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The Study Sr. Secondary School Badi, Udaipur Project to be submitted for the partial fulfillment of CBSE, Class XII, Practical Examination 2006-07 Plant Grafting Submitted by:  Kartik Gupta Submitted to:  Mr. K.S. Nair
Curriculum Vitae  Name:  Kartik Gupta Father’s Name:  Lt Col Jayant Gupta Name of the School:  The   Study Senior Secondary    School, Udaipur   CBSE Roll Number:  CBSE Registration Number:  A/05/03732/059693 Address:  12-B, Pologround, Saheli Marg, Udaipur Mode of Project:  Single
Certificate This is to certify that Mr.  Kartik Gupta  of Class XII has satisfactorily completed the course of experiments and the project report in practical Biology prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education in the laboratory of  The   Study Senior Secondary School, Udaipur   in the year  2006-07 .   Date :  Signature of the Teacher-in-charge  Signature of the Principal
Acknowledgement   I dedicate this project to Nair Sir, whose able guidance and blessings have been a crucial factor for our clear and precise understanding of the subject.
Preface Grafting is the process of connecting two different plants so they grow as one. The advantages of grafting include combining attributes that don't naturally occur in a single plant, for instance flavourful fruit with dwarfing or disease-resistant roots.  This project outlines the various types of grafting processes and a simple step-by-step method to make a vegetative graft.
Contents What is Grafting? Types Of Grafting Grafting: An Analysis Steps to a Successful Graft
What is Grafting? Grafting  is the method of asexual plant propagation that joins plant parts so they will grow as one plant. These technique is used to propagate cultivars that will not root well as cuttings or whose own root systems are inadequate. One or more new cultivars can be added to existing fruit and nut trees by grafting. The portion of the cultivar that is to be propagated is called the scion. It consists of a piece of shoot with dormant buds that will produce the stem and branches. The rootstock, or stock, provides the new plant’s root system and sometimes the lower part of the stem. The cambium is a layer of cells located between the wood and bark of a stem from which new bark and wood cells originate.
Types Of Grafting? Cleft Grafting  Bark Grafting  Whip or Tongue Grafting  Side-Veneer Graft  Splice Grafting  Saddle Grafting  Bridge Grafting  Inarch Grafting
Cleft Grafting One of the simplest and most popular forms of grafting, cleft grafting (Figure 2), is a method for top working both flowering and fruiting trees (apples, cherries, pears, and peaches) in order to change varieties. Cleft grafting is also used to propagate varieties of camellias that are difficult to root. This type of grafting is usually done during the winter and early spring while both scion and rootstock are still dormant. Cleft grafting may be performed on main stems or on lateral or scaffold branches.    The rootstock used for cleft grafting should range from 1 to 4 inches in diameter and should be straight grained. The scion should be about 1/4 inch in diameter, straight, and long enough to have at least three buds. Scions that are between 6 and 8 inches long are usually the easiest to use.
