API 5L covers specifications for welded and seamless steel pipes for conveying gas, water, and oil. It specifies requirements for pipe material, wall thickness, chemical composition, mechanical testing including tensile and bending tests, markings, and lengths. The specification provides standards for steel composition, dimensions, pressures testing and quality control to help ensure safety of oil and gas pipelines.
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Pipe specification api5l
1. Pipe Specification API 5L
Specification API 5L NPS 1/8 -- 26
Scope Covers WELDED and SEAMLESS pipe suitable for use in conveying gas, water, and oil in both the oil and natural gas industries.
Kinds of Steel Permitted Open-hearth Basic-oxygen
For Pipe Material Electric-furnace
Hot-Dipped May be ordered galvanized.
Permissible Variations Grade A, B, A25 X42 through X80
in Wall Thickness NPS 2 1/2 and smaller -- Seamless and welded, % +20 -- 12.5 +15 -- 12.5
NPS 3 -- Seamless and welded, % +18 -- 12.5 +15 -- 12.5
NPS 4 through 18 -- Seamless and welded, % +15 -- 12.5 +15 -- 12.5
NPS 20 and larger -- Welded, % +17.5 -- 10.0 +19.5 -- 8.0
NPS 20 and larger -- Seamless, % +15.0 -- 12.5 +17.5 -- 10.0
Chemical C max % Mn max % P max % S max %
Requirements Seamless or ERW
Grade A 0.25 0.95 0.05 0.06
Grade B 0.30 1.20 0.05 0.06
Continuous-weld - - 0.08 0.06
Tensile Lists minimum yield and tensile strength for all grads as well as a maximum tensile strength for X80.
Requirements Maximum yield-to-tensile ratios outlined for cold-expanded pipe--may be waived when a fracture toughness requirement is specified.
Hydrostatic Lists hydrostatic inspection test pressures Test Pressures are held for not less than:
Testing for all sizes and grades covered by the Seamless (all sizes) -- 5 seconds
specification. Welded (NPS 18 and smaller) -- 5 seconds
(NPS 20 and larger) -- 10 seconds
Permissible Variations For each length of Standard Weight, Regular Weight, For Special Plain End -- Not more than plus 10% minus 5%.
in Weights per Foot Extra Strong, and Double Extra Strong -- Not more than
plus 10% minus 3.5%. For Carload Lots -- Not more than minus 1.75%.
Permissible Variations Outside Diameter Sizes Over Under
in Outside Diameter at any point shall not vary from standard specified more than: -------------------------------------------------------------------
NPS 1 1/2 and smaller 1/64" 1/32"
NPS 2 through 4 1% 1% (Buttweld Only)
NPS 2 through 18 .75% .75%
NPS 20 through 26
Non-expanded 1% 1%
Mechanical Tests Tensile Test Bending Test (Cold) -- 2" and smaller Buttweld.
Specified Seamless and Buttwelded -- All Sizes -- Longitudinal Specimens Degree of Bend Diameter of Mandrel
Electric Weld -- NPS 6 and smaller -- Longitudinal For all API Uses 90 12 x OD of pipe
NPS 8 and Larger -- Transverse
Number of On One Length
Tests Required NPS From Each Lot of Flattening
Tensile 5 and smaller 40 or less Non-Expanded Electric-Weld for single lengths crop ends from each
6 through 12 200 or less length. For multiple lengths, crop ends from each length, plus 2
14 and larger 100 or less intermediate rings.
2 and smaller (Buttweld) 25 tons or less
Bending 1 1/2 and smaller (Buttweld) 50 tons or less
Lengths Minimum
Shortest Shortest Average
Length Length in 95% Length
Threaded & In Entire of Entire of Entire
Coupled Pipe Shipment Shipment Shipment
Single Random 16' 0" 18' 0" --
Double Random 22' 0" -- 35' 0"
Required Markings Paint Stenciled or Die Stamped (by agreement).
on Each Length Manufacturer's name or mark. Spec 5L, size, weight per foot, grade, process of manufacture, type of steel, length (NPS 4
(On Tags attached to and larger only). Test pressure when higher than labulated(NPS 2 and larger only).
each Bundle in case Heat treat symbols, as applicable -- HN, HS, HA or HQ.
of Bundled Pipe)
General Supplementary Requirements available when specified. SR5--Charpy impact Testing--Welded Pipe 20" & larger--Grade X52 or higher.
Information SR3 -- Color Identification. SR6 -- Drop Weight Tear Testing--Welded Pipe 20" & larger--Grade X52 or higher.
SR4 -- Nondestructive Inspection of Seamless Pipe. SR8 -- Fracture Tough ness Testing of Line Pipe.