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Navigation Guide
                                  Quickly familiarize yourself with the power of Pictavo!

WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 1                                                             7/22/11 3:00 PM
Welcome to Pictavo
        From the very first moment you open and begin using Pictavo, you¨ll find Pictavo¨s user-interface
        to be inviting, intuitive and full of features that are ready when you need them!

                                                             Top Level Navigation Buttons



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Top Level Navigation Buttons

WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 3                                  7/22/11 3:00 PM
Main Navigation Tools
        Top level navigation buttons serve as a constant frame of reference, while second level
        navigation buttons fluctuate based on which top-level button is selected.

        Top Level Navigation Buttons

        AdMiN                     dAshBoArd               LAdder                 iMAges              Cover                            PA
        ? Where the               ? View the status of    ? Get a complete,      ? Upload and        ? Design your own                ?E
          yearbook adviser          your entire book at     organizational         organize all of     cover or choose a               p
          manages all               a quick glance!         view of your book.     your images and     stock cover!                    l
          aspects of the                                                           graphics in one                                     t
          book.                                                                    location.

        Second Level Navigation Buttons

        PAges                     TeMPLATes               FLoW PorTAi Ts         FLoW iNdex          LiNk                             Cr
        ? Click here to see       ? Browse through        ? Flow portraits       ? Creating your     ? Link two pages                 ?E
          all of your pages         hundreds of             using a variety of     index has never     of your book                    a
          at one glance.            templates and           options so you can     been easier!        together, so they               i
          Simply double-            simply drag and         quickly assemble                           can be designed                 y
          click to go directly      drop them onto          a large share of                           as a spread!
          to the desired            your pages!             your book.

WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 4                                                                                     7/22/11 3:00 PM
PAges                        ChAT                   My ACCouNT            suPPorT                 LogouT
         ? Experience the             ? See who is online    ? Make changes to     ? Take advantage        ? Short on time?
a          powerful page                and send a quick       your name and         of extensive help       Simply logout and
           layout and design            note!                  password.             topics, including       come back later!
           tools!                                                                    video tutorials!

         CroP                         x, y, W, h             uNdo/redo             LAyers/ruLers/          NoTes
         ? Easily crop, size          ? X & Y coordinates    ? Unlimited           grids                   ? Easily relay a
           and position your            ensure precise         undo and redo       ? Use layers, rulers,     message to
           images!using just            placement, while       capability (since     guides (including       another team
d          your mouse.                  W & H values allow     the last save or      snap-to), or a grid     using sticky notes.
                                        precise width and      page change)          to ensure page
                                        height dimensions.     means you don¨t       elements appear
                                                               have to worry         exactly where you
                                                               about making a        want them.

    WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 5                                                                                          7/22/11 3:00 PM
Admin :             Tools for the yearbook Adviser

                  Ad i
                  A d min

                           user/grouP PerMissioNs
                           ? Create Individual Users or Groups and assign specific
                             access privileges.

                           Book seT TiNgs
                           ? View and edit Overall Book Settings, such as:
                                  - Page Count               - Binding Type
                                  - Book Quantity            - Autograph Pages
                                  - Dimensions               - Current Events

                           ? View and edit Cover Settings, such as:
                                  - Custom or Stock          - Personalized Covers
                                  - Inside Cover Printing    - Custom Endsheets

                           desigN seT TiNgs
                           ? Select your desired portrait and design settings.

                           MANAge MessAges
                           ? Keep staff members on task by monitoring chats and
                             sticky notes.

WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 6                                                               7/22/11 3:00 PM
dashboard:                  Quick stats Available to All users


                           Book sTATus
                           ? Get a quick glance of project status
                              - Overall Page Status
                              - Cover and Individual Page Status
                              - Main Book Specs
                              - Overall Book Due Date with Countdown

                           PhoTo sTATus
                           ? Track helpful information about your photo usage:
                                  - Candids
                                    - Used/UnUsed in the book
                                    - Tagged/UnTagged with data

                                    - Complete/Missing Data
                                    - Flowed/UnFlowed onto a page

                           ? Check chats and sticky notes to stay informed.

                           ? Easily monitor
                             individual progress.

WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 7                                                                      7/22/11 3:00 PM
Ladder:   A visual organizational Tool

        AssigN users                                            AssigN grouPs
        ? Users can be assigned to as                           ? Creating groups and assigning
          many!or as few!pages as                                 them to pages is a quick way
          you¨d like.                                             to provide access to multiple
                                                                  people at once.

