The document provides a list of traditional Brazilian foods and drinks including empanadas, cheese balls, French fries, grilled chicken, baked codfish, pork chops, rice dishes, soups, feijoada (black bean stew), salads, and drinks like caipirinha and coconut drink. It also includes a recipe for feijoada, a traditional Brazilian stew made with black beans and various smoked meats.
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Pictionary food and beverages
1. Food & Beverages (Brazilian)
Ovo empanado (Coated egg)
Bolinha de queijo (Cheese balls)
Batata Frita / Deep-fried potatoes = French fries
Coxinha de galinha (Chicken drumstick)
Quibe (Bulgar wheat/meat balls)
P?o de queijo (Cheese bread or cheese rolls)
Pat¨º de atum (Tuna spread)
Salsicha empanada (Coated sausage)
2. Torta de frango (Chicken pie)
Bolo de fub¨¢ (Corn flour cake)
Bolo de anivers¨¢rio (Birthday cake)
Bolo de fub¨¢ cremoso (Corn flour cake)
Rocambole (Brazilian Roll)
Rabanada (French Toast)
3. Vitamina de abacate (Avocado smoothie)
Caipirinha (Lime drink)
Ch¨¢ mate gelado com lim?o (Ice lemon mate tea)
Vaca preta (Coke with vanilla ice cream)
Batida de coco (Coconut drink)
Suco de manga (Mango juice)
4. Frango assado (Grilled chicken)
Bife ¨¤ parmegiana (Baked beefsteak with tomato
Bacalhau ao forno (Baked codfish)
Bisteca de porco frita (Pan-fried pork chop)
Bife acebolado (Beefsteak with sliced onions)
Bife ¨¤ milanesa (Breaded beefsteak)
5. Arroz branco (Brazilian style rice)
Arroz ¨¤ grega (Greek style rice)
Farofa ("Farofa")
Tutu de feij?o (Beans with manioc flour)
Virado ¨¤ paulista (S?o Paulo style "virado")
Macarronada (Pasta Bolognese)
Virado de feij?o (Beans with corn flour)
Virado de feij?o (Beans with corn flour) Feijoada (Black bean stew)
Macarr?o com atum (Pasta with tuna)
6. Salada de tomate (Tomato salad)
Salada mista (Mixed vegetable salad)
Salada de batata com atum (Potato salad with
Couve refogada (Steamed kale)
Salada de alface (Lettuce salad)
Couve refogada (Steamed kale)
7. Sopa de legumes com macarr?o (Vegetable
Sopa Cremosa de legumes (Vegetable soup)
Sopa de legumes com macarr?o (Vegetable
Canja de galinha (Chicken soup)
Sopa de legumes (Vegetable soup)
8. FEIJOADA In a large stainless steel or enameled skillet
cook the onions and the garlic in the oil over
(STEWED BLACK BEANS WITH moderate heat, stirring, for 5 minutes or until
MEATS) the onions are softened. Add the tomatoes, the
Tabasco peppers, and salt and pepper to taste;
cook the mixture over moderate heat, stirring,
for 5 minutes. Add 2 cups of the black beans,
drained, and with a wooden spoon mash them
into the tomato mixture. Add 2 cups of the
beans cooking liquid and simmer the mixture
into the stockpot, stirring occasionally, for 15
Cut the dried beef into small chunks. Slice thin
the Canadian bacon. Cut the sausages on the
4 cups dried black beans, rinsed and picked bias into thick slides. Cut the pork ribs into
over pieces. Arrange the meats on a platter. Ladle
2 pig's feet, split (optional) a little hot bean liquid over the meat on the
3 pounds salted pork ribs * platter to moisten them.
1 1/2 pounds "carne seca" (dried beef) *
1 1/2 pounds "chorizo", smoked "calabrese" or Transfer the black bean mixture to a heated
"kielbasa" sausage * large tureen. Serve the meats and the beans
1 1/2 pounds "lingui?a" sausage (mild link with white rice, collard greens, farofa, and
sausage) sliced oranges.
1/2 pound slab bacon
2 large bay leaves
1 1/2 pice Canadian bacon
2 large onions, chopped
2 large garlic cloves, minced
2 tbs. vegetable oil
1 cup drained, seeded and chopped canned
Italian plum skinless tomatoes
2 bottled Tabasco peppers, seeded and minced
* available at specialty food stores
In 4 large bowls separately cover the black
beans, the salted pork ribs, the pig's feet, and
the dried beef with 3 inches cold water; let
them soak overnight (change water for pork
ribs and dried beef twice in 12 hours) and
drain. In a large saucepan cover the dried beef
with water, bring the water to a boil and boil
the beef, skimming any froth. After 30 minutes
drain the beef, transfer it to a platter and cover
it. In the saucepan cover the pork ribs, the
sausages and the pig's feet with water, bring
the water to a boil and boil the meats for 15
minutes. Drain the meats, transfer them to a
platter and cover.
In a large stockpot bring 12 cups water to a
boil; add the black beans and boil for 2
minutes. Remove the stockpot from the heat
and let the beans soak for 1 hour. Add the
dried beef, the pork ribs, the pig's feet, the slab
bacon, and the bay leaves; bring the liquid to a
boil and simmer the mixture, covered, for 2
hours. Add the sausages and the Canadian
bacon and simmer the mixture for 30 minutes.
Discard the slab bacon and the bay leaves.
Transfer the remaining meats with a fork to a
heatproof platter, add bean cooking liquid to
prevent dryness; keep the meats warm,
covered with foil, in a preheated very slow
oven (200¡ã F).
9. churrasco: em espanhol | em contexto | imagens
NOTA: Este dicion¨¢rio est¨¢, atualmente, somente em Ingl¨ºs para Portugu¨ºs (BR).
Estas linhas do lado ingl¨ºs para o portugu¨ºs incluem 'churrasco'.
barbecue n (cookout) churrasco sm
barbecue n (food) comida churrasco sm
barbecue vtr (to cook out) fazer churrasco loc vt
tail gate ¨²ltima parti??o de um caminh?o
colar no carro da frente
EUA fazer churrasco em estacionamento de lugares esportivos
barbeque n (cook-out) churrasco sm
barbeque vi (cook outdoors on a grill) churrasquear vt
fazer churrasco loc vt