Preparing the Rootstock .  The stock should be sawed off with a clean, smooth cut perpendicular to the main axis of the stem to be grafted. Using a clefting tool wedge and a mallet, make a split or "cleft" through the center of the stock and down 2 to 3 inches. Remove the clefting tool wedge and drive the pick end of the tool into the center of the newly made cleft so that the stock can be held open while inserting the scion. Preparing the Scion .  In cleft grafting, one scion is usually inserted at each end of the cleft, so prepare two scions for each graft. Select scions that have three or four good buds. Using a sharp, clean grafting knife, start near the base of the lowest bud and make two opposing smooth-tapered cuts 1 to 2 inches long toward the basal end of the scion. Cut the side with the lowest bud slightly thicker than the opposite side. Be sure the basal end of the scion gradually tapers off along both sides. Inserting the Scion .  Insert a scion on each end of the cleft, with the wider side of the wedge facing outward. The cambium of each scion should contact the cambium of the rootstock. Securing the Graft.   Remove the clefting tool from the cleft so that the rootstock can close. Pressure from the rootstock will hold the scions in place. Thoroughly seal all cut surfaces with grafting wax or grafting paint to keep out water and prevent drying. If both scions in the cleft "take," one will usually grow more rapidly than the other. After the first growing season, choose the stronger scion and prune out the weaker.   NOTE:  The temperature of grafting wax is critical. It must be hot enough to flow but not so hot as to kill plant tissue. Recently, paint-like sealants have replaced wax in many areas because they are easier to use and require no heating. Cleft Grafting (Steps)
Cleft Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
Preparing the Stock.   Start at the cut surface of the rootstock and make a vertical slit through the bark where each scion can be inserted (2 inches long and spaced 1 inch apart). Preparing the Scion.   Since multiple scions are usually inserted around the cut surface of the rootstock, prepare several scions for each graft. Cut the base of each scion to a 1 ½- to 2-inch tapered wedge on one side only. Inserting the Scion.   Loosen the bark slightly and insert the scion so that the wedge-shaped tapered surface of the scion is against the exposed wood under the flap of bark. Push the scion firmly down into place behind the flap of bark, replace the bark flap, and nail the scion in place by driving one or two wire brads through the bark and scion into the rootstock. Insert a scion every 3 to 4 inches around the cut perimeter of the rootstock. Securing the Graft.   Seal all exposed surfaces with grafting wax or grafting paint. Once the scions have begun to grow, leave only the most vigorous one on each stub; prune out all the others. Bark grafts tend to form weak unions and therefore usually require staking or support during the first few years. Bark Grafting (Steps)
Bark Grafting Bark grafting is used primarily to top work flowering and fruiting trees. In contrast to cleft grafting, this technique can be applied to rootstock of larger diameter (4 to 12 inches) and is done during early spring when the bark slips easily from the wood but before major sap flow. The rootstock is severed with a sharp saw, leaving a clean cut as with cleft grafting.
Bark Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
Whip or Tongue Grafting   The whip and tongue technique is most commonly used to graft nursery crops or woody ornamentals. Both the rootstock and scion should be of equal size and preferably no more than 1/2 inch in diameter. The technique is similar to splice grafting except that the whip on the rootstock holds the tongue of the scion in place (and vice versa). This leaves both hands free to wrap the joint.    For the whip and tongue graft, make similar cuts on both the stock and scion. These cuts should be made with a single draw of the knife and should have a smooth surface so that the two can develop a good graft union. Up to this point, rootstock and scion are cut the same as for a splice graft.
Preparing the Stock and Scion.  Cut off the stock using a diagonal cut. The cut should be four to five times longer than the diameter of the stock to be grafted. Make the same kind of cut at the base of the scion.    Next, place the blade of the knife across the cut end of the stock, halfway between the bark and pith (on the upper part of the cut surface). Use a single knife stroke to draw the blade down at an angle through the wood and pith. Stop at the base of the initial diagonal cut. This second cut must not follow the grain of the wood but should run parallel to the first cut. Inserting the Scion.   Prepare the scion in the same way. Fit the scion into the rootstock so that they interlock whip and tongue. Be certain that the cambia are aligned. Securing the Graft.   Wrap the junction with a grafting strip or twine, and seal it with grafting wax or grafting paint. Never allow the binding material to girdle the stem.  Whip or Tongue Grafting (Steps)
Whip or Tongue Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
Side-Veneer Grafting At one time the side-veneer graft was a popular technique for grafting varieties of camellias and rhododendrons that are difficult to root. Currently, it is the most popular way to graft conifers, especially those having a compact or dwarf form. Side-veneer grafting is usually done on potted rootstock.
