A Place Lab aims to:
1) Address social needs in geographical areas impacted by declines in the textile industry by providing employment opportunities, community building, and skills training.
2) Establish facilities with common workspace, tools, tutorials, samples, and knowledge repositories to experiment and collaborate.
3) Partner with local stakeholders like cooperatives, tailors, students, and institutions to offer services like innovation support, workshops, and an online marketplace for locally produced goods.
2. Main activities: what does a Place Lab do?
Addressing social needs serving from textile industry
in certain geographical area
Employment, social status
Give motivation to social exclusion
Community building
Map out the needs, what the place lab will offer
Make sense, hold ups for problem solving on local
Focus on what people can bring
Synergy/Summer school
Test tinkering
Produce selling myths
Fashion/textile education
3. Facilities
Common space to experiment
Social space/ community
Sewing tools
Sample of textiles and accessories
Knowledge, libraries
4. Setting
In geographical areas that have been hit hard by
textile manufacturing crisis
In geographical areas of high creativeness/
Search where knowledge about T&C is
Census, door to door survey
Team up with other fablabs (hackspaces)
Depend on local situation
Design, manufacture, marketing
Train, exchange & experience
Transnational cooperation, common products
Eco-impact, sense of material, sustainability
Access to fablab network
5. Service concepts & tangible results
Start comprehensive
socio-manufacturing service
Innovation service
Place to come together and have fun
Find cross-cutting topics with other sectors
Co-designing of local reality, collaborative & based
on collective intelligence
Can be on-line? Yes (ex Etsy)
workshops (zig-zag)
Tangible results: community together
6. Audience
Local stakeholders
Tailors, unemployed, young unemployed, students,
home workers
Running institutions
Diversification of labour as strength.
Place labs take up social diversification and
strengthen their special opportunities
7. Supervision
Shared ownership
Employees volunteers
Supervision depends on the level of support
Give more, ask more
Give nothing, ask nothing
8. Sustainability & enviroment
Innovative network, the capital
Start with something that already exsists
Fab-school model
After school? So parents can go to work?
From low tech to high teach teaching
Summer schools
On-line shopping platform
Market + social national support
Reuse material for new products
9. Fairness
Test models of fair production and fair trade
Danger of the Social stigma
Shared ownership?