2. Target Audience
Students at the College
Local Community
Students with an interest in Performing Arts
All ethnicities
All genders
3. Layout
Playful yet formal
Opportunity to present both internal
and external news
A3 Double Page Spread
2/3 news sheets every 2 weeks
Colour scheme: blue, yellow, black
4. Content
Advertising future shows
Expressive arts related events happening both internally and
Reviews of shows
Advertising students talents
Information about auditions
Photos of students at work (during rehearsals etc.)
5. Social Media
These are the most used platforms by target audience in the
particular age range. We aim to post weekly updates about
upcoming events, live streams and digital copies of our news sheet.
By using these social media platforms we are able to engage with
people that are outside the college. This will benefit us greatly in
terms of attracting an audience for various shows and events that
take place in the college.
6. Assigned Roles
When it comes to producing news about the expressive arts
department we want to present our news visually both on our social
media platforms as well as our print based news sheet. This means
including photography and footage of various shows and events.
Film: Sarah, Harmeet, Daniel
Photography: Aisha, Munirba
Editing: Shane, Luana
Writing: Andrea, Sarah, Aisha
7. Summary
Focus on events and showcases taking place both internally and
Simple layout with plenty of information.
Digital platforms discussing the same topics.
Updated news sheets every 2 weeks.
8. Questions We Have For You
What are the upcoming events for LSC?
Is there any content that you would want us to avoid within the
news sheet?
Based on what we have said would you prefer us to create a
magazine or the biweekly news sheets?
In terms of covering external events, what would you want us to
focus on?