        PAge sTATus iNdiCATors
        ? Small colored dots make it easy
          to see the status of each page.                       vieW users
          ? Red = Not Started                                   ? The ladder view allows you to
          ? Yellow = In Progress                                  see who is assigned to each
          ? Green = Submitted to Adviser                          page at a glance.
                     for Approval
          ? Blue = Complete and ready
                   to be submitted for

                                                                PAge WArNiNgs
                                                                ? Red warning boxes alert users
                                                                  of potential problems with
        JuMP To PAge                                              items on the page.
        ? One click on the page
          number and you can                                    ? Warnings include:
          immediately jump to the                                 ? Low-resolution Images
          page and begin editing.                                 ? Page elements close to the
                                                                    trim edge

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images:       one Location for ALL images
                I mages

                                      ? Easily import your candid images.
                                      ? Organize them into folders to help simplify your
                                        layout process.

                                      PorTrAi Ts
                                      ? Simply upload your portrait database.
                                      ? Verify or modify the portrait information.
                                      ? Delete duplicates with the click of a button.
                                      ? Add new portraits at any time.

                                      ? Backgrounds and pages designed in other programs
                                        are easily uploaded when saved as JPEG, TIFF, PNG or
                                        PDF file formats.
                                      ? Organize your backgrounds into folders for easy-to-
                                        find access later.

                                      Cover BACkgrouNds
                                      ? Custom cover backgrounds can be quickly uploaded
                                        into Pictavo.

                                      ? Importing clipart from other sources is also a snap!
                                      ? Organize by folders for easy retrieval.

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Cover:       Create your custom or stock cover


               CusToM Cover                      sToCk Cover                    iNside Cover PriNTiNg or
               ? Templates are provided          ? Choose from dozens of        CusToM eNdsheeTs
                 based on your book settings.      professionally-designed      ? If either of these options are
               ? Design or import your custom      covers.                        selected, the appropriate
                 background, making sure         ? Make it your own with your     templates will be provided to
                 to extend it into the yellow      school name on the front.      assist in the design process.
                 bleed/wrap area.
               ? Customize by adding your
                 own title and images.

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Pages:          Let your vision come to life!

       ? Choose from hundreds of single-
         or two-page spread templates
       ? Use as-is or as a starting point
       ? Create and save your own

       FLoW PorTrAi Ts
       ? All the tools you need with the flexibility
         you want

       FLoW iNdex
       ? Pictavo automatically identifies names
         to include in the index C you simply
         review and edit.

       AdvANCed PAge LAyouT
       ? Grid view and rulers view
       ? Set rulers to inches or picas
       ? Rotate photos and clip art
       ? Double-click on an image to zoom,
         crop and resize.

       AdvANCed TexT FeATures
       ? Choose from over 100 fonts
       ? Use multiple type styles and sizes in one
         text box
       ? Tab stops make designing scoreboards
         and grids easy

       PiCTure-PerFeCT PhoTos
       ? Adjust to black & white or sepia-tone
       ? Adjust the transparency, brightness and
       ? Add drop shadows
       ? Flip photos horizontally or vertically

       ArT LiBrAry
       ? Hundreds of choices, professionally
         designed for schools
       ? Easily add and use your own custom art.

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Book submission :                                                                   Let¨s get our book published!

           sTeP    #1 - PrevieW                                                                                    sTeP      #3 - reAdy For APProvAL
                 ? Click on the full-screen view at any time to                                                            ? When each page is done, click this button
                   preview and flip through your pages as your                                                               to submit it to the yearbook adviser for final
                   reader will.                                                                                              approval.

                                                                                                                           ? If further revisions are required on a page, the
                                                                                                                             adviser should click the reject button to allow
                                                                                                                             the user to make revisions.

                                                                                                                   sTeP      #4 - APProve
                                                                                                                           ? When each page has been reviewed and
           sTeP    #2 - shAre/PdF                                                                                            approved for printing, click this button to
                 ? PDFs can be emailed for review or approval by
                                                                                                                             ^complete ̄ the page.
                   other individuals or administrators
                                                                                                                           ? Once all pages are complete, they can be
                 ? PDFs can also be viewed on web pages, saving                                                              submitted for publishing.
                   the reviewer time by not having to download
                   and open a PDF file.                                                                            sTeP      #5 - suBMi T To PuBLisher
                                                                                                                   ? After months of planning, creating and selling your
                                                                                                                     yearbook, all you need to do is click ^Submit ̄ and
                                                                                                                     follow the prompts to verify your book specifications
                                                                                                                     are accurate.

