David Fetter
Parrot is a virtual machine for dynamic languages. PL/Parrot will let you write procedures in one language and call them from another. Yes, there's actual running code!
The document discusses various topics from the Iterating Plone presentation at Plone Symposium East 2012, including the roles and processes of the Plone Release Manager and Framework Team. It outlines the planned features and timeline for upcoming Plone releases 4.2, 4.3, and 5. Key initiatives include transitioning to Dexterity as the default content type system, Diazo for theming, and CMSUI. Regular sprints are held around the world to collaborate on Plone development.
This document discusses CSS3 selectors. It provides an overview of new CSS3 selectors like :first-child, :last-child, :nth-child, and :nth-of-type that allow targeting elements based on their position. It also covers pseudo-classes for links, checks boxes and inputs. Pseudo-elements like :first-letter, :first-line, :before and :after are explained. Finally, it discusses browser support for CSS3 selectors and ways to enhance support using vendor prefixes, JavaScript libraries and scripts.
Plone Conference 2010 ¨C Where we go from hereEric Steele
The document outlines 14 rules for Plone's future, including communicating Plone's direction, acknowledging weaknesses, playing to strengths like security and UI, deciding on target users, making "today what tomorrow will want" (TTW) easier, leveraging outside technologies, backporting innovations, keeping the platform modern, shrinking dependencies, avoiding breaking changes, improving installability, making distributions important, and focusing on quality.
The document discusses the current state of medieval manuscript digitization projects, which exist largely in silos without interoperability. It proposes moving toward a "digital manuscript commons" by aggregating distributed resources and using common data models and APIs to make them interoperable and extensible. This would allow manuscripts and related materials held in different repositories to be discovered, analyzed and used together through shared tools. The goal is sustainability through collaboration rather than separate "curated and comprehensive" projects.
Joshua D. Drake
Are you tired of not having a real solution for PITR? Enter PITRTools, a single and secure solution for using Point In Time Recovery for PostgreSQL.
Aurynn Shaw
In this talk, we will cover Vertically Challenged, a plugin for repoze.who which utilizes the Postgres system roles for web application authorization.
We will be covering the underlying theory of Vertically Challenged, both in terms of benefits to your project, as well as the weaknesses of the concept, and how VC leverages database functionality to make your application easier to code and maintain.
We will also be covering how to design your database roles tree, how Vertically Challenged makes your roles tree available in the application layer, and how to integrate Vertically Challenged with repoze.who.
This document provides an overview of Bucardo, an open source tool for replicating and synchronizing PostgreSQL databases. Bucardo uses triggers and asynchronous notifications to replicate data changes between a master and slave database. It allows custom filtering and processing of replication events. The document discusses Bucardo's architecture, installation, configuration, administration, and limitations.
The document discusses using pg_proctab, a PostgreSQL extension that provides functions to query operating system process and statistics tables from within PostgreSQL. It demonstrates how to use pg_proctab to monitor CPU and memory usage, I/O, and other process-level metrics for queries. The document also shows how to generate custom reports on database activity and performance by taking snapshots before and after queries and analyzing the differences.
Daniel Pandza - Jornadas De Capacitacion OFS 2010InterlubGroup
The document is a series of images and phrases in Spanish with no clear narrative. It discusses various topics like improving Mexico together, being happy, and interdependence. It also references administrative and planning roles. There are questions posed about what people think about in the morning and implications for one's work. Overall, the summary attempts to capture the diverse topics and questioning nature of the document in a concise manner.
From where OpenVBX came from to how we open sourced itminddog
This document discusses the OpenVBX project, an open source visual programming platform for building voice applications. It describes how OpenVBX works, its use of tools like CodeIgniter and jQuery, and plans to improve the user experience, documentation, and launch the community platform. The document also shares the project URL and mentions it is hosted on GitHub.
This document provides an overview of iPhone and iPad development. It discusses the tools needed, including an Intel-based Mac, an Apple Developer account, the iPhone SDK, Xcode, Interface Builder, and the iPhone Simulator. It covers the Objective-C language. It also discusses the iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad devices and their differences in resolution. The document aims to provide attendees with a quick start to iPhone and iPad development.
The document outlines specifications for querying and searching volunteers in 7 pages. It includes an index of pages and storyboards that describe searching volunteers by creating or running a query, emailing selected volunteers, and saving, editing or deleting search queries. Instructions are needed for using the search volunteers section.
Hardware is the New Software (Pivotal Labs)Nick Pinkston
Nick Pinkston says the future of hardware will be just like the software and internet revolutions of the past - using open source platforms, 3D printing and a wide array of technologies - manufacturing will become fully digital and accessible to the masses.
