The document outlines Secundino Saldivar Ariza's life plan. It details that in July 2014 he will graduate from school and his family will celebrate. After finishing his degree in two years, he will study in college and then work in a career related to his field of study. In August six years from the current date, he will get married, have a house in a quiet place, and be happy with his family. He plans to have three children, regardless of their gender.
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Plan de vida
1. Life Plan
My name is Secundino saldivar ariza come from the community of Puebla tzicatlan
As of the current date in a year:
In July of 2014 I will graduate. My dad will be preparing the feast. My mom will be very
happy. There will be lots of drinking. I will have learnt a lot and also i will have been
thinking in my career to study. After two years of the current date:
After finishing my degree I will be studying in college. After finishing college, I
will be working in a job related to my career. But I would not want my life to be
just the job, I will be living with my friends and dedicate to other things.
After six years of the current date
In August I will marry. My family and I will be happy. I will have my house in a
very quiet place. Will be full of love and happiness.
I will have three children, is not so important whether they are male or female.
In August I will marry. My family and I will be happy the life will be.
2. Pilot
Taxi Driver
1. 多What is your name?
多My name is Jose Enrique Perez Roldan
2. What is your purpose more meaningful to follow for your future?
Ending a career to be someone in life and I do of course continue beyond browsing
forward and address the problems that I presented.
3. What are you willing to achieve your goals?
I'm willing to do whatever it is that so far I have achieved the goals that I set.
4. Who do you want to share your life?
With the person who thinks beating followed as a person who has the same qualities
as me.
5. Where will be the next 5 0 10 years?
I will be finishing a career.
6. How is the relationship in your family?
As good as we live well and when someone has a problem, we help each other.
7. When you think about getting married and how many children you plan to have?
I think I married when you have a good job or a business. I have 3 children no
matter if they are men or women how important they are in good health.
8. Where do you like and live with your family?
3. I wish I had my house in a very quiet, and does not depend on how big or small.
1. 多Cu叩l es su nombre?
Mi nombre es Jos辿 Hern叩ndez P辿rez
2 多Como era de ni単o?
Era travieso, les hacia bromas a los ni単os que me ca鱈an mal .
3. 多C坦mo era la relaci坦n con su familia?
Con mis hermanos Viv鱈amos como perros y gatos, mis padres siempre
4. Que profesi坦n quer鱈a estudiar o trabajo?
Yo quer鱈a estar en el ej辿rcito
5. 多C坦mo pensabas que ser鱈a tu vida al crecer?
Pensaba que ser鱈a alguien en la vida, con alguna profesi坦n y termine siendo un
6. 多Cu叩ntos hijos pensaban tener?
Yo so単aba tener 5 hijos sin importar si fueran varones o mujeres y resultaron
10hijos 8 varones y 2 mujeres.
7. 多Qu辿 es lo peor que hizo en su juventud?
Al casarme a muy temprana edad.
8. 多Qu辿 lecciones te ha ense単ado la vida?
Que no todas las cosas que sue単a ser uno no resultan ser positivas