The document contains 20 multiple choice or true/false questions about various images related to colors, objects, people, and scenes that would need to be observed to answer the questions. It does not provide any images or context, just the questions.
2. 2. Is there a tablecloth on the table?2. Is there a tablecloth on the table?
3. 3.True or false?3.True or false?
The photo of the bedroom is in colour.The photo of the bedroom is in colour.
4. 4. What colour is the sheet on the washing line?4. What colour is the sheet on the washing line?
5. 5. In which room can you see the wardrobe, desk,5. In which room can you see the wardrobe, desk,
chest of drawers, lamp and chair?chest of drawers, lamp and chair?
6. 6.True or false?6.True or false?
The man wearing the hard hat has fourThe man wearing the hard hat has four
buttons on his jacket sleeve.buttons on his jacket sleeve.
7. 7.7. Which way is the fish swimmingWhich way is the fish swimming
– to the left or to the right?– to the left or to the right?
8. 8. True or false?8. True or false?
The mug is in front of the keys.The mug is in front of the keys.
9. 9. True or false?9. True or false?
The woman’s left knee has a bandage around it.The woman’s left knee has a bandage around it.
10. 10. What is the teacher using to write on the10. What is the teacher using to write on the
11. 11. True or false?11. True or false?
The children are playing in the snow.The children are playing in the snow.
12. 12. The bride and groom are a married ___.12. The bride and groom are a married ___.
13. 13. A bride gets married to her ____.13. A bride gets married to her ____.
14. 14. How many different flavours of ice cream are there?14. How many different flavours of ice cream are there?
15. 15. True or false?15. True or false?
You can see the reflection of the sunset inYou can see the reflection of the sunset in
the ocean.the ocean.
16. 16. True or false?16. True or false?
The vanilla ice cream is next to theThe vanilla ice cream is next to the
strawberry ice cream.strawberry ice cream.
17. 17. True or false?17. True or false?
The police officer on the left is taller than theThe police officer on the left is taller than the
one in the in the middle.
18. 18. How many female police officers are18. How many female police officers are
19. 19. What colour is the dog collar?19. What colour is the dog collar?