Big Spaceship is a place where pushing the limits meets extreme deadlines on a regular basis. The keys to success? A philosophy that affords close collaboration and communication, coupled with a couple of clever solutions to common problems... and some really ugly placeholder art. Join Jamie as he details the way the Spaceship ticks and how you can apply these fundamentals to your own process.
This document contains notes from a meeting at sidefeed inc. on October 4, 2010. It discusses sidefeed's mobile app business including metrics on app usage and devices. Tips are provided on optimizing apps for iPhone and Android platforms. The meeting also touches on sidefeed's app bank program and API.
Microsoft Teams is a new member of the Office 365 Collaboration toolkit. Jasper Oosterveld (Microsoft MVP & Cloud Consultant) is going to take you on a 20 minute journey, how to get the most out of Microsoft Teams. The goal: Learning how Microsoft Teams increases the fun and efficiency for collaboration scenario¡¯s.
Howdah - An Application using Pylons, PostgreSQL, Simpycity and ExceptableCommand Prompt., Inc
Aurynn Shaw
This mini-tutorial covers building a small application on Howdah, an open source, Python based web development framework by Commandprompt, Inc. We will cover the full process of designing a vertically coherent application on Howdah, integrating DB-level stored procedures, DB exception propagation through Exceptable, DB access through Simpycity, authentication through repoze.who, permissions through VerticallyChallenged, and application views through Pylons. By the end of the talk, we will have covered a full application built on The Stack, and how to cover common pitfalls in using Howdah components.
The document discusses PostgreSQL backup and recovery options including:
- pg_dump and pg_dumpall for creating database and cluster backups respectively.
- pg_restore for restoring backups in various formats.
- Point-in-time recovery (PITR) which allows restoring the database to a previous state by restoring a base backup and replaying write-ahead log (WAL) segments up to a specific point in time.
- The process for enabling and performing PITR including configuring WAL archiving, taking base backups, and restoring from backups while replaying WAL segments.
This document provides an overview of advanced PostgreSQL administration topics covered in a presentation, including installation, initialization, configuration, starting and stopping the Postmaster, connections, authentication, security, data directories, shared memory sizing, the write-ahead log, and vacuum settings. The document includes configuration examples from postgresql.conf and discusses parameters for tuning memory usage, connections, authentication and security.
Scott Bailey
Few things we model in our databases are as complicated as time. The major database vendors have struggled for years with implementing the base data types to represent time. And the capabilities and functionality vary wildly among databases. Fortunately PostgreSQL has one of the best implementations out there. We will look at PostgreSQL's core functionality, discuss temporal extensions, modeling temporal data, time travel and bitemporal data.
PostgreSQL Replication describes PostgreSQL Replicator, an open source solution for replicating PostgreSQL databases. Key features include asynchronous replication from a master to multiple slaves, supporting various replication types like role, grant, and large object replication without triggers. Replicator uses a Master Control Process to manage replication between nodes. It allows unlimited slaves without impacting the master and operates on any server.
PostgreSQL Replication describes PostgreSQL Replicator, an open source solution for replicating PostgreSQL databases. Key features include asynchronous replication from a master to multiple slaves, supporting various replication types like role, grant, and large object replication without triggers. Replicator uses a Master Control Process to manage replication between nodes. It allows unlimited slaves without impacting the master and operates on any server.
Bruce Momjian
Pg_Migrator allows data to be transfered between major Postgres versions
without a dump/restore. This talk explains the internal workings of
pg_migrator and includes a pg_migrator demonstration
Adrian Klaver
An exploration of various Python projects (PyRTF,ReportLab,xlwt) that help with presenting your data in formats (rtf,pdf,xls) that other people want. I will step through a simple data extraction and conversion process using the above software to create an RTF,PDF and XLS file respectively.
PostgreSQL, Extensible to the Nth Degree: Functions, Languages, Types, Rules,...Command Prompt., Inc
Jeff Davis
I'll be showing how the extensible pieces of PostgreSQL fit together to give you the full power of native functionality -- including performance. These pieces, when combined, make PostgreSQL able to do almost anything you can imagine. A variety add-ons have been very successful in PostgreSQL merely by using this extensibility. Examples in this talk will range from PostGIS (a GIS extension for PostgreSQL) to DBI-Link (manage any data source accessible via perl DBI).
