This experiment investigated the effects of plant density and nutrient levels on competition between dwarf marigold plants. Plants were grown at densities of 3, 5, or 10 seeds per pot and received 0, 1, or 4 mL of potassium solution per week. Higher plant densities resulted in significantly lower biomass per plant, indicating intraspecific competition for resources increased with density. Nutrient levels did not significantly affect biomass or flower production. The highest densities showed the strongest effects of competition through reduced growth.
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One of the key processes in plant communities and populations is competition (Berger
2008). Competition is the process that arises, when organisms, whether from the same species
(intra) or of different species from each other (inter) share common, essential resources and as a
result, experience pressure when it comes to growth, survival, and reproduction. Resources are
defined as something necessary for survival, in the case of plants that is generally things such as
water, light, nutrients, and space. In this manipulative experiment, nutrients, specifically
potassium, and space were manipulated, based on a full factorial design, in order to determine if
there were interactions occurring to suggest intraspecific exploitation competition or intraspecific
resource competition. It is hypothesized that low density and therefore maximum amount of
space will yield little evidence of intraspecific competition and conversely, that high density and
therefore minimal amount of space will yield substantial evidence of intraspecific competition. It
is also hypothesized that little to no added nutrients will hinder growth but fail to indicate
intraspecific competition in lower density experimental units and conversely, higher amounts of
added nutrients will more strongly influence growth but also more strongly indicate intraspecific
competition in high density experimental units.
To perform this experiment, dwarf marigolds were selected to be the plant of choice for
manipulation. A full factorial design was used when planning this experiment. The following
table (Table 1) provides a general schematic of the physical set-up of this experiment.
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Table 1. General, physical set-up of full factorial experiment including factors, factor levels,
species, and replicates
= 1 pot FACTOR A: Density
3 Marigold Seeds 5 Marigold Seeds 10 Marigold seeds
No Added
Low Potassium
Added (1 mL)
High Potassium
Added (4 mL)
There were three factor levels: low, medium, and high as well as two different factors that were
being manipulated, which included seed density per experimental unit as well as amount of a
particular nutrient per experimental unit. This experiments nutrient was potassium, chosen
because potassium is known to increase crop yield as well as aid in many physical processes
essential for plant life in its presence and in its absence is known to stunt plant growth (SMART
2013). Experimental units consisted of one flowerpot filled with potting soil. There were a total
of 36 replicate, experimental units. Each experimental unit contained a different density of seeds,
ranging from 3 10 seeds with 5 seeds being the intermediate between the highest density (10
seeds) and the lowest density (3 seeds). Twelve experimental units contained 3 seeds, a second
set of twelve experimental units contained 5 seeds, and the final set of twelve experimental units
contained 10 seeds.
Pots were assigned random numbers using a random number table, and then labeled.
Once labeled, pots were arranged in ascending order based on random number assignment to
ensure randomization of experimental units and reduce any bias or confounding that may have
occurred due to grouping all of the same replicates per each manipulated set of factors together.
Pots were watered three times per week and the amount of water ranged from 10 50 mL
depending upon soil conditions as well as physical plant conditions and taking into consideration
the temperature in the greenhouse where plants remained for the entire experiment.
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Once the experiment began, different levels of nutrients were then manipulated to
determine if there were interactions between the density of dwarf marigolds and the amount of
nutrients they received. To maintain stoichiometry and prevent other nutrients from becoming
limiting, other than potassium, other essential nutrients were added to all experimental units. A
solution of disodium phosphate (0.0136 g/L) was created and 2 mL of this was added to each
experimental unit, once per week. A solution of sodium nitrate (0.085 g/L) was created and 2 mL
of this was also added to each experimental unit, once per week. A final solution of potassium
chloride was created (0.0748 g/L) and used as the second factor to be manipulated in this
experiment. Twelve replicates of varying densities received 0 mL of KCl solution, once per
week, which was representative of the control group. Twelve replicates of varying densities
received 1 mL of KCl solution, once per week, which was representative of the medium factor
level and the final twelve replicates received 4 mL of KCl solution, once per week, which was
representative of the high factor level. Total duration of the experiment was eight weeks. Week
one of the experiment was designated to allow initial germination and growth of plants.
Beginning week two, addition and therefore, manipulation, of nutrients including Na2HPO4,
NaNO3, and the KCl solutions, in manner and amounts previously mentioned, began and
continued to the end of the experiment.
