Plagiarism ethics for research. Precautions we have to take. Simple thoughts. How to escape from the situation. What to do or not. Paraphrasing, Punishment due to it.
2. What is plagiarism?
This means taking other peoples work (intellectual property)
and incorporating it into your own work without
acknowledging the original source of your information or
ideas. Examples of other peoples work can include anything
taken from Internet sources, the spoken word, graphics, data
and written text.
3. Types of Plagiarism
Intentional Unintentional
Copying friends work Careless paraphrasing
Cutting and pasting blocks of text from electronic
sources without documenting
Poor documentation
Media borrowing without documentation (
Google image)
Taking work you have done elsewhere and using
it again without any changes
Web publishing without permissions of creators Quoting excessively
4. Academic integrity
When you copy you cheat yourself.
You limit your own learning.
The consequences are not worth the risks!
It is only right to give credit to authors whose ideas you use
Citing gives authority to the information you present
Citing makes it possible for your readers to locate your source
Education is not an us vs. them game! It's about learning to learn!
Cheating is unethical behaviour
5. Real Examples
Nicki Minaj is no stranger to plagiarism accusations, having been accused of copying portions of her
2012 hit song Starships from a song written and performed by Clive Tanaka in 2011.
Barack Obama, like most other political figures, has had his fair share of both. Among these was a
plagiarism scandal during his presidential campaign in 2008, during which his main rival Hillary Clinton
accused him of plagiarizing parts of a speech made in Wisconsin.
Keller wrote a story at only 11 years old called The Frost King, which she later offered to the director
of the Perkins Institute, Michael Anagnos, as a gift. However, that is where the scandal began, as it was
discovered that Kellers work was just a retelling of The Frost Fairies, which was a story written by
Margaret Canby. This had a huge impact on Keller, as she claimed the plagiarism was accidental, and
made her question the basis of many of her thoughts.
It seems no successful book series is complete without at least one accusation of plagiarism, and
the Harry Potter series is no exception. J.K Rowling, author of the hit book series, had a case
brought against her in early 2010, claiming she had stolen ideas for the fourth instalment in the
series from a book published in 1987, written by Adrian Jacobs, and titled The Adventures of Willy
the Wizard.
6. In our case in TISS
You will not get the degree at all.
you have to repeat the year
If it caught later when you become successful it will suffer the most.
7. Some clarifications
Do we have to site everything..?
The general terms known by almost people.
Ex- Our first prime minister was Jawahar Lal Nahru.
But when in doubt please cite
8. Not need to document when
Your own experience or idea
Your findings after data analysis of the study
Common knowledge as Salt is NaCl.
9. Paraphrasing
express the meaning of (something written or spoken) using different
words, especially to achieve greater clarity.
You can use others work, idea.
But you have to cite.
You do not rely on only one source of material,
You acknowledge all sources used,
You take care when taking notes to remember what is copied from a
text and what is in your own words.
10. How to avoid plagiarism
Take notes and keep them organized
Give other people credit
In-text and in-project credit
For paraphrases and summaries too
Cite the sources you use
Images too!
Double check your sources & make sure you wrote down the
information correctly
11. In the end
Citation is already taught in class.
There is two way to cite
1. Manually
2. Automatic ( Inbuilt in MS office)