Jeff Davis
UNIQUE indexes have long held a unique position among constraints: they are the only way to express a constraint that two tuples in a table conflict without resorting to triggers and locks (which severely impact performance). But what if you want to impose the constraint that one person can't be in two places at the same time? In other words, you have a schedule, and you want to be sure that two periods of time for the same person do not overlap. This is nearly impossible to do efficiently with the current version of PostgreSQL -- and most other database systems. I will be presenting Generalized Index Constraints, which is being submitted for inclusion in the next PostgreSQL release, along with the PERIOD data type (available now from PgFoundry). I will show how these can, together, offer a fast, scalable, and highly concurrent solution to a very common business requirement. A business requirement is still a requirement even if your current database system can't do it!
Implementing the Future of PostgreSQL Clustering with TungstenCommand Prompt., Inc
Robert Hodges
Users have traditionally used database clusters to solve database availability and performance requirements. However, clustering requirements are changing as hardware improvements make performance concerns obsolete for many users. In this talk I will discuss how the Tungsten project uses master/slave replication, group communications, and rules processing to develop easy-to-manage database clusters that solve database availability, protect data, and address hardware utilization. Our implementation is based on existing PostgreSQL capabilities like Londiste and WAL shipping, which we eventually plan to replace with our own log-based replication. Come see the future of database clustering with Tungsten!
Josh Berkus
Most users know that PostgreSQL has a 23-year development history. But did you know that Postgres code is used for over a dozen other database systems? Thanks to our liberal licensing, many companies and open source projects over the years have taken the Postgres or PostgreSQL code, changed it, added things to it, and/or merged it into something else. Illustra, Truviso, Aster, Greenplum, and others have seen the value of Postgres not just as a database but as some darned good code they could use. We'll explore the lineage of these forks, and go into the details of some of the more interesting ones.
Matt Smiley
This is a basic primer aimed primarily at developers or DBAs new to Postgres. The format is a Q/A style tour with examples, based on common questions and pitfalls. Begin with a quick tour of relevant parts of the postgres catalog, with an aim to answer simple but important questions like:
How many rows does the optimizer think my table has?
When was it last analyzed?
Which other tables also have a column named "foo"?
How often is this index used?
Daniel Pandza - Jornadas De Capacitacion OFS 2010InterlubGroup
The document is a series of images and phrases in Spanish with no clear narrative. It discusses various topics like improving Mexico together, being happy, and interdependence. It also references administrative and planning roles. There are questions posed about what people think about in the morning and implications for one's work. Overall, the summary attempts to capture the diverse topics and questioning nature of the document in a concise manner.
From where OpenVBX came from to how we open sourced itminddog
This document discusses the OpenVBX project, an open source visual programming platform for building voice applications. It describes how OpenVBX works, its use of tools like CodeIgniter and jQuery, and plans to improve the user experience, documentation, and launch the community platform. The document also shares the project URL and mentions it is hosted on GitHub.
This document provides an overview of iPhone and iPad development. It discusses the tools needed, including an Intel-based Mac, an Apple Developer account, the iPhone SDK, Xcode, Interface Builder, and the iPhone Simulator. It covers the Objective-C language. It also discusses the iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad devices and their differences in resolution. The document aims to provide attendees with a quick start to iPhone and iPad development.
The document outlines specifications for querying and searching volunteers in 7 pages. It includes an index of pages and storyboards that describe searching volunteers by creating or running a query, emailing selected volunteers, and saving, editing or deleting search queries. Instructions are needed for using the search volunteers section.
Hardware is the New Software (Pivotal Labs)Nick Pinkston
Nick Pinkston says the future of hardware will be just like the software and internet revolutions of the past - using open source platforms, 3D printing and a wide array of technologies - manufacturing will become fully digital and accessible to the masses.
Big Spaceship is a place where pushing the limits meets extreme deadlines on a regular basis. The keys to success? A philosophy that affords close collaboration and communication, coupled with a couple of clever solutions to common problems... and some really ugly placeholder art. Join Jamie as he details the way the Spaceship ticks and how you can apply these fundamentals to your own process.
This document contains notes from a meeting at sidefeed inc. on October 4, 2010. It discusses sidefeed's mobile app business including metrics on app usage and devices. Tips are provided on optimizing apps for iPhone and Android platforms. The meeting also touches on sidefeed's app bank program and API.
Microsoft Teams is a new member of the Office 365 Collaboration toolkit. Jasper Oosterveld (Microsoft MVP & Cloud Consultant) is going to take you on a 20 minute journey, how to get the most out of Microsoft Teams. The goal: Learning how Microsoft Teams increases the fun and efficiency for collaboration scenario¡¯s.