Following the eight-week experiment, plants were harvested. All above ground biomass
was cut at the dirt level, placed in an envelope and weighed on a top-loading balance. Total
number of surviving plants was summed as well as flowers produced by each plant and buds
produced by each plant. Response variables that were examined include per capita biomass of
each pot, and the proportion of flowers per total number of final plants.
5. 5
Following the harvesting of all experimental units, data analysis was then performed on
the per capita biomass of marigolds. Analysis of variance using the ANOVA technique was
conducted to determine whether or not the two factors that were manipulated had significant
effects on the per capita biomass of marigolds. Table 2 contains the output from the ANOVA
analysis for this response variable.
Table 2. ANOVA of Per capita biomass of marigolds
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value
Density 22.82866314 2 11.41433157 18.72819942 7.9126E-06
KCl added (mL) 0.238713718 2 0.119356859 0.195836177 0.82330436
Interaction 5.049209952 4 1.262302488 2.071137725 0.112492507
Within 16.45577055 27 0.609472983
Total 44.57235736 35
Due to a large value of F for the density factor (Table 2) p < 0.05 (p = 7.913E-6) (Table 2), and
therefore indicates that density had a highly significant effect on the per capita biomass of
marigolds. Due to a small value of F for the nutrient level factor, (Table 2) p > 0.05 (p = 0.8233)
(Table 2), and therefore indicates that nutrient level did not have a significant effect on the per
capita biomass of marigolds. Following the statistical analysis, graphical analysis (Figure 1) was
performed in order to depict the data from Table 2.
6. 6
Figure 1. Interaction plot of per capita biomass of marigolds
Figure 1 depicts interactions of factors as a function of the response variable. Figure 1
indicates that density had the strongest effect on per capita biomass in experimental units with 3
seeds. The amount of nutrients added to experimental units with 3 seeds produced a negative
effect on the per capita biomass. Experimental units with 5 seeds yielded lower per capita
biomass than experimental units with 3 seeds and experimental units with 10 seeds yielded the
lowest per capita biomass. Overall, amount of nutrients added, more strongly influenced
experimental units with 5 seeds in them and produced per capita biomass that is nearly
comparable to that produced in experimental units with 3 seeds. Amount of nutrients added
produced an overall positive effect on experimental units with 5 seeds in them. Amount of
nutrients added produced little positive affect on experimental units with 10 seeds in them. Error
bars in Figure 1 indicate high variation amongst replicates and could therefore contribute to the
higher p value (Table 2) for amount of nutrients added to plants.
Analysis of variance using the ANOVA technique was then conducted to determine
whether or not the two factors that were manipulated had significant effects on the proportion of
None (0 mL) Low (1 mL) High (4 mL)
Potassium addition level
Mean (+ S. E.) of per capita biomass of marigolds
3 seeds
5 seeds
10 seeds
7. 7
flowers per marigold plant. Table 3 contains the output from the ANOVA analysis for this
response variable.
Table 3. ANOVA of proportion of flowers per plant
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value
Density 0.480873331 2 0.240436666 2.241704469 0.125691869
KCl added (mL) 0.190476505 2 0.095238253 0.887951162 0.42317498
Interaction 0.435833963 4 0.108958491 1.015871415 0.416754327
Within 2.895916951 27 0.107256183
Total 4.00310075 35
Due to a small value of F for the density factor (Table 3) p > 0.05 (p = 0.125) (Table 3), and
therefore indicates that density had no significant effect on the proportion of flowers per plant.
Due to a small value of F for the nutrient level factor, (Table 3) p > 0.05 (p = 0.423) (Table 3),
and therefore indicates that nutrient level had no significant effect on the proportion of flowers
per plant. Following the statistical analysis, graphical analysis (Figure 2) was performed in order
to depict the data from Table 3.
Figure 2. Interaction plot of proportion of flowers per final number of plants
None (0 mL) Low (1 mL) High (4 mL)
Potassium addition level
Mean (+ S. E.) of flowersto plants
3 seeds
5 seeds
10 seeds
8. 8
Figure 2 depicts interactions of factors as a function of the response variable. When
considering experimental units with 3 seeds, it appears, overall, that these units yielded the most
flowers per plant. When considering experimental units with 5 seeds, it appears, overall, that
these units yielded the least flowers per plant. When considering experimental units with 10
seeds, it appears, overall, that these units yielded the second most flowers per plant compared to
units with 3 seeds. Considering amount of nutrients added to the experimental units, units with 3
seeds appear to have been negatively affected overall, units with 5 seeds appear to have been
positively affected overall, and units with 10 seeds appear to have been negatively affected
overall. Error bars in Figure 2 indicate very high variation within replicate groups. Due to
substantial overlap of error bars in the density levels, it is not possible to discern with certainty
that there was any interaction of factors on the response variable measured in this analysis.
