The document describes key facts about the planets in our solar system. It explains that the inner planets are between the Sun and the asteroid belt, while the outer planets are outside the asteroid belt. The inner planets formed from rocks and were heavily bombarded by asteroids early on, whereas the outer planets are gaseous spheres that also have rings in some cases. For each planet, it provides details about their atmospheric composition, rotation, and notable features like volcanoes or large storms.
3. Inner planets are between
the sun and asteroid belt
and the planets are
constantly being hit by
asteroids (at the
beginning, on their first 600
million years)
Outer planets are outside
the asteroid belt
Inner planets were made of
sphere shaped rocks while Outer
planets are gaseous spheres.
Outer planets have rings.
4. Mercury
Mercurys extra-thin atmosphere of helium and
sodium is caused because Mercury is very
close to the sun and most of the gases get
boiled down. Thin gas will make Mercury cooler
since it traps less heat.
Two elemenets in Mercurys atmosphere are
sodium and helium
Mercurys surface is shaped by:
Other objects crashing into Mercury (causing
Lava flooding on its surface
Crusts moving (tectonic movement)
5. Venus
Venus is also called the Evening Star because it
appears very bright in the sky when seen from earth
Its atmosphere contains carbon dioxide and sulfuric
Retrograde rotation: Rotating clockwise on axis
(opposite to every other planet)
A day in Venus = 225 earth days
A year in Venus = 243 earth days
A day > A year
If you were on Venus, the sun would appear to rise in
the west and set in the east. This is because Venus
rotates clockwise, so the sun appears from the west
side first.
Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system
because its atmosphere acts like a greenhouse and
traps all the heat from the sun.
6. Earth
Earths atmosphere is made out of:
78% Nitrogen
21% Oxygen
0.9% Argon
0.1% water vapor, carbon
dioxide, neon, sulphur
dioxide, hydrogen, helium...
Our atmosphere protects us from harmful
radiation from the sun and meteors.
Rotational tilt: 23.5 Degrees
Spinning of Earths liquid iron core
produces a magnetic field around Earth.
One natural satellite of Earth is the Moon.
7. Mars
Some meteors that crash on Earth are
pieces of Mars, and there may have
been ancient bacteria on it, signaling life
on Mars
Marss atmosphere is mostly carbon
It appears red because it has soil rich in
Olympus Mons is a volcano, 600km
wide and 26km tall.
Marss two natural satellites are Phobos
and Deimos
8. Jupiter is bulged at the equator and
flattened at
the poles like Earth.
This is because Jupiter spins so fast.
Hydrogen, Helium, Sulfer and Nitrogen
make up Jupiters atmosphere.
The Great Red Spot is a circular hurricane
Jupiter has about 50 named natural
satellites and 13 other ones.
Io, one of Jupiters natural satellites
happens to be the hottest celestial body in
our solar system! It has volcanic eruptions
very frequently too.
9. Saturns atmosphere is made of
helium and hydrogen.
Saturns rings may have been caused
by natural satellites breaking down
The rings are made of water, ice and
Saturn could float in water because its
density is so low!
Seasons in Saturn last for 7 earth
10. Uranuss rotation looks like it is rotating
on its side because its tilt is 98 degrees!
Hydrogen, Helium and Methane make up
Uranuss atmosphere (Methane gives it
its blue-green color).
Uranus has 27 known natural occurring
11. Ammonia, Helium and Methane make up Neptunes
Neptune has 13 known natural satellites!
Triton is the largest satellite of Neptune. Scientists
think that Triton used to be another body, but it was
captured by Neptunes gravitational pull and became
a satellite.