The document outlines rules and policies for intramural ping pong games. It discusses eligibility requirements, game format, scoring, and conduct. Games will be best of three to 21 points, with serving alternating every 5 points or each point at 20-20. Players must follow regulations regarding serving, lets, equipment, and sportsmanship to avoid penalties.
2. Important Intramural Policies
? Game time is forfeit time.
? No ID, No Play, No Exceptions.
? Regular season games will not be rescheduled.
? All registered students are eligible to play.
? Undergraduate, graduate, and law students.
? Jewelry is not allowed to be worn by any intramural sports participants.
? Religious jewelry must be approved by the Director of Spiritual Life and
the Intramural Director 5 days prior to the scheduled contest.
3. General Rules
? All games will be played on the Cabot Center Track
? A match is played best of three (3) games to twenty-one (21) points
? Games must be won by two (2) points
? Players will volley for first serve in the first game
? For each sequential game, the loser of the previous game will serve first
? Players alternate serve after every five (5) points
? If the score reaches 20-20, serve is alternated after each point until one
player wins by two points
4. A Legal Serve
? The server must throw the ball from one hand, and strike it will the
paddle held in the other hand
? Spin cannot be added by the toss hand
? The server’s paddle must contact the ball behind the end line and
between the sidelines extended
? After striking the server’s paddle, the ball must strike the server’s side of
the table before going over the net
? After going over the net, the ball must strike the returner’s side of the
table before it can be returned
5. A Let
? A let occurs when the serve hits the net and then continues to strike the
returner’s side of the table
? The point is replayed, but if on the replay a let occurs again, the server loses
the point
? A let also occurs if the ball breaks during a rally
? The point is replayed
6. Scoring
? A player loses a point if any of the following occur:
? The player fails to return the ball to the opponent’s side of the net
? The player misses the ball completely on a serve
? The player intentionally contacts the surface of the table
? The player strikes the ball with anything aside from the paddle or the
hand holding the paddle
7. Unsportsmanlike Conduct
? Players are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner
at all times
? All disputes should be settled by the players themselves
? Should a staff member have to step in at any point, both players will
forfeit the match
8. Quiz
Now please complete the quiz