Courtney Laverick is pitching a new skateboarding magazine aimed at 16-25 year olds. Research found the target audience enjoys skateboarding and extreme sports. There is a gap in the market for a UK skateboarding magazine. The proposed magazine will have informal language, many photographs, and little structured text. An initial budget projects expenses of 贈6,966 and income of 贈9,260, yielding a profit of 贈2,294. The magazine will differentiate itself through a balance of sport articles and fashion content. The goals are for it to sell well and be self-financing.
2. Hello, my name is Courtney Laverick and I
hope that you will enjoy my presentation.
Thank you greatly for taking the time to view
my pitch and I very much hope I can convince
you to pursue my ideas.
5. Client Research
Budget needs to be affordable
Limit the content
Reduce the budget- 33% of profits goes to
Loyal attitude and good relationships
6. Press Complaints Commission
Accuracy - I shouldnt be inaccurate or misleading
Consent for children Must have consent for under 16s and 18s
Do not mislead my audience
Respect other peoples opinions
Research the audience and consider others
8. Audience Research
Age: 16-25
Suitable for under 18s in terms of language and photographs
Upbeat and colloquial language to relate to the audience.
Language which includes taboo
Male related clothing stores used in advertisements
C1 D
Doesnt need to be too structured and organised to show
Very interested in skateboarding and extreme sports.
Experimental factors
10. Genre Research
Big gap in the market for skateboarding magazines
The sport is becoming more popular in the UK
New extreme tricks to learn
I enjoy the sport myself and thought that this magazine would be exciting,
fun and very challenging to create
Popular in the age group
Existing skateboard magazine called Sidewalk
The tribe skaters
Advertisements and the internet
Friends and peers
16-30 18-30
B-C3 A-C3
Lots of images compared to text Expensive
Language is more formal Formal language with a little informality
15. Elements That I Am Taking Forward
Informal Language
Use of taboo
Use of big photographs to make the page more visual
Little text
Simple layout but keep it exciting
16. Initial budget
Expenses Total
Production: Personnel
Production: Equipment 贈6,966
Post Production:
Post Production:
Printing Income:
贈1,463 贈339 贈9,260
贈1,600 Double Page Spread
Full Page
PROFIT: 贈1,230
Quarter Page
Outside Back
贈2,294 贈110
Inside Front
Inside Back
贈500 Sales
18. Conclusion
My unique selling points:
Different from other skating magazines as it contains more text.
Includes articles about fashion not just sport.
To create a magazine which is going to sell well.
For the magazine to be self-financed.