Family days are a great event.
What is a Family Day
Planning Basics
Before we delve deeper into todays topic I want to know more about you!
What is your role?
FRG volunteer
Staff Member
Service Member
What is your affiliation?
Army National Guard
Air National Guard
Army Reserve
Active Duty
There is no right or wrong type of family day for a unit. There are some things to remember though:
The FRG is the commanders program.
It is the commander who should provide some guidance and determines the type of event.
The commander should approve any plans.
Family days can accomplish a number of goals
Allow the commander to get to know the families
Allow the unit to show the families what it is they do
Allow the families and unit members to connect
Provide key information to the unit and families about upcoming unit events
Provide key information to the unit and families about benefits, entitlements and resources
A great way to have fun!
Poll when was your last family day
1 to 6 months
6 months to a year
1 to 2 years
Family day? Whats that?!?)
I would like to know what types of family days you have most enjoyed and why. Please share.
Facilitator will discuss types of family days they have attended and what they like about them.
Planning a good family day can be challenging. One of the most important things to remember is that the program belongs to the commander and you need to get their input before you start. You can present ideas to them, but ultimately it is their program and they need to determine what type of event will work for them and for the unit.
#4: So you have volunteered to organize a family day or at least help out. What now? The first step is to meet with the commander and get some guidance.
Why are you having the event?
Where will you hold the event?
When will you hold the event?
Who will attend?
What will you do?
And Im throwing an extra W in there WHO will you call upon to assist? This is probably the most important one.
The commander may only care about #1, or they may have quite a bit of input.
#5: Im going to start with my extra W right now, because you need a TEAM to plan a good family day!
6. WHO will you call upon to assist?
Think of having representation of the various demographics in your unit and FRG
Single soldiers
Community support
Perhaps have representatives from the unit, family members to include parents of the single unit members and teens.
As you organize, you need to assign roles and follow up be sure to create SMART goals:
Time Sensitive
Identify 3 possible locations with the costs, capabilities and available dates by <a specific date>
#6: So you have your team together, the first think they need to know the commanders intent.
Why are you having the event?
Does the commander have a special reason?
Is there a change of command or impending deployment?
Are there promotions to celebrate?
Is it a way for the commander to get to know the families?
Does the command want to show off its capabilities?
Share this guidance with the team. Help get them on board. Knowing the purpose can guide you as you begin the planning process.
#7: Once you have the commanders guidance you can begin to plan.
2. Where will you hold the event?
Ask participants to share where you have held family days:
Unit or military base
Park or recreational facility
Meeting Hall (VFW, K of C, lodge, etc)
Sporting Event
Ask participants for other locations
Possible Answers
Commander or another leaders home
Bouncy Playground
Factors to consider:
Cost will there be a charge to use the facility?
Location how far from the unit? How will people get there?
Logistics Timing, getting supplies to and from, etc. When can you set up?
Capacity will it be big enough? Can the venue hold the activities you are planning?
Facilities what do they have and what will you need to bring? Will the facilities accommodate special needs family members? How about restrooms? If it is an outdoor space, is there a shelter and access to water?
What will you need to bring Tents/shelters? Supplies?
#8: 3. When will you hold the event?
Will it be on a drill weekend?
Saturday or Sunday?
During Annual Training?
Lunch or dinner?
How long?
When is your venue available?
If it is outdoors and it rains do you have an alternate location or date?
#9: 4. Who will attend?
Will this be unit members and their spouses? Children? Parents?
Will you invite former unit members?
Gold Star families?
Supporting organizations?
Are there special arrangements to be made to accommodate anyone with special needs?
If you are holding it on a military installation do you need to provide the gate guards with a list of guests?
#10: 5. What will you do?
Sports like kick-ball, soft ball, ultimate Frisbee
Competition like 3-legged races and other games
Attend a special event like a ball game
Visit a museum or monument
Pot luck (will it be allowed per guidelines)
Cooking (do they have the proper training on safe food handling)
Catering (will the caterer have to be approved)
Separate childrens area?
Fund raising
Dunking booth
Pie in the face
Opportunity drawing
Educational opportunities
What does your unit do? Show off equipment.
Information fair
#11: Lets talk information fair an information fair provides service members and their families information about various organizations that can provide support.
Who have you invited to your unit
Pull out your handout
Military One Source
Military Family Life Counselors (for adults or children especially if getting ready to deploy or just returned)
Financial Counselors
Army One Source
State Family Programs
CYSS (Child Youth and School Services)
Employment Specialist
Transition Specialist
Vet Center / VA
Our Military Kids
Youth organizations (Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCA)
Blue Star Mothers of America
American Legion
Other local/national Non-profit
#12: As you are organizing this event be sure to consider how it will be paid for.
How much is affordable per person?
Will the rates be based on rank?
Will you charge less for children or have a maximum per family?
Will guests need to pay or will the commander cover them or will this cost be incorporated into the amount charged?
Can you obtain MWR funds from a local installation (talk to the MWR business manger)
If using FRG funds BE SURE TO CAREFULLY FOLLOW REGULATIONS! Check with your state. There are regulations!!
#13: Is there anything that we missed?
Thank you for joining us for the final session of this two-part Everyone Ready webinar: New Approaches to Volunteer Recruitment!
Family days are a great event. Putting an event together does take work.
What is a Family Day remember it is a Commanders event. Be sure you know what it is he or she wishes for this event.
Planning Basics be sure you represent all the members of your unit as you plan (single, couples, families), include a team of volunteers
Ideas we shared quite a bit. Im sure there are more ideas so be sure to carry on the conversation on our Facebook page and the JSS site!