Paul Klee naci坦 en 1879 en Suiza. Fue pintor y sus obras evocan la poes鱈a, la m炭sica y el mundo de los sue単os. Utilizaba diferentes materiales y sus estilos estuvieron influenciados por el cubismo y el fauvismo. Ense単坦 en academias de arte en Alemania y Suiza. Muri坦 en 1940 a causa de una enfermedad degenerativa.
Georges Seurat was a French post-Impressionist painter born in 1859 in Paris, France. He is best known for developing the technique of pointillism and his most famous painting Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, which took him two years to complete using tiny dots of color. Seurat studied art in Paris and developed pointillism to produce greater luminosity and color brilliance in his works. He died of diphtheria in 1891 at the age of 31.
Constantin Brancusi was a renowned Romanian sculptor who pioneered modernist sculpture in the early 20th century. His sculptures blended simplicity and sophistication through abstraction to focus on the essence rather than outer form of his subjects. After studying in Romania, he moved to Paris in 1903 where he developed his unique style, rejecting realism and the techniques of his contemporaries. His iconic works like "Bird in Space" and the "Endless Column" at the World War I monument in T但rgu-Jiu established his reputation and influence on modern sculpture.
Piet Mondrian fue un pintor vanguardista holand辿s y fundador del neoplasticismo. Evolucion坦 de pintar paisajes naturalistas a la abstracci坦n geom辿trica, utilizando solo l鱈neas rectas, colores primarios y blanco/negro. Su objetivo era representar la "ret鱈cula c坦smica" subyacente en el universo. Sus obras m叩s conocidas incluyen Composici坦n en rojo, amarillo y azul y otras composiciones abstractas de los a単os 1920-1940.
Piet Mondrian began as a landscape painter but later simplified his style to focus on primary colors and horizontal and vertical lines, with his works becoming more abstract over time. For 20 years, he used only black, white, and the primary colors of red, yellow and blue in his paintings. He was constantly experimenting with balancing these elements and adjusting the thickness and placement of lines to achieve perfection in his abstract geometric compositions.
A still life is a drawing or painting of objects arranged in a composition. Traditionally, the objects depicted had symbolic meanings representing concepts like life, death, beauty, and decay. Still life paintings use techniques like shading, value scales, and layering of foreground, mid-ground and background elements to create a sense of depth, volume and mass. In the 1800s, artists like Manet and Cezanne enhanced the mood and symbolism of still life works through loose brushwork, textures and manipulated light. Their impressionistic styles influenced later artists to portray the world in a more creative, gestural manner.
Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian artist born in 1866 who is considered the pioneer of abstract art. He believed he could hear colors and see sounds, and used color to express emotions in his paintings. Kandinsky founded a school in 1901 to share his ideas about non-representational art and made the first completely abstract compositions in 1913, which were inspired by music.
Bridget Riley was a pioneer in Op Art, which uses precise line, shape, and color arrangements to create the optical illusion of movement in two-dimensional images. Popular in the 1960s, Op Art compositions are designed to trick the eye into perceiving depth and motion that are not actually present. Riley was born in London in 1931 and had her first solo art show in 1962, establishing her as the "Mother of Op-Art" through works that explored optical effects through geometric patterns and grids.
Claude Monet was a famous French impressionist painter born in 1840 in Paris. He was initially expected to join the family grocery business but pursued his passion for art instead. One of his mentors, Eugene Boudin, taught him to paint landscapes en plein air using oils. Along with artists like Renoir and Sisley, Monet helped develop the impressionist style of using loose brushstrokes and broken colors to capture light and shadows. Though he struggled financially, Monet married twice and had two sons. He is renowned for his mastery of color and light in landscapes and his role in founding the impressionist movement.
Este documento describe el movimiento art鱈stico del cubismo, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas generales, sus diferentes etapas (cubismo primitivo, anal鱈tico y sint辿tico), y biograf鱈as resumidas de sus principales exponentes Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris y Georges Braque. El cubismo se origin坦 en Francia en 1907 y se caracteriz坦 por representar objetos desde m炭ltiples 叩ngulos en una sola imagen utilizando formas geom辿tricas.
Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, & CubismProfWillAdams
Cubism developed in two stages between 1907-1914: Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. Analytic Cubism shattered objects into geometric forms and removed color, while Synthetic Cubism reintroduced color through techniques like papier coll辿 and collage. The main Cubist artists were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, who depicted objects from multiple perspectives and blurred the lines between art and reality. They were influenced by Paul C辿zanne's retrospective in 1907 and sought to represent 3D objects on a 2D surface in a new way.
Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish painter born in 1881 in M叩laga, Spain. He did not enjoy the traditional art schools of Barcelona and Madrid as he wanted to create something new. At age 23, he moved to Paris where he helped invent Cubism, a revolutionary style that depicted objects from multiple perspectives simultaneously. Some of Picasso's most famous periods included his Blue Period featuring sad themes, his Rose Period with happier subjects, and his influential Cubist Period. Considered one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Picasso produced over 50,000 works in his lifetime and remained wealthy and famous until his death in 1973 in France.
Prezentacja wykonana przez Sar Bagisk z klasy 2b V Liceum Og坦lnoksztaccego z Oddziaami Dwujzycznymi im. Kanclerza Jana Zamoyskiego w Dbrowie G坦rniczej. Praca zaja 3 . miejsce w III Zagbiowskim Konkursie na prezentacj multimedialn ladami Stefana 纏eromskiego.
This document defines key concepts in art related to shape, space, and composition. It explains that space is the area around objects, positive space is the objects or forms, and negative space is the empty area between objects. It then defines composition as the arrangement of positive space and discusses the Japanese concept of Notan, which emphasizes balance between positive and negative space. The document concludes by explaining an exercise called Expansion of the Square that applies these concepts of balance, positive space, and negative space.
Impressionism was an artistic movement that developed in France in the late 19th century. Artists such as Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, and Degas broke from traditional techniques to focus on capturing the effects of light and color through loose brushwork. Monet's painting Impression, Sunrise gave the movement its name. Key characteristics included painting outdoors and using dabs of color and optical mixing on the canvas. Post-Impressionism emerged later in the century as artists sought to combine Impressionism's techniques with more traditional composition and design.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el movimiento art鱈stico del cubismo, incluyendo a sus principales figuras como Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque y Juan Gris. Explica que el cubismo surgi坦 en 1907 como una nueva forma de representar la realidad a trav辿s de la descomposici坦n geom辿trica de las formas y la perspectiva m炭ltiple. El documento tambi辿n describe las diferentes etapas y caracter鱈sticas del cubismo como el uso del collage.
Paul C辿zanne was born in 1839 in Aix-en-Provence, France. He showed an early interest in art but struggled in his formal studies. He befriended mile Zola and began painting landscapes under the influence of Camille Pissarro. Over his career, C辿zanne developed a unique style focused on geometric forms and the flattening of space. He had several solo exhibitions and his work influenced the development of cubism. C辿zanne spent most of his life in Aix-en-Provence painting the local landscapes, leaving his mark on the town and art history through his revolutionary post-impressionist techniques.
Chuck Close is an American artist known for his photorealistic paintings and portraits. He was born in 1940 in Washington and showed an early talent for art. At age 14, he was inspired by seeing Jackson Pollock's paintings. Close studied art in college and developed a style using photo-transfers on large canvases. Though paralyzed from the waist down since 1988, he continues to paint using a brush strapped to his hand. Close is considered one of America's leading contemporary artists.
Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter known for his abstract "Compositions" featuring primary colors separated by black lines. His style, called "Neoplasticism", used rectangles of red, yellow, blue, white or black separated by black rectilinear lines. Mondrian created many such non-representational paintings throughout his career, experimenting with different color combinations and line variations until his death in New York in 1944.
A still life is a drawing or painting of objects arranged in a composition. Traditionally, the objects depicted had symbolic meanings representing concepts like life, death, beauty, and decay. Still life paintings use techniques like shading, value scales, and layering of foreground, mid-ground and background elements to create a sense of depth, volume and mass. In the 1800s, artists like Manet and Cezanne enhanced the mood and symbolism of still life works through loose brushwork, textures and manipulated light. Their impressionistic styles influenced later artists to portray the world in a more creative, gestural manner.
Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian artist born in 1866 who is considered the pioneer of abstract art. He believed he could hear colors and see sounds, and used color to express emotions in his paintings. Kandinsky founded a school in 1901 to share his ideas about non-representational art and made the first completely abstract compositions in 1913, which were inspired by music.