Preparing the Stock .  Rootstock is grown in pots the season before grafting, allowed to go dormant, and then stored as with other container nursery stock. After exposure to cold weather for at least six weeks, the rootstock is brought into a cool greenhouse for a few days before grafting takes place to encourage renewed root growth. The plant should not be watered at this time. Make a shallow downward cut about 3/4 inch to 1 inch long at the base of the stem on the potted rootstock to expose a flap of bark with some wood still attached. Make an inward cut at the base so that the flap of bark and wood can be removed from the rootstock. Preparing the Scion .  Choose a scion with a diameter the same as or slightly smaller than the rootstock. Make a sloping cut 3/4 to 1 inch long at the base of the scion.  Inserting the Scion .  Insert the cut surface of the scion against the cut surface of the rootstock. Be certain that the cambia contact each other. Securing the Graft .  Hold the scion in place using a rubber grafting strip, tape, or grafting twine. Seal the entire graft area with warm grafting wax or grafting paint. Remove the rubber or twine shortly after the union has healed. Never allow the binding material to girdle the stem. Side-Veneer Grafting (Steps)
Side-Veneer Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
Splice Grafting Splice grafting is used to join a scion onto the stem of a rootstock or onto an intact rootpiece. This simple method is usually applied to herbaceous materials that callus or "knit" easily, or it is used on plants with a stem diameter of 1/2 inch or less. In splice grafting, both the stock and scion must be of the same diameter.
Preparing the Stock and Scion.   Cut off the rootstock using a diagonal cut 3/4 to 1 inch long. Make the same type of cut at the base of the scion. Inserting the Scion.   Fit the scion to the stock. Wrap this junction securely with a rubber grafting strip or twine. Securing the Graft .  Seal the junction with grafting wax or grafting paint. Water rootstock sparingly until the graft knits. Over watering may cause sap to "drown" the scion. Be sure to remove the twine or strip as soon as the graft has healed. Splice Grafting (Steps)
Splice Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
Saddle Grafting Saddle grafting is a relatively easy technique to learn and once mastered can be performed quite rapidly. The stock may be either field-grown or potted. Both rootstock and scion should be the same diameter. For best results, use saddle grafting on dormant stock in mid- to   late winter. Stock should not be more than 1 inch in diameter.
Preparing the Stock .  Using two opposing upward strokes of the grafting knife, sever the top from the rootstock. The resulting cut should resemble an inverted V, with the surface of the cuts ranging from 1/2 to 1 inch long. Preparing the Scion.   Now reverse the technique to prepare the base of the scion. These cuts on the rootstock and scion must be the same length and have the same slope so that a maximum amount of cambial tissue will make contact when the two halves are joined. Inserting the Scion.   Place the V-notched scion onto the saddle of the rootstock. If rootstock and scion are the same diameter, cambial alignment is easier; otherwise adjust as needed. Securing the Graft .  Wrap the graft with a grafting twine, tape, or strip, then seal it with grafting wax or grafting paint. Saddle Grafting (Steps)
Saddle Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
Bridge Grafting Bridge grafting is used to "bridge" a diseased or damaged area of a plant, usually at or near the base of the trunk. Such damage commonly results from contact with grading or lawn maintenance equipment, or it may be caused by rodents, cold temperatures, or disease organisms. The bridge graft provides support as well as a pipeline that allows water and nutrients to move across the damaged area.    Bridge grafts are usually done in early spring just before active plant growth begins. They may be performed any time the bark on the injured plant "slips."
