Docker provides a lightweight container platform that allows applications to run isolated on the same host machine. It uses a layered image format and central repository called Docker Hub to distribute container images. Containers are more portable and faster to deploy than virtual machines, though they have some limitations around networking and security compared to VMs. Tools like Kubernetes help manage Docker containers in production environments.
The document discusses distributed block-level storage management for OpenStack. It describes the Cloud OS storage system from ITRI, including the distributed main storage (DMS) and distributed secondary storage (DSS) subsystems. DMS provides high performance primary storage using data replication across storage nodes for reliability. DSS provides backup and restore capabilities along with deduplication and wide-area replication for disaster recovery. The Cloud OS storage system is integrated with OpenStack to provide its storage capabilities.
The document discusses using different colored hats to represent different thinking styles within creative teams. It suggests that having a team cover six "hats" - organized, cautious, intuitive, creative, optimistic, and logical - helps ensure different aspects are considered. While team members may have strengths in certain hats, being open to various ideas and brainstorming allows creativity to be stimulated.
Anders Celsius adalah seorang ilmuwan Swedia yang dikenal karena menciptakan skala Celsius untuk thermometer. Ia lahir pada tahun 1701 dan menjadi profesor astronomi di Universitas Uppsala pada usia 29 tahun. Selama kariernya, ia melakukan penelitian di bidang geografi, meteorologi, dan astronomi serta mengukur besar derajat meridian di Swedia dan Peru untuk membuktikan teori Newton tentang bentuk Bumi. Ia juga menciptakan thermometer den
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
This document provides an introduction to scripting and JavaScript functions. It includes an example HTML form, explanations of functions and variables, and a sample script to validate a name field on a form. The script defines a checkValues() function to validate the name field is not empty and alerts the user if it is. It also includes an else statement to alert the name if provided.
This presentation is devoloped for Konkan.In Maharashtra,India Raigad,Sindhudurg,Ratnagiri & Goa this seaside area is know as "Konkan".
photos are real...
Este documento contiene 59 p叩ginas de NOTAMs (avisos a los navegantes) para el aeropuerto de Porto Alegre/Salgado Filho en Brasil. Los NOTAMs proporcionan informaci坦n actualizada sobre cierres de pistas e instalaciones, cambios en las rutas de llegada y salida, equipos de navegaci坦n fuera de servicio, y 叩reas peligrosas.
Session 3 week 2 central tendency & dispersionRachel Chung
This document introduces key concepts in descriptive statistics including measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and dispersion (standard deviation, normal distribution, skew, z-scores). It explains that measures of central tendency describe a typical or representative value for a variable, while measures of dispersion describe how spread out the values are. The document provides examples of calculating and interpreting the mean, standard deviation, and z-scores. It illustrates how statistical values like standard deviation can be used to determine how common or extreme certain observations are relative to the average or mean value.
The document provides an overview of supply chain management. It defines supply chain management as the strategic management of activities involved in acquiring raw materials and converting them into finished products delivered to customers. It describes key aspects of effective supply chains such as integrating business processes, forecasting collaboratively with all supply chain partners, customizing logistics networks based on customer service needs, and differentiating products close to customers. It also discusses challenges like the bullwhip effect and strategies used by companies like Dell, Li & Fung, and Italian clothing manufacturers to implement efficient supply chain management.
Dokumentenerzeugung als zentraler Bestandteil der Kundenkommunikation ist heutzutage jedoch noch immer h辰ufig ein manueller und damit sehr fehleranf辰lliger Prozess. Ein zentrales Dokumentengenerierungssystem bietet Ihnen viele Vorteile. Flexibilit辰t sowie ein hoher Automatisierungsgrad helfen Ihnen dabei, kosteneffizient eine fehlerfreie Kundenkommunikation aufzubauen.
Datamatics Document System Solution (DSS) ist ein sehr flexibles Produkt f端r die Erzeugung von Dokumenten, mit dem sowohl die Massendokumentgenerierung als auch die Erstellung einzelner Ad-hoc-Dokumente innerhalb nur eines Systems m旦glich sind. Der Gesch辰ftsprozess umfasst die gesamte Dokumentengenerierung vom Zugriff auf die Quelldaten 端ber Dokumentformatierung, Generierung der Ausgabeformate bis hin zur Verteilung auf die verschiedenen Ausgabekan辰le und die Archivierung.
The document is a production log detailing the steps taken to design a fashion magazine for a final major project. It outlines tasks completed in pre-production, production, and post-production phases such as analyzing magazine covers and layouts, conducting a survey to determine the target demographic, designing the logo, organizing a photo shoot, editing photos, drafting articles, and creating layout plans using Adobe Illustrator. Key tasks included designing the front cover, contents page, and a double page article spread with photos and columns of text. The log concludes with updating the original production schedule to reflect the actual work completed.
The document defines key photography terminology including shutter speed, ISO, aperture, depth of field, automatic and manual exposure, color balance, composition, the rule of thirds, complementary colors, analogous colors, and macro photography. It provides explanations of what each term is used for and examples.
