This document provides information about anatomical position and planes used to describe the human body. It explains that the standard anatomical position is facing forward, standing straight with arms at sides and feet parallel. From this position, imaginary planes can divide the body into sections. These include the median plane (blue) which divides the body into left and right halves, sagittal planes (purple) which are parallel to the median plane, the frontal plane (red) which divides the body into front and back, and transverse planes (green) which divide the body into top and bottom sections. The document instructs the reader to draw these planes on a body outline.
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Planes of the_body
1. Anatomical Position & PlanesAnatomical Position & Planes
Notes + drawingNotes + drawing
To complete the following lesson you will need a bodyTo complete the following lesson you will need a body
outline mini-worksheet and 4 colored pencils:outline mini-worksheet and 4 colored pencils:
red, blue, green, and, blue, green, and purple.
Take notes on the RH page and when you’re doneTake notes on the RH page and when you’re done
drawing, paste the body outline on the LH page.drawing, paste the body outline on the LH page.
2. The science ofThe science of anatomyanatomy namesnames
parts of the body and describesparts of the body and describes
the positions of these parts asthe positions of these parts as
specificallyspecifically as possible.
3. Just like when you want to findJust like when you want to find
your way using a map,your way using a map,
it’s important to know theit’s important to know the startingstarting
pointpoint for all descriptions of the body.for all descriptions of the body.
4. The starting point for all anatomicalThe starting point for all anatomical
descriptions is calleddescriptions is called
Standard Anatomical Position:Standard Anatomical Position:
• facing forward
• standing straight
• arms at side
• palms facing forward
• feet parallel
This is SAP.
(You don’t have to be naked.)
5. FromFrom Standard Anatomical PositionStandard Anatomical Position,,
the body is divided intothe body is divided into
imaginary planes, called theimaginary planes, called the
Anatomical PlanesAnatomical Planes..
(These are planes like geometry,(These are planes like geometry,
not like aviation!)not like aviation!)
6. Instruction:Instruction:
On the body outlineOn the body outline
pasted in yourpasted in your
notebook, draw thenotebook, draw the
Median Plane and colorMedian Plane and color
itit blueblue. (Label it!). (Label it!)
TheThe Median PlaneMedian Plane can also be called thecan also be called the
Mid-Sagittal PlaneMid-Sagittal Plane..
It divides the body intoIt divides the body into equalequal right andright and
left halves.left halves.
7. There is only one Median or Mid-SagittalThere is only one Median or Mid-Sagittal
Plane, but there can bePlane, but there can be infiniteinfinite SagittalSagittal
PlanesPlanes. They are all. They are all parallelparallel to the Medianto the Median
Plane and divide the body into right and leftPlane and divide the body into right and left
sections (although not equally).sections (although not equally).
On the body outline pastedOn the body outline pasted
in your notebook, draw ain your notebook, draw a
Sagittal Plane anywhereSagittal Plane anywhere
parallel to the Median andparallel to the Median and
color itcolor it purplepurple. (Label it!). (Label it!)
8. The body can also be divided into a frontThe body can also be divided into a front
half and a back half by a plane called thehalf and a back half by a plane called the
Frontal PlaneFrontal Plane, sometimes called the, sometimes called the
Coronal PlaneCoronal Plane..
On the body outline pastedOn the body outline pasted
in your notebook, draw thein your notebook, draw the
Frontal Plane and color itFrontal Plane and color it
redred. (Label it!). (Label it!)
9. The body can be divided into top andThe body can be divided into top and
bottom sections by abottom sections by a Transverse PlaneTransverse Plane..
On the body outlineOn the body outline
pasted in yourpasted in your
notebook, draw anotebook, draw a
Transverse Plane andTransverse Plane and
color itcolor it greengreen. (Label. (Label