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Parish Websites:
Overview and Best

         New Media Forum 2012
 presented by Pilot New Media of the Pilot Media
 Catholic Media Secretariat of the Archdiocese of
        Scot Landry
Secretary for Catholic Media
Parish Websites
1:30 - Welcome and Introductions - Scot
1:35 - Best practices for parish websites
when sharing pastor/pastoral staff - Domenico
2:00 - OSV websites, special content, and
online giving demonstration - Eileen Herrington,
Catholic Media
The Good Catholic Life radio show
Pilot Bulletins/ Pilot Printing
Pilot New Media
The Pilot and CatholicTV
The Good Catholic Life

  Our 400th
Now available via live
 video stream each
       day at
Pilot Bulletins/Pilot
nting bulletins for 86 parishes with 14 more coming
Pilot New Media
BostonCatholicLive.com offers capability for
webinars, live press conferences, classes,
remote presentations.
PilotNewMedia.com is regularly updated
with blog posts about new media relevant
to parishes and ministries
Cardinal Seán’s on Twitter
(www.twitter.com/cardinalsean) tweeting
daily until the election on assisted suicide
and after on the Year of Faith

The Pilot and
Parish Websites
Parish Websites
Why have we partnered with Our Sunday Visitor?
The state of parish websites in RCAB: A review
  About one-third with a website that substantially
  adheres to best practices
  About one-third with a website that needs
  refreshing or upgrades to substantially adhere to
  best practices
  About one-third do not have a website of their
  own or have one that’s out-of-date
Parish Websites

Since our forum in October 2011, more
than 20 parishes have begun a website
with Our Sunday Visitor Radius Web Tools.
About an equal number have contacted us
about upgrading their websites
Parish Websites
2011 Parish Website Forum
   Video, presentations, resources available
   These presentations will appear on that
   page soon.
 Social Media Forums
Parish Websites
 when sharing a
pastor or pastoral
for collaboratives (or sharing
for collaboratives (or sharing
One Portal to Multiple
One Website with
Multiple Departments
Multiple Separate
Reasons to use each
type of site

The parishes already have good websites
The parishes want to cooperate and
coordinate online but continue separate
Reasons to use each
   type of site
One Website, Multiple Departments
    The parishes are already closely aligned
    Shared calendar that rolls up from sub-
    calendars for each parish
    Many of the ministries are done in
    Ease of maintenance and updating
Reasons to use each
type of site
      Multiple Websites
Parishes want to maintain distinct identity
Separate calendars
One or more of the parishes have a good
website, while the rest need a new website
Might involve multiple content management
Common Best
Practiceswith carious sub-
Unified calendar
Sacramental information & Mass times for
all the parishes on every site, if more than
Easy to find information about matters
important to parishioners of each parish
Unified information for newcomers and
interested seekers
Common Best
Shared branding or other linkages such as
  Common taglines or slogans
  Mission statement
  Prominent home page links

     The Future?
sharing pastors or
     pastoral staff
   sharing pastors or
     pastoral staff

More Related Content

Pilot New Media: Parish Websites: Best Practices for Collaborating Parishes

  • 1. Parish Websites: Overview and Best Practices New Media Forum 2012 presented by Pilot New Media of the Pilot Media Group Catholic Media Secretariat of the Archdiocese of
  • 2. Welcome Scot Landry Secretary for Catholic Media
  • 3. Parish Websites Schedule 1:30 - Welcome and Introductions - Scot Landry 1:35 - Best practices for parish websites when sharing pastor/pastoral staff - Domenico Bettinelli 2:00 - OSV websites, special content, and online giving demonstration - Eileen Herrington, OSV
  • 4. Catholic Media Secretariat The Good Catholic Life radio show Pilot Bulletins/ Pilot Printing Pilot New Media Initiatives The Pilot and CatholicTV
  • 5. The Good Catholic Life Our 400th show! Now available via live video stream each day at www.BostonCatholicL ive.com
  • 6. Pilot Bulletins/Pilot Printing nting bulletins for 86 parishes with 14 more coming
  • 7. Pilot New Media BostonCatholicLive.com offers capability for webinars, live press conferences, classes, remote presentations. PilotNewMedia.com is regularly updated with blog posts about new media relevant to parishes and ministries Cardinal Seán’s on Twitter (www.twitter.com/cardinalsean) tweeting daily until the election on assisted suicide and after on the Year of Faith
  • 11. Parish Websites Why have we partnered with Our Sunday Visitor? The state of parish websites in RCAB: A review About one-third with a website that substantially adheres to best practices About one-third with a website that needs refreshing or upgrades to substantially adhere to best practices About one-third do not have a website of their own or have one that’s out-of-date
  • 12. Parish Websites Since our forum in October 2011, more than 20 parishes have begun a website with Our Sunday Visitor Radius Web Tools. About an equal number have contacted us about upgrading their websites
  • 13. Parish Websites 2011 Parish Website Forum Video, presentations, resources available at www.pilotnewmedia.com/parishwebsites These presentations will appear on that page soon. Social Media Forums www.pilotnewmedia.com/parishsocialme dia
  • 14. Parish Websites when sharing a pastor or pastoral staff
  • 15. for collaboratives (or sharing staff) for collaboratives (or sharing staff) One Portal to Multiple Sites One Website with Multiple Departments Multiple Separate Websites
  • 16. Reasons to use each type of site Portal The parishes already have good websites The parishes want to cooperate and coordinate online but continue separate identities
  • 17. Reasons to use each type of site One Website, Multiple Departments The parishes are already closely aligned Shared calendar that rolls up from sub- calendars for each parish Many of the ministries are done in collaboration Ease of maintenance and updating
  • 18. Reasons to use each type of site Multiple Websites Parishes want to maintain distinct identity Separate calendars One or more of the parishes have a good website, while the rest need a new website Might involve multiple content management systems
  • 19. Common Best Practiceswith carious sub- Unified calendar calendars Sacramental information & Mass times for all the parishes on every site, if more than one Easy to find information about matters important to parishioners of each parish Unified information for newcomers and interested seekers
  • 20. Common Best Practices Options Shared branding or other linkages such as Common taglines or slogans Logo Mission statement Prominent home page links
  • 21. Multi-Parish Websites The Future?
  • 22. sharing pastors or pastoral staff sharing pastors or pastoral staff http://www.pilotnewmedia.com/parishw ebsites http://www.videos.pilotnewmedia.com http://www.bostoncatholiclive.com Questions?