Drinkwater Products was established in Louisiana in 1987 and has become a market leader in pipeline pigging products and services. Pipeline pigging involves sending spherical or cylindrical devices known as "pigs" through pipelines to clean and inspect the interior of pipes. Pigs can clean debris, remove liquids, act as separators between products, gather data on pressure and integrity, and allow for maintenance while keeping pressure inside pipes. Drinkwater Products provides a wide selection of pigs and unmatched customer service.
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Pipeline pigs
1. Drinkwater Products was established in Louisiana in 1987,
delivering best-in-class pipeline specialty products for the oil
and gas industry. With an unmatched selection of pipeline
pigging products and unequalled customer service, Drinkwater
Products has become the market leader for successful pipeline
Pipeline Pigging
2. Pipeline Pigging: An Innovative Concept in Pipe
Product manufacturers and distributors often
use pipelines in processes, and pipeline
pigging can ensure that the lines run
smoothly. Slow transmission, cracks, flaws
and plugging can have disastrous
consequences in a manufacturing plant.
Similarly, plants that produce more than one
liquid product using the same infrastructure,
can suffer contamination unless the pipes are
thoroughly cleaned on the inside before a new
product is inserted
3. Pipeline pigs are maintenance tools
that are introduced into pipelines by
means of a 'pig trap', which consists
of a launcher and receiver. The pig
can be used without causing any flow
disruptions, and it can be forced
through either product flow, or by
being towed by a cable or other
4. Why Call it Pipeline Pigging?
After all, a pipeline pig is not an animal...The one hypothesis is
that 'pig' is short for Pipeline Intervention Gadget and another -
more far-fetched - theory is that a leather pig was sent through a
pipeline when the method was started, and it made a squeaking
sound as it scraped along the walls of the pipes, much like an
actual farm pig
What is Pipeline Pigging?
The pipeline pig is usually a spherical or cylindrical device that
sweeps the inner walls of the pipes, scraping the sides as it
pushes debris through towards the exit point. Not only does it
clean the pipes, but it can also be used to inspect the integrity of
the pipe interiors.
As technology continues to evolve, pipeline pigging has evolved
to perform different functions.
5. Utility pigs (solid cast pigs, foam pigs and
mandrel pigs) are used to clean pipeline, much
like you would clean a plumbing line. Over
time, construction debris can start
accumulating inside the pipeline and that's
why it is so important that lines are cleared
before production commences. The utility pig
will scrape away debris. While a sealing pig
removes liquids from the pipe, it can also act
as a separator between different products
using the same pipeline.
6. Inspection pigs (inline inspection pigs) can
gather information about the temperature,
pressure, bends, diameter, curvature,
corrosion, and metal loss from inside the pipes.
Using ultrasonic sounds, a utility pig can
measure the thickness of the pipe wall from the
Specialty pigs can isolate a section of the
pipeline in order for the team to perform
maintenance work. The plugging pig stops up
the pipeline on either side of the area where
remedial work needs to be performed, thus
keeping up the pressure inside the pipe.
7. Gel pigs have various uses. They can be
inserted by themselves, or in conjunction with
another type of pig. When a gel pig is pushed
through a pipeline, it can help with
hydrotesting, condensate removal and
dewatering, or debris removal. Companies
wishing to separate two types of product in
the same pipeline can also do so using a gel
Pipes are available in a variety of diameters,
but the good news is that the pipeline pigging
industry caters to all of them by making
available pipeline pigs in dual and multi-
diameter sizes.