                                                                                                                   on a job
                                                                                                                   well done!
                 ? Save a low-resolution PDF of single or multiple
                   pages to use for emailing or printing.

                              Need help? Skilled tech support is just a phone call away: 1-800-594-2324
                 ? 2011 Pictavo. All rights reserved. This data sheet is for informational purposes only. No warranties, expressed or implied, are made in this summary. Specifications are subject to change
  WP2379         without notice. All other trademarks, service marks, and product or service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. This is not an offer of sale.

WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 12                                                                                                                                                                                7/22/11 3:01 PM

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Pictavo Yearbook Software Guide

  • 1. Navigation Guide Quickly familiarize yourself with the power of Pictavo! WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 1 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 2. Welcome to Pictavo From the very first moment you open and begin using Pictavo, you¨ll find Pictavo¨s user-interface to be inviting, intuitive and full of features that are ready when you need them! Top Level Navigation Buttons Second Level Navigation Buttons Page Layout Tools WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 2 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 3. Top Level Navigation Buttons WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 3 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 4. Main Navigation Tools Top level navigation buttons serve as a constant frame of reference, while second level navigation buttons fluctuate based on which top-level button is selected. Top Level Navigation Buttons AdMiN dAshBoArd LAdder iMAges Cover PA ? Where the ? View the status of ? Get a complete, ? Upload and ? Design your own ?E yearbook adviser your entire book at organizational organize all of cover or choose a p manages all a quick glance! view of your book. your images and stock cover! l aspects of the graphics in one t book. location. Second Level Navigation Buttons PAges TeMPLATes FLoW PorTAi Ts FLoW iNdex LiNk Cr ? Click here to see ? Browse through ? Flow portraits ? Creating your ? Link two pages ?E all of your pages hundreds of using a variety of index has never of your book a at one glance. templates and options so you can been easier! together, so they i Simply double- simply drag and quickly assemble can be designed y click to go directly drop them onto a large share of as a spread! to the desired your pages! your book. page. WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 4 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 5. PAges ChAT My ACCouNT suPPorT LogouT ? Experience the ? See who is online ? Make changes to ? Take advantage ? Short on time? a powerful page and send a quick your name and of extensive help Simply logout and layout and design note! password. topics, including come back later! tools! video tutorials! CroP x, y, W, h uNdo/redo LAyers/ruLers/ NoTes ? Easily crop, size ? X & Y coordinates ? Unlimited grids ? Easily relay a and position your ensure precise undo and redo ? Use layers, rulers, message to images!using just placement, while capability (since guides (including another team d your mouse. W & H values allow the last save or snap-to), or a grid using sticky notes. precise width and page change) to ensure page height dimensions. means you don¨t elements appear have to worry exactly where you about making a want them. mistake! WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 5 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 6. Admin : Tools for the yearbook Adviser Ad i A d min Admin user/grouP PerMissioNs ? Create Individual Users or Groups and assign specific access privileges. Book seT TiNgs ? View and edit Overall Book Settings, such as: - Page Count - Binding Type - Book Quantity - Autograph Pages - Dimensions - Current Events ? View and edit Cover Settings, such as: - Custom or Stock - Personalized Covers - Inside Cover Printing - Custom Endsheets desigN seT TiNgs ? Select your desired portrait and design settings. MANAge MessAges ? Keep staff members on task by monitoring chats and sticky notes. WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 6 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 7. dashboard: Quick stats Available to All users Dashboard Book sTATus ? Get a quick glance of project status - Overall Page Status - Cover and Individual Page Status - Main Book Specs - Overall Book Due Date with Countdown PhoTo sTATus ? Track helpful information about your photo usage: - Candids - Used/UnUsed in the book - Tagged/UnTagged with data -Portraits - Complete/Missing Data - Flowed/UnFlowed onto a page MessAges ? Check chats and sticky notes to stay informed. TeAM ? Easily monitor individual