This document lists possible risks that could negatively impact a project plan including issues related to scheduling, resources, communication, dependencies, and external factors. Key concerns are contributor availability, accurate time and cost estimates, quality assurance, and impacts on external stakeholders from delays or other issues. The plan aims to protect the project from risks that could result in lost time, money, or failure to meet requirements.
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Plan-Protect -- Possible Risks
1. Plan-Protectsm -- Possible Risks
Is there any doubt these can translate into lost dollars & time (more dollars)?
To schedule To resolution of To quality
open issues assurance
To contributor/
key personnel Time estimates Negative impact
availability on externals
Value of end (e.g., people,
To communica- result when ecology,
tion mechanisms completed weather/atmosp
To understand- To project here, economy,
ings of tasks/ repository/files community)
To resources/ Unfavorable
facilities media coverage
To external
To planning Malicious action
tools by others
To task
Attention span Acts of God
dependencies &
prerequisites of key Regulatory
participants/end inspections/
To resource consumers permits
conflicts To sponsor Insurance
commitment coverage
work breakdown To being (You may think
obsoleted by of more)
To accuracy of external events
status reporting