This physical education syllabus outlines the learning objectives and content for students from year 1 to year 6+. It is organized into four strands: physical development and health, movement skills and concepts, lifelong commitment to an active lifestyle, and healthy relationships in communities. Within each strand, the document describes the focus of learning and lists objectives for students to participate in physical activity, develop movement skills, understand health benefits, and interact positively with others through group activities.
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2. Order from simple to complex Psychomotor Non-discursive communicative action Skilled movements Physical abilities Perceptual abilities Basic fundamental movements Reflex Cognitive Creating Evaluating Analysing Applying Understanding Remembering Affective Characterisation by a value complex Organisation Valuing Responding Receiving
3. Physical Development and Health Learning in this strand focuses on the student’s physical development. The student develops knowledge, skills, attitudes and understandings of physical activity that promote both physical development and health. The student is encouraged to assume increasing responsibility to nurture own physical development and health through diverse activities. Movement Skills and Concepts Learning in this strand focuses on the student’s movement in a range of activities. The student broadens own knowledge and experience of movement by engaging in as much different activities such as games, dance, gymnastics, athletics, outdoors and swimming. The student becomes aware of the different nature of movement. Physical skills are required for the student to be able to move more effectively and more efficiently. The student learns how movement is determining for participation in either leisure or competitive environments. Knowledge, skills, attitudes and understandings acquired at a personal level and need to be authentic and be meaningful in real world scenarios.
4. Lifelong Commitment to an Active Lifestyle Learning in this strand focuses on creating the opportunities for the student to be actively involved and enjoy physical activity. The student is introduced to skills, attitudes, knowledge and understandings about active and healthy lifestyles and about own well-being. The student regards that lifestyle patterns and life management skills are the basis for engaging and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Healthy Relationships in Communities Learning in this strand focuses on the student’s relationships with other people. Physical activity settings are home ground for pair, group and teamwork within the class, the school, the club, the national setting. The student’s attitudes, values and actions influence the well being of other people. The larger community’s effects on the individual are considered also in relation with impacts of stereotyping.
5. Students will Participate and experience the benefits of regular physical activity Apply simple movement skills from multilateral activities and link simple movements sequentially. Understand and apply simple decisions to simple physical activity settings Experience and understand how participation in regular physical activity has positive short-term effects on health Enhance relationships as they cooperate and work together in small groups 2 A B C D Students will Engage in regular physical activity for personal well being Develop the basic fundamental skills. Recall basic patterns and simple sequences and be able to invent and replicate movements Experience and enjoy participation in regular physical activity Experience and explore relationships with other people 1 A B C D Students will Sustain regular physical activity and value its contribution to their health and well being Develop more movement skills to allow them to link more movements sequentially Understand the outcome of any decision taken in any physical activity setting and appreciate how other decisions can alter the outcome Experience, enjoy and develop a positive attitude towards regular physical activity at school and within the wider community Cooperate to solve problems and achieve group goals, appreciate individual differences and reinforce inclusion and integration 3 A B C D
6. Students will Regularly engage in a physical activity programme for personal well being Refine, select and apply motor skills in diverse physical activity settings Apply more consistency in decisions made in diverse physical activity settings and apply tactics and strategies to achieve desired positive outcomes Engage and appreciate regular physical activity to sustain and improve personal and group health at school and community level Enhance group and team spirit and demonstrate commitment to achieve group / team goals 6 A B C D Students will Participate in regular physical activity and analyse how such participation contributes to a healthier lifestyle Perform complex skills in diverse physical activity settings with greater control and resilience Understand and apply decisions to more complex situations and tasks in diverse physical activity settings Participate actively and regularly in physical activity at school and community level to enhance personal health and lifestyle Sustain team dynamics, appreciate goal setting as individuals and as a group / team to work towards and achieve desired outcomes 5 A B C D Students will Value and further their participation in regular physical activity to enhance their health and well being Perform specific skills with adequate control and resilience Apply decisions and take responsibility of own decisions in simple situations and tasks in diverse physical activity settings Understand and experience self and group benefits of regular engagement in physical activity Appreciate roles and responsibilities within the group / team, respect leadership and create group dynamics 4 A B C D
7. Students will Commit to a regular programme of physical activity and can derive benefits associated with own well being Commit to keep on improving and teach selected skills to peers to improve performance Take advantage of tactics and strategies to achieve individual / group / team goals by solving problems and creative thinking Analyse critically how regular participation in physical activity at school and community level contribute to personal and community health Sustain a positive attitude towards working in a team, including a high sense of team spirit, commitment to achieving goals and value their performance within the team 6+ A B C D
8. Yr 1 F 2 F 3 F 1 Yr 6 Yr 5 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 F 5 F 4 Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 K2 K2 Active LIfe Active Life Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 6 + Level 8
9. Content Areas FUNdamentals (ABC’s & Brain Gym) Athletics Dance Fitness Games: Territorial, Net / Wall Gymnastics Outdoor Education Swimming
10. Netball Ultimate Frisbee Team Handball Rugby Volleyball Football Tennis Field Hockey Table-tennis Basketball Badminton Territorial Net / Wall