Bridget Riley was a pioneer in Op Art, which uses precise line, shape, and color arrangements to create the optical illusion of movement in two-dimensional images. Popular in the 1960s, Op Art compositions are designed to trick the eye into perceiving depth and motion that are not actually present. Riley was born in London in 1931 and had her first solo art show in 1962, establishing her as the "Mother of Op-Art" through works that explored optical effects through geometric patterns and grids.
Claude Monet was a famous French impressionist painter born in 1840 in Paris. He was initially expected to join the family grocery business but pursued his passion for art instead. One of his mentors, Eugene Boudin, taught him to paint landscapes en plein air using oils. Along with artists like Renoir and Sisley, Monet helped develop the impressionist style of using loose brushstrokes and broken colors to capture light and shadows. Though he struggled financially, Monet married twice and had two sons. He is renowned for his mastery of color and light in landscapes and his role in founding the impressionist movement.
Este documento describe el movimiento art鱈stico del cubismo, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas generales, sus diferentes etapas (cubismo primitivo, anal鱈tico y sint辿tico), y biograf鱈as resumidas de sus principales exponentes Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris y Georges Braque. El cubismo se origin坦 en Francia en 1907 y se caracteriz坦 por representar objetos desde m炭ltiples 叩ngulos en una sola imagen utilizando formas geom辿tricas.
Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, & CubismProfWillAdams
Cubism developed in two stages between 1907-1914: Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. Analytic Cubism shattered objects into geometric forms and removed color, while Synthetic Cubism reintroduced color through techniques like papier coll辿 and collage. The main Cubist artists were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, who depicted objects from multiple perspectives and blurred the lines between art and reality. They were influenced by Paul C辿zanne's retrospective in 1907 and sought to represent 3D objects on a 2D surface in a new way.
Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish painter born in 1881 in M叩laga, Spain. He did not enjoy the traditional art schools of Barcelona and Madrid as he wanted to create something new. At age 23, he moved to Paris where he helped invent Cubism, a revolutionary style that depicted objects from multiple perspectives simultaneously. Some of Picasso's most famous periods included his Blue Period featuring sad themes, his Rose Period with happier subjects, and his influential Cubist Period. Considered one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Picasso produced over 50,000 works in his lifetime and remained wealthy and famous until his death in 1973 in France.
Prezentacja wykonana przez Sar Bagisk z klasy 2b V Liceum Og坦lnoksztaccego z Oddziaami Dwujzycznymi im. Kanclerza Jana Zamoyskiego w Dbrowie G坦rniczej. Praca zaja 3 . miejsce w III Zagbiowskim Konkursie na prezentacj multimedialn ladami Stefana 纏eromskiego.
This document defines key concepts in art related to shape, space, and composition. It explains that space is the area around objects, positive space is the objects or forms, and negative space is the empty area between objects. It then defines composition as the arrangement of positive space and discusses the Japanese concept of Notan, which emphasizes balance between positive and negative space. The document concludes by explaining an exercise called Expansion of the Square that applies these concepts of balance, positive space, and negative space.
Impressionism was an artistic movement that developed in France in the late 19th century. Artists such as Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, and Degas broke from traditional techniques to focus on capturing the effects of light and color through loose brushwork. Monet's painting Impression, Sunrise gave the movement its name. Key characteristics included painting outdoors and using dabs of color and optical mixing on the canvas. Post-Impressionism emerged later in the century as artists sought to combine Impressionism's techniques with more traditional composition and design.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el movimiento art鱈stico del cubismo, incluyendo a sus principales figuras como Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque y Juan Gris. Explica que el cubismo surgi坦 en 1907 como una nueva forma de representar la realidad a trav辿s de la descomposici坦n geom辿trica de las formas y la perspectiva m炭ltiple. El documento tambi辿n describe las diferentes etapas y caracter鱈sticas del cubismo como el uso del collage.
Paul C辿zanne was born in 1839 in Aix-en-Provence, France. He showed an early interest in art but struggled in his formal studies. He befriended mile Zola and began painting landscapes under the influence of Camille Pissarro. Over his career, C辿zanne developed a unique style focused on geometric forms and the flattening of space. He had several solo exhibitions and his work influenced the development of cubism. C辿zanne spent most of his life in Aix-en-Provence painting the local landscapes, leaving his mark on the town and art history through his revolutionary post-impressionist techniques.