Howdah - An Application using Pylons, PostgreSQL, Simpycity and ExceptableCommand Prompt., Inc
Aurynn Shaw
This mini-tutorial covers building a small application on Howdah, an open source, Python based web development framework by Commandprompt, Inc. We will cover the full process of designing a vertically coherent application on Howdah, integrating DB-level stored procedures, DB exception propagation through Exceptable, DB access through Simpycity, authentication through repoze.who, permissions through VerticallyChallenged, and application views through Pylons. By the end of the talk, we will have covered a full application built on The Stack, and how to cover common pitfalls in using Howdah components.
The document discusses PostgreSQL backup and recovery options including:
- pg_dump and pg_dumpall for creating database and cluster backups respectively.
- pg_restore for restoring backups in various formats.
- Point-in-time recovery (PITR) which allows restoring the database to a previous state by restoring a base backup and replaying write-ahead log (WAL) segments up to a specific point in time.
- The process for enabling and performing PITR including configuring WAL archiving, taking base backups, and restoring from backups while replaying WAL segments.
This document provides an overview of advanced PostgreSQL administration topics covered in a presentation, including installation, initialization, configuration, starting and stopping the Postmaster, connections, authentication, security, data directories, shared memory sizing, the write-ahead log, and vacuum settings. The document includes configuration examples from postgresql.conf and discusses parameters for tuning memory usage, connections, authentication and security.
Scott Bailey
Few things we model in our databases are as complicated as time. The major database vendors have struggled for years with implementing the base data types to represent time. And the capabilities and functionality vary wildly among databases. Fortunately PostgreSQL has one of the best implementations out there. We will look at PostgreSQL's core functionality, discuss temporal extensions, modeling temporal data, time travel and bitemporal data.
PostgreSQL Replication describes PostgreSQL Replicator, an open source solution for replicating PostgreSQL databases. Key features include asynchronous replication from a master to multiple slaves, supporting various replication types like role, grant, and large object replication without triggers. Replicator uses a Master Control Process to manage replication between nodes. It allows unlimited slaves without impacting the master and operates on any server.
PostgreSQL Replication describes PostgreSQL Replicator, an open source solution for replicating PostgreSQL databases. Key features include asynchronous replication from a master to multiple slaves, supporting various replication types like role, grant, and large object replication without triggers. Replicator uses a Master Control Process to manage replication between nodes. It allows unlimited slaves without impacting the master and operates on any server.
Bruce Momjian
Pg_Migrator allows data to be transfered between major Postgres versions
without a dump/restore. This talk explains the internal workings of
pg_migrator and includes a pg_migrator demonstration
Adrian Klaver
An exploration of various Python projects (PyRTF,ReportLab,xlwt) that help with presenting your data in formats (rtf,pdf,xls) that other people want. I will step through a simple data extraction and conversion process using the above software to create an RTF,PDF and XLS file respectively.
PostgreSQL, Extensible to the Nth Degree: Functions, Languages, Types, Rules,...Command Prompt., Inc
Jeff Davis
I'll be showing how the extensible pieces of PostgreSQL fit together to give you the full power of native functionality -- including performance. These pieces, when combined, make PostgreSQL able to do almost anything you can imagine. A variety add-ons have been very successful in PostgreSQL merely by using this extensibility. Examples in this talk will range from PostGIS (a GIS extension for PostgreSQL) to DBI-Link (manage any data source accessible via perl DBI).
Jeff Davis
UNIQUE indexes have long held a unique position among constraints: they are the only way to express a constraint that two tuples in a table conflict without resorting to triggers and locks (which severely impact performance). But what if you want to impose the constraint that one person can't be in two places at the same time? In other words, you have a schedule, and you want to be sure that two periods of time for the same person do not overlap. This is nearly impossible to do efficiently with the current version of PostgreSQL -- and most other database systems. I will be presenting Generalized Index Constraints, which is being submitted for inclusion in the next PostgreSQL release, along with the PERIOD data type (available now from PgFoundry). I will show how these can, together, offer a fast, scalable, and highly concurrent solution to a very common business requirement. A business requirement is still a requirement even if your current database system can't do it!
Implementing the Future of PostgreSQL Clustering with TungstenCommand Prompt., Inc
Robert Hodges
Users have traditionally used database clusters to solve database availability and performance requirements. However, clustering requirements are changing as hardware improvements make performance concerns obsolete for many users. In this talk I will discuss how the Tungsten project uses master/slave replication, group communications, and rules processing to develop easy-to-manage database clusters that solve database availability, protect data, and address hardware utilization. Our implementation is based on existing PostgreSQL capabilities like Londiste and WAL shipping, which we eventually plan to replace with our own log-based replication. Come see the future of database clustering with Tungsten!