1) The document is a transcription of song lyrics that contain vulgar language and references to violence.
2) The lyrics describe themes of struggle, pain, and overcoming adversity to rise above others and achieve success.
3) Various artists contribute verses with a recurring chorus about rising above haters and dropping the world on their heads.
This document provides instructions for updating screen options on website pages. It explains how to access the Screen Options dropdown menu to select which elements appear on pages, such as discussions. The instructions also describe unchecking comments and other boxes to customize the display of specific pages.
This document appears to be the results of a scavenger hunt game with points listed next to participants' team names or individual names. The top scoring teams were LARRISSA with 13400 points, PULONGON with 10700 points, and SICALIAO with 13200 points.
This document outlines DripFund's goal of addressing global water scarcity and food security by converting agricultural fields from flood irrigation to subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) starting in California, Texas, and Kansas. SDI reduces water consumption by 30% while increasing yields by 20-25% due to reduced waterlogging. Converting 50% of flood irrigated acreage in California to drip could solve the state's water issues. However, farmer adoption of new irrigation technologies has faced resistance due to lack of education, financing difficulties, and low water costs. DripFund proposes a sales-leaseback model to install drip systems, educate farmers on proper use, and resell farmland at a higher value after
This document outlines the requirements for a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production unit assignment, where the student must originate, develop, research, pitch and manage the production of an independently devised media project from pre-production through post-production, demonstrating skills learned over their two-year course of study and relating to video, audio, motion graphics, photography or graphic design. The assignment includes tasks to generate initial ideas, prepare a proposal and pitch, develop pre-production plans, and produce the final media product, and will be graded based on criteria mapping to pass, merit and distinction level expectations.
Assignment 1 - Certification in Dispute ManagementJyotpreet Kaur
Mukti must negotiate with Harish to resolve production issues for a new storybook line. In preparing for the negotiation, Mukti analyzes her interests and estimates Harish's interests. She considers options that could meet both parties' needs and ranks them. Mukti's preferred outcome is compliance with safety codes, a reasonable production schedule, and greater involvement in production design. Her worst alternative is everyone losing their jobs. The negotiation will require information exchange to find an acceptable solution and build understanding to prevent future conflicts.
These are the guiding notes for discussions at our first workshop... held with an excellent group of trans* and gender-queer or questioning folk at UC Adelaide on July 18 2015.
The document discusses the building blocks and design patterns for complex event processing including events, streams, relations and operators. It defines events, streams and relations, and describes common operator patterns such as event filtering, new event detection, event partitioning, event enrichment, event aggregation, and event correlation. The design patterns are illustrated with examples of processing stock market event streams.
Discussion continuum - Who pays for drug development?Xplore Health
This document discusses a resource for students to investigate issues around drug development costs. The resource includes discussion cards with statements about drug development for students to agree or disagree with. It also includes information cards providing more details. Students are split into small groups and discuss the statements, placing the cards on a continuum between "agree" and "disagree". The goal is for the group to come to a consensus on where each card is placed through discussion. The resource is intended to promote discussion of ethical, legal and socioeconomic issues related to drug testing, marketing, investment and effects of globalization.
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
This document provides an introduction to scripting and JavaScript functions. It includes an example HTML form, explanations of functions and variables, and a sample script to validate a name field on a form. The script defines a checkValues() function to validate the name field is not empty and alerts the user if it is. It also includes an else statement to alert the name if provided.
This presentation is devoloped for Konkan.In Maharashtra,India Raigad,Sindhudurg,Ratnagiri & Goa this seaside area is know as "Konkan".
photos are real...
Este documento contiene 59 p叩ginas de NOTAMs (avisos a los navegantes) para el aeropuerto de Porto Alegre/Salgado Filho en Brasil. Los NOTAMs proporcionan informaci坦n actualizada sobre cierres de pistas e instalaciones, cambios en las rutas de llegada y salida, equipos de navegaci坦n fuera de servicio, y 叩reas peligrosas.
Session 3 week 2 central tendency & dispersionRachel Chung
This document introduces key concepts in descriptive statistics including measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and dispersion (standard deviation, normal distribution, skew, z-scores). It explains that measures of central tendency describe a typical or representative value for a variable, while measures of dispersion describe how spread out the values are. The document provides examples of calculating and interpreting the mean, standard deviation, and z-scores. It illustrates how statistical values like standard deviation can be used to determine how common or extreme certain observations are relative to the average or mean value.
The document provides an overview of supply chain management. It defines supply chain management as the strategic management of activities involved in acquiring raw materials and converting them into finished products delivered to customers. It describes key aspects of effective supply chains such as integrating business processes, forecasting collaboratively with all supply chain partners, customizing logistics networks based on customer service needs, and differentiating products close to customers. It also discusses challenges like the bullwhip effect and strategies used by companies like Dell, Li & Fung, and Italian clothing manufacturers to implement efficient supply chain management.