Preparing the Scion.   Select scions that are straight and about twice as long as the damaged area to be bridged. Make a 1 1/2- to 2-inch-long tapered cut on the same plane at each end of the scion. Preparing the Stock .  Remove any damaged tissue so the graft is on healthy stems. Cut a flap in the bark on the rootstock the same width as the scion and below the injury to be repaired. Gently fold the flap away from the stock, being careful not to tear the bark flap. Inserting the Scion .  First, insert and secure the scion below the injury; push the scion under the flap with the cut portion of the scion against the wood of the injured stem or trunk. Then go back and insert and secure the scion above the injury following these same steps. Push the scion firmly into place. Pull the flap over the scion and tack it into place as described for bark grafting. When grafting with young stems that may waver in the wind, insert the scions so that they bow outward slightly. Bridge grafts should be spaced about 3 to 4 inches apart across the damaged area. Securing the Graft .  Secure all graft areas with warm grafting wax or grafting paint. During and after the healing period, remove any buds or shoots that develop on the scions.  Bridge Grafting (Steps)
Bridge Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
Inarch Grafting Inarching, like bridge grafting, is used to bypass or support a damaged or weakened area of a plant stem. Unlike bridge grafting, the scion can be an existing shoot, sucker, or watersprout that is already growing below and extending above the injury. The scion may also be a shoot of the same species as the injured plant growing on its own root system next to the main trunk of the damaged tree. With the inarching technique, the tip of the scion is grafted in above the injury using the same method as for bark or bridge grafting.
Inarch Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
Grafting: An Analysis When to graft? Selecting and Handling Scion Wood  Grafting Plants
When to Graft? Unlike budding, which can be performed before or during the growing season, most grafting is done during winter and early spring while both scion and rootstock are still dormant. Containerized plants may be moved indoors during the actual grafting process; after grafting, these plants are placed in protected areas or in unheated overwintering houses. Field-grown stock, of course, must be grafted in place. Some deciduous trees are commonly grafted as bare rootstock during the winter and stored until spring planting. Indoor winter grafting is often referred to as bench grafting because it is accomplished at a bench.
Selecting and Handling Scion Wood  The best quality scion wood usually comes from shoots grown the previous season. Scions should be severed with sharp, clean shears or knives and placed immediately in moistened burlap or plastic bags. It is good practice during the harvesting of scions and the making of grafts to clean the cutting tools regularly. This may be done by flaming or immersing them in a sterilizing solution. Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol also works well as a sterilant, although it evaporates quite readily. An alternative sterilizing solution may be prepared by mixing one part household bleach with nine parts water (by volume). However, this bleach solution can be highly corrosive to certain metals.    For best results, harvest only as much scion wood as can be used for grafting during the same day. Select only healthy scion wood that is free from insect, disease, or winter damage. Be sure the stock plants are of good quality, healthy, and true to type. Scion wood that is frozen at harvest often knits more slowly and in lower percentage.
If large quantities of scion wood must be harvested at one time, follow these steps: Cut all scions to a uniform length, keep their basal ends together, and tie them in bundles of known quantity (for example, 50 scions per bundle). Label them, recording the cultivar, date of harvest, and location of the stock plant. Wrap the base of the bundles in moistened burlap or sphagnum, place them in polyethylene or waterproof paper bags, and seal the bags. Store the bundles for short periods, if necessary, either iced down in insulated coolers or in a commercial storage unit at 32o to 34oF. Never store scions in refrigerated units where fruits or vegetables are currently kept or have been stored recently. Stored fruits and vegetables release ethylene gas, which can cause woody plant buds to abort, making the scions useless. Keep the scions from freezing during storage.
NOTE :  In grafting, as well as budding, the vascular cambium of the scion or bud must be aligned with the vascular cambium of rootstock. In woody plants the cambium is a very thin ribbon of actively dividing cells located just below the bark. The cambium produces conductive tissue for the actively growing plant (Figure 1). This vascular cambium initiates callus tissue at the graft and bud unions in addition to stimulating tissue growth on the basal ends of many vegetative cuttings before they have rooted.
