The document summarizes analysis of the most discussed images on the Italian FriendFeed network from September 6th to September 19th 2009. It found that of the top 100 most commented entries, 3895 comments were generated from images. Self portraits comprised a large portion of the images and tended to generate supportive and complimentary comments from other users. Images of people, objects, screenshots, and evidence also featured prominently in the most engaged with posts. The findings suggest images and videos have a significant impact on driving comments and engagement on the social network.
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Pictures of Friendfeed
1. SIGSNA / Image-generatedconversations: analysisof the mostdiscussedpicture inItalianFriendFeed network. Luca Rossi Universityof Urbino Carlo Boluca.rossi@uniurb.itMatteo Magnani Universityof
4. SIGSNA dataAll public entries(post and relatedcomments) (Sept. 6Sept. 19 2009)10.500.000posts 500.000likes. 450.000users. 15.000.000edges (subs).