progress. WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 7 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 8. Ladder: A visual organizational Tool Ladder AssigN users AssigN grouPs ? Users can be assigned to as ? Creating groups and assigning many!or as few!pages as them to pages is a quick way you¨d like. to provide access to multiple people at once. PAge sTATus iNdiCATors ? Small colored dots make it easy to see the status of each page. vieW users ? Red = Not Started ? The ladder view allows you to ? Yellow = In Progress see who is assigned to each ? Green = Submitted to Adviser page at a glance. for Approval ? Blue = Complete and ready to be submitted for printing PAge WArNiNgs ? Red warning boxes alert users of potential problems with JuMP To PAge items on the page. ? One click on the page number and you can ? Warnings include: immediately jump to the ? Low-resolution Images page and begin editing. ? Page elements close to the trim edge WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 8 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 9. images: one Location for ALL images I mages Imagess CANdids ? Easily import your candid images. ? Organize them into folders to help simplify your layout process. PorTrAi Ts ? Simply upload your portrait database. ? Verify or modify the portrait information. ? Delete duplicates with the click of a button. ? Add new portraits at any time. BACkgrouNds ? Backgrounds and pages designed in other programs are easily uploaded when saved as JPEG, TIFF, PNG or PDF file formats. ? Organize your backgrounds into folders for easy-to- find access later. Cover BACkgrouNds ? Custom cover backgrounds can be quickly uploaded into Pictavo. CLiPArT ? Importing clipart from other sources is also a snap! ? Organize by folders for easy retrieval. WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 9 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 10. Cover: Create your custom or stock cover Cover CusToM Cover sToCk Cover iNside Cover PriNTiNg or ? Templates are provided ? Choose from dozens of CusToM eNdsheeTs based on your book settings. professionally-designed ? If either of these options are ? Design or import your custom covers. selected, the appropriate background, making sure ? Make it your own with your templates will be provided to to extend it into the yellow school name on the front. assist in the design process. bleed/wrap area. ? Customize by adding your own title and images. WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 10 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 11. Pages: Let your vision come to life! Pages TeMPLATes ? Choose from hundreds of single- or two-page spread templates ? Use as-is or as a starting point ? Create and save your own FLoW PorTrAi Ts ? All the tools you need with the flexibility you want FLoW iNdex ? Pictavo automatically identifies names to include in the index C you simply review and edit. AdvANCed PAge LAyouT ? Grid view and rulers view ? Set rulers to inches or picas ? Rotate photos and clip art ? Double-click on an image to zoom, crop and resize. AdvANCed TexT FeATures ? Choose from over 100 fonts ? Use multiple type styles and sizes in one text box ? Tab stops make designing scoreboards and grids easy PiCTure-PerFeCT PhoTos ? Adjust to black & white or sepia-tone ? Adjust the transparency, brightness and contrast ? Add drop shadows ? Flip photos horizontally or vertically ArT LiBrAry ? Hundreds of choices, professionally designed for schools ? Easily add and use your own custom art. WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 11 7/22/11 3:00 PM
  • 12. Book submission : Let¨s get our book published! sTeP #1 - PrevieW sTeP #3 - reAdy For APProvAL ? Click on the full-screen view at any time to ? When each page is done, click this button preview and flip through your pages as your to submit it to the yearbook adviser for final reader will. approval. ? If further revisions are required on a page, the adviser should click the reject button to allow the user to make revisions. sTeP #4 - APProve ? When each page has been reviewed and sTeP #2 - shAre/PdF approved for printing, click this button to ? PDFs can be emailed for review or approval by ^complete ̄ the page. other individuals or administrators ? Once all pages are complete, they can be ? PDFs can also be viewed on web pages, saving submitted for publishing. the reviewer time by not having to download and open a PDF file. sTeP #5 - suBMi T To PuBLisher ? After months of planning, creating and selling your yearbook, all you need to do is click ^Submit ̄ and follow the prompts to verify your book specifications are accurate. Congratulations on a job well done! ? Save a low-resolution PDF of single or multiple pages to use for emailing or printing. www.pictavo.com Need help? Skilled tech support is just a phone call away: 1-800-594-2324 ? 2011 Pictavo. All rights reserved. This data sheet is for informational purposes only. No warranties, expressed or implied, are made in this summary. Specifications are subject to change WP2379 without notice. All other trademarks, service marks, and product or service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. This is not an offer of sale. WP2379_Pictavo_Nav_Guide.indd 12 7/22/11 3:01 PM