Before beginning this experiment, it was hypothesized that low density and therefore
maximum amount of space would yield little evidence of intraspecific competition and
conversely, that high density and therefore minimal amount of space would yield substantial
evidence of intraspecific competition. This assumption was based off of a previous experiment
that found that as density of a plant population increases, above ground biomass decreases
(Wang 2005). It was also hypothesized that little to no added nutrients would hinder growth but
fail to indicate intraspecific competition in lower density experimental units and conversely,
higher amounts of added nutrients would more strongly influence growth but also more strongly
indicate intraspecific competition in high density experimental units. After completion of the
experiment, it has been concluded that units with the lowest density yielded the highest per
capita biomass (Figure 1) and the highest proportion of flowers to plants (Figure 2) and is
9. 9
therefore indicative of little intraspecific competition. It has also been concluded that units with
the highest density yielded the lowest per capita biomass (Figure 1) and is therefore indicative of
prevalent intraspecific competition. It cannot be stated with certainty that density strongly
affected the proportion of flowers to plants (Figure 2) with units of highest density because the
intermediate factor level (5 seeds) yielded a lower proportion of flowers to plants than the
highest density factor level (10 seeds), however, the data still suggest, overall, that with
increased density, intraspecific competition also increased. These results support the first part of
the aforementioned hypothesis. Upon further investigation of experimental results and examining
effects of added nutrients, it has been concluded that the second part of the aforementioned
hypothesis is not supported because there is high variation within replicates and very little
evidence of apparent trends in the data to state with certainty that amount of nutrients added had
any effect on intraspecific competition. When considering Figure 1, added nutrients decreased
per capita biomass in units with 3 seeds and 10 seeds, however, units with 5 seeds experienced,
overall, more growth as a result of an increase in nutrients and therefore experienced lower
intraspecific competition than units with 3 seeds and 10 seeds. When considering Figure 2,
increased amounts of nutrients greatly lowered the proportion of flowers to plants in units with 3
seeds and 10 seeds, however, units with 5 seeds experienced, overall, more production of flowers
per plant and therefore experienced lower intraspecific competition than units with 3 and 10
To design an experiment that better aims at supporting the second part of the previously
stated hypothesis, many things could be done. To decrease amount of variance within replicate
groups, more replicates could be added, possibly increasing sample size from 36 to 56, for
example. Experimental units with 5 seeds appeared to be the outliers in the data sets and
10. 10
experienced more overall effects of manipulation of factors. When studying proportion of
flowers to plants, decreasing the amount of seeds from 3 to 2 in the low density units as well as
increasing the amount of seeds from 10 to 12, perhaps, and leaving 5 seeds in the intermediate-
level density units could allow for results that support the thought that highest density would
yield lowest proportion of flowers to plants, intermediate density would yield the second lowest
proportion of flowers to plants and lowest density would yield the highest proportion of flowers
to plants. Along with increasing replicates to decrease variation, adding more factor levels for
amount of nutrients added might yield better results with apparent trends that more strongly
indicate what type of effect amount of nutrients has on marigolds as well as suggest an
interaction between density and nutrient levels.
It is possible that there was so much variation among replicates due to variation in
amounts of water each plant received. Rather than watering plants every other day with different
amounts of water based on soil conditions and temperature of the environment, plants could be
kept in an environment with a more stable temperature and more access to sunlight as well as
being watered everyday with lesser amounts of water that would remain consistent within all
replicates throughout the duration of the experiment. Variation could also have been introduced
when administering nutrients once per week. Cross contamination of pipettes used for
administering nutrients could have occurred if another group borrowed pipettes for their
solutions. Lack of precision and accuracy when delivering nutrients to plants could be another
cause of variation within replicates. To correct for these causes of variation, more care can be
taken when delivering nutrients to plants to ensure better accuracy and precision. Also, pipettes
can be labeled and/or placed away so as not to allow use by other groups.
11. 11
Literature Cited
Berger, U. et. al. 2008. Competition among plants: concepts, individual-based modeling
approaches, and a proposal for a future research strategy. Perspectives in Plant Ecology,
Evolution, and Systematics 9: 121-135.
SMART. December 3, 2014.
Wang, L. et. al. 2005. Effects of intraspecific competition on growth and photosynthesis of
Atriplex prostrate. Aquatic Botany 83: 187-192.