Dokumentenerzeugung als zentraler Bestandteil der Kundenkommunikation ist heutzutage jedoch noch immer h辰ufig ein manueller und damit sehr fehleranf辰lliger Prozess. Ein zentrales Dokumentengenerierungssystem bietet Ihnen viele Vorteile. Flexibilit辰t sowie ein hoher Automatisierungsgrad helfen Ihnen dabei, kosteneffizient eine fehlerfreie Kundenkommunikation aufzubauen.
Datamatics Document System Solution (DSS) ist ein sehr flexibles Produkt f端r die Erzeugung von Dokumenten, mit dem sowohl die Massendokumentgenerierung als auch die Erstellung einzelner Ad-hoc-Dokumente innerhalb nur eines Systems m旦glich sind. Der Gesch辰ftsprozess umfasst die gesamte Dokumentengenerierung vom Zugriff auf die Quelldaten 端ber Dokumentformatierung, Generierung der Ausgabeformate bis hin zur Verteilung auf die verschiedenen Ausgabekan辰le und die Archivierung.
The document is a production log detailing the steps taken to design a fashion magazine for a final major project. It outlines tasks completed in pre-production, production, and post-production phases such as analyzing magazine covers and layouts, conducting a survey to determine the target demographic, designing the logo, organizing a photo shoot, editing photos, drafting articles, and creating layout plans using Adobe Illustrator. Key tasks included designing the front cover, contents page, and a double page article spread with photos and columns of text. The log concludes with updating the original production schedule to reflect the actual work completed.
The document defines key photography terminology including shutter speed, ISO, aperture, depth of field, automatic and manual exposure, color balance, composition, the rule of thirds, complementary colors, analogous colors, and macro photography. It provides explanations of what each term is used for and examples.
1) The document is a transcription of song lyrics that contain vulgar language and references to violence.
2) The lyrics describe themes of struggle, pain, and overcoming adversity to rise above others and achieve success.
3) Various artists contribute verses with a recurring chorus about rising above haters and dropping the world on their heads.
This document provides instructions for updating screen options on website pages. It explains how to access the Screen Options dropdown menu to select which elements appear on pages, such as discussions. The instructions also describe unchecking comments and other boxes to customize the display of specific pages.
This document appears to be the results of a scavenger hunt game with points listed next to participants' team names or individual names. The top scoring teams were LARRISSA with 13400 points, PULONGON with 10700 points, and SICALIAO with 13200 points.
This document outlines DripFund's goal of addressing global water scarcity and food security by converting agricultural fields from flood irrigation to subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) starting in California, Texas, and Kansas. SDI reduces water consumption by 30% while increasing yields by 20-25% due to reduced waterlogging. Converting 50% of flood irrigated acreage in California to drip could solve the state's water issues. However, farmer adoption of new irrigation technologies has faced resistance due to lack of education, financing difficulties, and low water costs. DripFund proposes a sales-leaseback model to install drip systems, educate farmers on proper use, and resell farmland at a higher value after
This document outlines the requirements for a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production unit assignment, where the student must originate, develop, research, pitch and manage the production of an independently devised media project from pre-production through post-production, demonstrating skills learned over their two-year course of study and relating to video, audio, motion graphics, photography or graphic design. The assignment includes tasks to generate initial ideas, prepare a proposal and pitch, develop pre-production plans, and produce the final media product, and will be graded based on criteria mapping to pass, merit and distinction level expectations.
Assignment 1 - Certification in Dispute ManagementJyotpreet Kaur
Mukti must negotiate with Harish to resolve production issues for a new storybook line. In preparing for the negotiation, Mukti analyzes her interests and estimates Harish's interests. She considers options that could meet both parties' needs and ranks them. Mukti's preferred outcome is compliance with safety codes, a reasonable production schedule, and greater involvement in production design. Her worst alternative is everyone losing their jobs. The negotiation will require information exchange to find an acceptable solution and build understanding to prevent future conflicts.
These are the guiding notes for discussions at our first workshop... held with an excellent group of trans* and gender-queer or questioning folk at UC Adelaide on July 18 2015.
The document discusses the building blocks and design patterns for complex event processing including events, streams, relations and operators. It defines events, streams and relations, and describes common operator patterns such as event filtering, new event detection, event partitioning, event enrichment, event aggregation, and event correlation. The design patterns are illustrated with examples of processing stock market event streams.
Discussion continuum - Who pays for drug development?Xplore Health
This document discusses a resource for students to investigate issues around drug development costs. The resource includes discussion cards with statements about drug development for students to agree or disagree with. It also includes information cards providing more details. Students are split into small groups and discuss the statements, placing the cards on a continuum between "agree" and "disagree". The goal is for the group to come to a consensus on where each card is placed through discussion. The resource is intended to promote discussion of ethical, legal and socioeconomic issues related to drug testing, marketing, investment and effects of globalization.
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