VB code where the webcam can identify
differently colored bottles and send keystrokes of R, G and B for red, green
and blue bottles.
Then came the role of Flash and Actionscript 3.0, where we made a Game
where depending on the Key_ own of R/G/B a new scene would kickstart and
take a note of the time of Alcohol intake and with the Key_ p.. start a scene of
variable length and traits depending on how the person should behave after
the alcoholic consumption.
So, we couldn’t make a game which could also accept the user’s
(standing in the front)
face and make a dancing video of his because of our lacking AS knowledge
and thus had to settle with a video of our friend Prakash.
We did face problems while setting up the installation at the EI lab due to the
difference in the lighting of the rooms where testing was done and where the
final prototype was set up.
This problem was overcome through re-calibration of the different colored
glasses which again posed a barrier of differential lighting, this was tackled
using an additional flash light that balanced the lighting conditions and the
calibration was done perfectly well.
Thereafter, other feats were accomplished.
Our group members worked equally hard for almost all stages! :D
Arun : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, documentation
Amit : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, documentation
Ankit : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, prototyping(a lot!)
Jatin : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, prototyping(a lot!)
Soumya : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, prototyping,
documentation and holding the group together! :D

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Physical computing

  • 2. Project : Interactive installation for retail space. Guide : Keyur Sorathia Course : DD305 Physical computing Team members : Soumya Tiwari Ankit Kumar Jatin Bajaj Arun Singh Amit Jaglan
  • 3. ABSTRACT Background: People visiting the liquor shops are well aware about what they want but they are least bothered about the the effects of the drink. The various hoardings and graphics used for the same purpose are hardly noticed by them as they are psychologically and behaviourally different than the customers in other retail spaces.
  • 4. KEYWORDS Informing: IThe installation must be infoming so that the customer can be get an idea about the effect of liquor on a person with respect to its quantity. Catchy: The installation must be cathcy so that it is noticed bu most of the customers and they are attracted to try it . Involving: The installation must be involving so that the customers uses it again and again for some and doesn’t leave frowned that his time has been wasted. Playful: The installation must be playful. We can use negative emotions to inform about the effects of liquor but that may end up in loosing the customer. Instead, the installation must be playful.
  • 5. INTRODUCTION Behavioral changes of a person under the various effects of the wide range of alchohol.
  • 6. RESEARCH A serires of motivational examples: This link tells about 100 famous interactive installations. http://www.trendhunter.com/slideshow/interactive-installations In following video, shows interactions comes person comes in vicinity of an object. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyyBkbd4GAc This video tells about when an advertisement moving with a person as the person walks past a shop. http://popupcity.net/interactive-window-installation-helps-advertise-retail-space/ This is an installation made with kinect for the promotion of children's clothing in the city of Medellin. It has the feeling of game and fun to which children can easily associate. http://vimeo.com/65126709
  • 7. RESEARCH Some inspirational papers Charting Past, Present, and Future Research in Ubiquitous Computing. GREGORY D. ABOWD and ELIZABETH D. MYNATT, Georgia Institute of TechnologyIn this article, author tells about the behaviour of ubiquitous computing in the past decade, which was started by weiser at zerox . They have also provided some significant achievement in these areas and they also tell about the problem faced. Ubiquitous Interactive Displays in a Retail Environment. Claudio Pinhanez, Mark Podlaseck, Rick Kjeldsen, Anthony Levas, Gopal Pingali, Noi Sukaviriya*. IBM Research, T.J. Watson. A steerable projector-camera system is used in a store to transform ordinary surfaces into interactive displays where customers look up products. Directions to products are projected on signage boards hung around the store.
  • 9. RESEARCH ANALYSIS During our research analysis, we first tried to understand what do the various terms related to retail environment mean. So we looked for terms related to retail environment. We tried to find out what comes under retail environment. We found that shops, malls, particular product specific places come under retail environment. It is a Place where we can again find a lot of people and a crowd, who are there to buy some product. Then we started looking for various variables related to retail environment. We found that the various variables related to the retail environment are like customers, owners, buyers, sellers, staff, shop owners, product owners, suppliers, money, infrastructure variable. Among these infrastructure variables include windows, stands, products being sold, doors, passages, lightings, decorations etc.
