- Maja Wichrowska worked on the datepicker component at Airbnb for almost 2 years, taking it from an initial hacky solution to a fully redesigned, internationalized, and customizable component.
- Early on, the datepicker was a small mission-critical part of the site built quickly without much focus on architecture. As Airbnb grew, technical debt accumulated and the datepicker struggled to scale.
- Maja led a redesign of the datepicker using React to create three main controlled components that are easily internationalizable, cross-browser compatible, and customizable through props and styles.
3. Tenure: Almost 2 years
Team: Web Infrastructure
Fun Fact: Once saw a live Potter Puppet Pals Show when they
opened for the Wizard Rock band Harry and the Potters at Slims.
Responsibilities: De Facto owner of all things date related on the
frontend of Airbnb
Maja Wichrowska
Mostly Frontend Engineer
6. Small Team: ~15 engineers
Building Fast: More important to get something out there then it
is to engineer it perfectly
Mission-Critical Component: If you can't select dates on the
site, you can't really book
We'll Fix It Later: Make this good later when everything is no
longer on fire.
The Startup
9. Medium team: ~30 engineers
Established Product: People actively use Airbnb
Growing Rapidly: Scale is the biggest issue on everyone's mind
The Small Company
10. FakeQueryUi
* At the moment (ha), moment's kind of a pain wrt Ender (it detects Ender,
* does not attach to window, and then breaks all of its own i18n files). It
* also lacks some necessary data in the i18n files (specifically, what day
* the locale starts its weeks on). For now use this shim, but don't
* use it anywhere outside of the Datepicker module or it'll be impossible to
* ever kill it down the line someday.
11. FakeQueryUi
* Horrifying Templating DSL
* -------------------------
* Lalala, don't mind the roll-your-own templating DSL, it is tres horrible
* but slightly less horrible than mashing strings together. Is it worth
* making the datepicker have a Handlebars dependency and doing things
* properly? I don't know!
function horror() {
12. FakeQueryUi
* Some horrible templating. If you ever have to touch this, I will buy you
* two beers and a tequila shot.
* Love,
* [redacted]
15. Large team: ~200 engineers
Time/Resources for Technical Debt: The goal now is to build a
sustainable architecture for the future
Frontend Alignment: We know what technologies we're
investing in (Hint: It's React)
Hacks aren't cutting it anymore: The date picker keeps
breaking in new and fascinating ways
The Corporate Behemoth
The Relatively Large Company
17. One Particularly Excitable New Hire
Literally chose #webinfra after talking with the then-manager about
building a mobile-friendly, easily internationalized datepicker
Maja Wichrowska
Particularly Excitable New Hire
20. Why Date Formats Matter
Or my personal favorite new date picker related bug
Rails I18n vs. MomentJS's 'L' format: The same in some locales, but not all locales
Localized dates in URLs: This is a very bad idea
No dates search returns all results: If you test data has no availability, the search page looks successful
Standardize your dates!
23. 3 fully-controlled main components: <DateRangePicker/
>, <SingleDatePicker/>, <DayPicker/>
Easily internationalizable: Integrates with moment locales, takes
in props to localize month titles, accessibility text
Cross-browser compatible: Has been tested in IE9/10/11 and
Edge, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Mobile Safari on iPads and iPhones,
and Chrome on Android devices
Utility classes for date conversion and comparison: Includes
built in functions for converting to and from moment objects to
strings as well as to easily compare moment date objects
Customizable props and styles: Ideal for conforming the
component to whatever design and device you are working with
The New