Chuck Close is an American artist known for his photorealistic paintings and portraits. He was born in 1940 in Washington and showed an early talent for art. At age 14, he was inspired by seeing Jackson Pollock's paintings. Close studied art in college and developed a style using photo-transfers on large canvases. Though paralyzed from the waist down since 1988, he continues to paint using a brush strapped to his hand. Close is considered one of America's leading contemporary artists.
Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter known for his abstract "Compositions" featuring primary colors separated by black lines. His style, called "Neoplasticism", used rectangles of red, yellow, blue, white or black separated by black rectilinear lines. Mondrian created many such non-representational paintings throughout his career, experimenting with different color combinations and line variations until his death in New York in 1944.
1. Piet Mondrian
- malarz
Kacper Kalmus 3 HRT
- ur. 7 marca 1872 w Amersfoort-
zm. 1 lutego 1944 w Nowym Jorku-
Stany Zjednoczone.
2. Kto to Piet Mondrian?
- malarz holenderski, wsp坦zao甜yciel grupy
artystycznej De Stijl (1917), uwa甜any, obok
Kandinskiego i Malewicza, za jednego z
prekursor坦w abstrakcjonizmu.
3. Kim by Piet Mondrian?
- By tw坦rc neoplastycyzmu jednego z najwczeniejszych
kierunk坦w postulujcych w malarstwie abstrakcj geometryczn,
charakteryzujcego si u甜yciem linii pionowych i poziomych,
kt坦re nachodzc na siebie, dzieliy paszczyzny na kwadraty i
prostokty, oraz stosowaniem trzech barw podstawowych
(甜坦tej, niebieskiej i czerwonej) i trzech tzw. nie-kolor坦w (czerni,
bieli i szaroci). Wywar wpyw na rozw坦j abstrakcji w malarstwie
i na architektur XX w.
4. Informacje
- Od roku 1886 Mondrian uczy si rysunku u ojca oraz wuja, Fritza
Mondriaana, kt坦ry by ju甜 uznanym pejza甜yst Szkoy Haskiej. Zgodnie z
wol ojca, Piet Mondrian mia r坦wnie甜 zosta nauczycielem rysunku. Naby
prawa do wykonywania tego zawodu i podj prac nauczyciela w szkole
podstawowej, lecz nie czu si do tego powoany. Dziki wsparciu
finansowemu przyjaciela rodziny, w 1892 roku wstpi na Akademi Sztuk
Piknych w Amsterdamie (hol. Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten),
gdzie nauk ukoczy w 1897 roku. W 1893 roku jego prace zostay po raz
pierwszy wystawione na wystawie w Utrechcie.
7. Tw坦rczo
- Mondrian uznawany jest, obok Kandinskiego (1866
1944) i Malewicza (18791935), za jednego z
prekursor坦w abstrakcjonizmu. Sam uwa甜a, 甜e sztuka
powinna by odnaturalizowana, czysto abstrakcyjna,
pozbawiona relacji z rzeczywistoci. Jego prace
zapowiaday rozw坦j sztuki abstrakcyjnej w latach 40. i
50. XX wieku.
8. Tw坦rczo
- Jego prace miay wpyw na architekt坦w takich jak Jacobus Johannes
Pieter Oud (18901963) i Gerrit Rietveld (18881964) oraz na
malarzy, na Friedricha Vordemberge-Gildewarta (18991962) i
C辿sara Domel (19001992). Pod wpywem Mondriana tworzy polski
konstruktywista Henryk Sta甜ewski (18941988).
- Mondrian inspirowa r坦wnie甜 projektant坦w mody, Anne Klein
(sukienki, 1961), Sally Victor (kapelusz, 1962) i Yves Saint Laurenta,
kt坦ry w 1965 roku zaprojektowa kolekcj sukienek koktajlowych La
robe Mondrian.
9. Gdzie znajduj si
jego prace?
- Prace Mondriana znajduj si przede wszystkim w
zbiorach Gemeentemuseum w Hadze, Kr旦ller-M端ller
Museum w Otterlo, Stedelijk Museum w Amsterdamie i
Museum of Modern Art w Nowym Jorku.