  • 10. RESEARCH ANALYSIS Then we looked into what does Interactive Installation mean. An Interactive Installation is anything which is giving you some feedback for you action. And hence starts interacting with the person. The interaction may not always be fun, it can also be something which is maing you learned for s ome unknown thing. So interactive installation in retail environment refers to so means which catches your attention in a public place where all are there to purchase something and hence does its job of either educating or entertaining the person. Then we started to explore different possibilities in this field already and get some idea to what extent we can actually go. We found many varied examples in this field. Here were examples which were just using a hand swipe to some examples
  • 11. RESEARCH ANALYSIS All these movements were driven by the system and had a basic motive of either education or learning. Also the interaction can be pleasing to any of the sense of human. It can be sight, auditory or touch. Senses of taste and smell are quiet weak and are mostly not used. Then we started exploring the various technological aspects of it. We found that devices like arduino, kinect, motors, screens, makey makey , speakers, smart phones etc can be used for this purpose. So we read about these devices also and how do they function and what are their parts. We also read about some terms related to Interactive Installations like ubiquitous computing, cloud computing, projectors,
  • 12. BRAINSTORMING Initial brainstorming Whether a customer a gazer a prospective client or a window shopper Considering space restrictions Large / Medium / Small Space User Window Time Type The Interaction provided by the window for specific products Glimpse time of the user at the window determines the user’s characteristics towards becoming a customer or not
  • 13. Glimpse Time It depends on the factors like user type, cognitive load and level of interaction (interaction degree) Glimpse Time = Interaction Degree X Cognitive Load User types
  • 15. PROBLEM STATEMENT The task is aimed to inform the customers in the Bars/liquor shops about the effect of drinking and yet keep it involving and playful at the same time to be able to catch the customer’s attention.
  • 16. SCENARIO 1 Users : User A User B User A : Does not take drinks User B : Occasional drinker/ heavy drinker Context : Discotheque Time : Weekend, Public holiday, Celebration
  • 17. SCENARIO 1 Decide to go to a discotheque for spending the ‘time’ User A(reluctant to go) User B(excited to go) User A(bored) User B(enjoying) Both the users are back home, spent the ‘time’ like any other ‘time’ User A(bored) User B(drunk) User A passes time getting bored, while User B gets drunk at the bar
  • 18. SCENARIO 2 Users : User A User B User A : Does not take drinks User B : Occasional drinker/ heavy drinker Context : Discotheque Time : Weekend, Public holiday, Celebration
  • 19. Decide to go to a discotheque for spending the ‘time’ User A(reluctant to go) User B(excited to go)
  • 20. User A passes time getting bored, while User B gets drunk at the bar User A(bored) User B(enjoying)
  • 21. User A, notices an installtion, highly bored of regular disc dancing, goes towards it and interacts with it. User A(bored) User B(drunk)
  • 22. User A, being a non alchoholic, enjoys the drunk dancing mans reactions on screen to different alchols! User A(happy!) User B(drunk happy!)
  • 23. User B, notices an installtion, even though not in his complete senses goes towards it and interacts with it. User A(bored) User B(drunk)
  • 24. User B, enjoys seeing the installations reactions and thouroughly enjoys getting drunk himself and the drunk dancing man on screen! User A(happy!) User B(drunk happy!)
  • 25. PROTOTYPING We wanted to come up with an installation where a person can see himself on the screen and judge the effects of alcohol by trying different types of alcohol in different quantity. So, we started painting different bottles with different colors to denote different types of Alcohol and then prepared a VB code where the webcam can identify differently colored bottles and send keystrokes of R, G and B for red, green and blue bottles. Then came the role of Flash and Actionscript 3.0, where we made a Game where depending on the Key_ own of R/G/B a new scene would kickstart and d take a note of the time of Alcohol intake and with the Key_ p.. start a scene of u variable length and traits depending on how the person should behave after the alcoholic consumption.
  • 26. PROTOTYPING So, we couldn’t make a game which could also accept the user’s (standing in the front) face and make a dancing video of his because of our lacking AS knowledge and thus had to settle with a video of our friend Prakash. We did face problems while setting up the installation at the EI lab due to the difference in the lighting of the rooms where testing was done and where the final prototype was set up. This problem was overcome through re-calibration of the different colored glasses which again posed a barrier of differential lighting, this was tackled using an additional flash light that balanced the lighting conditions and the calibration was done perfectly well. Thereafter, other feats were accomplished.
  • 27. INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS Our group members worked equally hard for almost all stages! :D Arun : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, documentation Amit : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, documentation Ankit : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, prototyping(a lot!) Jatin : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, prototyping(a lot!) Soumya : brainstorming, analysis, discussions, conceptulization, prototyping, documentation and holding the group together! :D