Josh Berkus
Most users know that PostgreSQL has a 23-year development history. But did you know that Postgres code is used for over a dozen other database systems? Thanks to our liberal licensing, many companies and open source projects over the years have taken the Postgres or PostgreSQL code, changed it, added things to it, and/or merged it into something else. Illustra, Truviso, Aster, Greenplum, and others have seen the value of Postgres not just as a database but as some darned good code they could use. We'll explore the lineage of these forks, and go into the details of some of the more interesting ones.
Matt Smiley
This is a basic primer aimed primarily at developers or DBAs new to Postgres. The format is a Q/A style tour with examples, based on common questions and pitfalls. Begin with a quick tour of relevant parts of the postgres catalog, with an aim to answer simple but important questions like:
How many rows does the optimizer think my table has?
When was it last analyzed?
Which other tables also have a column named "foo"?
How often is this index used?
Rod Anderson
For the small business support person being able to provide PostgreSQL hosting for a small set of specific applications without having to build and support several Pg installations is necessary. By building a multi-tenant Pg cluster with one tenant per database and each application in it's own schema maintenance and support is much simpler. The issues that present themselves are how to provide and control dba and user access to the database and get the applications into their own schema. With this comes need to make logging in to the database (pg_hba.conf) as non-complex as possible.
This document provides an overview of five steps to improve PostgreSQL performance: 1) hardware optimization, 2) operating system and filesystem tuning, 3) configuration of postgresql.conf parameters, 4) application design considerations, and 5) query tuning. The document discusses various techniques for each step such as selecting appropriate hardware components, spreading database files across multiple disks or arrays, adjusting memory and disk configuration parameters, designing schemas and queries efficiently, and leveraging caching strategies.
The document discusses the history of database normalization. It explains the concepts of first normal form (1NF), second normal form (2NF), and third normal form (3NF). 1NF requires eliminating duplicate columns and creating separate tables for related data. 2NF builds on 1NF by removing subsets of data that apply to multiple rows. 3NF builds on 1NF and 2NF by removing columns not dependent on the primary key. The document notes that fourth and fifth normal forms are not commonly used, while sixth normal form only applies to alien databases. It concludes by stating that denormalization is key to data warehousing.
The document provides a historical overview of databases from the 1950s to present. It describes the earliest databases that were directly linked to applications in memory, then the development of network, hierarchical and relational database models. It discusses Edgar Codd's influential paper on relational database theory in 1970 and the emergence of relational database management systems. The summary traces key events like the rise of SQL and impact of the personal computer and internet on databases.
Leo Hsu and Regina Obe
We'll demonstrate integrating PostGIS in both PHP and ASP.NET applications.
We'll demonstrate using the new PostGIS 1.5 geography offering to extend existing web applications with proximity analysis.
More advanced use to display maps and stats using OpenLayers, WMS/WFS services and roll your own WFS like service using the PostGIS KML/GML/and or GeoJSON output functions.
Kevin Kempter
We'll dive deep into a PostgreSQL HA setup using SLONY and PG POOL II.
Covered topics will include:
An Overview of SLONY
Setup of a working SLONY Cluster
Adding/Dropping data structures to/from a SLONY Cluster
SLONY switchover
SLONY Failover
Adding additional nodes
PG POOL II Overview
Setup of a working PG POOL instance
The PG POOL Health Check
Load Balancing
The PG POOL System DB
Failover and Failback via PG POOL
The PG POOL Communitaions Manager (PCP) including:
- attaching/detaching nodes to/from the pool
- displaying node information for the nodes under PG POOL's control
- displaying PG POOL process information
- pcp recovery
- displaying the PG POOL System DB info
Pulling it all together including eliminating any remaining single points of failure, heartbeat mechanisms, etc
Robert Haas
Why does my query need a plan? Sequential scan vs. index scan. Join strategies. Join reordering. Joins you can't reorder. Join removal. Aggregates and DISTINCT. Using EXPLAIN. Row count and cost estimation. Things the query planner doesn't understand. Other ways the planner can fail. Parameters you can tune. Things that are nearly always slow. Redesigning your schema. Upcoming features and future work.
1. PL/Parrot
JDCon East, Philadelphia
March 25, 2010
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David Fetter david.fetter@pgexperts.com
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, March 25, 2010
58. Thanks!
JDCon East, Philadelphia
March 25, 2010
Copyright ? 2010
David Fetter david.fetter@pgexperts.com
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, March 25, 2010