Grafting Plants The whip-and-tongue grafting process begins in early winter once plants have become fully dormant and growth hormones are concentrated in next season's buds. The only tools you need now are bypass pruning shears to collect the scions and a plastic bag in which to store them. Although you won't be grafting for several months, choose scions of the same diameter as that of your well-established rootstock (which should have been planted one year earlier). Select scions that are about pencil thickness, 6 to 8 inches long, with three or four buds. Label them by origin and with the variety name, and be sure to indicate the top and bottom. Refrigerate the scions in plastic bags until early spring.  The ideal time to graft is between January and March, just prior to the natural burst of spring growth. To make clean cuts, you'll need a sharp, sterile knife with a flat (not beveled) blade.  Within a month after grafting, expect new growth from both rootstock and scion. The rootstock will send out suckers during the first year. Remove them down to the very base of the tree to redirect the energy from the tree's roots into the scion. On the other hand, leave new scion growth untouched until the longest is 6 to 8 inches, normally toward the end of May. At this point, select the best shoot to form the main trunk of the new tree. Pinch out the growing tips of the other shoots, leaving five or six leaves on each shoot to aid the formation of a strong union. (In fall, cut away these pinched shoots.) Also in May, remove the binding by running a sharp knife up the back of the rootstock, taking care not to injure the bark. Water your grafted tree weekly throughout the first year.
Steps to a Successful Graft  In early spring, match scion wood to rootstock (the scion must be fully dormant). Ideally, they should be exactly the same diameter, though the rootstock may be slightly larger.  Make a slanting cut halfway between buds on both scion and rootstock, holding them together to ensure that the angle is the same. Make clean cuts using a very sharp knife. Make matching slits (the tongues) about 1/4-inch deep in the surface of each cut. These notches interlock when the scion and stock are joined. Join the scion and rootstock by aligning their cambium layers. (The cambium is the active, green layer of tissue between the bark and the wood.)
Steps to a Successful Graft (contd.) Make the graft by gently pushing the scion into the rootstock and interlocking the tongues. If the scion and rootstock widths are slightly dissimilar, match the cambium layers on at least one side of the graft. Wrap and stake the graft to secure it until the bond is strong. Use a cut rubber band, winding from the bottom up, and slipping the end under the final loop. Tying the graft to a 1-inch stake will provide support when top-heavy scion growth forms. (Adequate trimming may preclude the need for staking.) Seal the union by covering the grafted area with a thin coat of water-based grafting sealant. Three years later, the graft is strong enough to support the growing scion and any fruit it bears.
Conclusion Grafting has been recognized by all the agriculturalists in the world as a time saving process which helps them enjoy a better yield. Through grafting the maturity of a sapling plant can be hastened and plants of desirable traits grown over the plants already established over the soil. This makes grafting an important tool for a farmer.
Bibliography And References   This project has been made with references made from: www.wikipedia.com www.doityourself.com www.associatedcontent.com National Gardening Association North Carolina State University: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
The Study Sr. Secondary School Badi, Udaipur

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Plant Grafting

  • 1. The Study Sr. Secondary School Badi, Udaipur Project to be submitted for the partial fulfillment of CBSE, Class XII, Practical Examination 2006-07 Plant Grafting Submitted by: Kartik Gupta Submitted to: Mr. K.S. Nair
  • 2. Curriculum Vitae Name: Kartik Gupta Father’s Name: Lt Col Jayant Gupta Name of the School: The Study Senior Secondary School, Udaipur CBSE Roll Number: CBSE Registration Number: A/05/03732/059693 Address: 12-B, Pologround, Saheli Marg, Udaipur Mode of Project: Single
  • 3. Certificate This is to certify that Mr. Kartik Gupta of Class XII has satisfactorily completed the course of experiments and the project report in practical Biology prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education in the laboratory of The Study Senior Secondary School, Udaipur in the year 2006-07 . Date : Signature of the Teacher-in-charge Signature of the Principal
  • 4. Acknowledgement I dedicate this project to Nair Sir, whose able guidance and blessings have been a crucial factor for our clear and precise understanding of the subject.
  • 5. Preface Grafting is the process of connecting two different plants so they grow as one. The advantages of grafting include combining attributes that don't naturally occur in a single plant, for instance flavourful fruit with dwarfing or disease-resistant roots. This project outlines the various types of grafting processes and a simple step-by-step method to make a vegetative graft.
  • 7. Contents What is Grafting? Types Of Grafting Grafting: An Analysis Steps to a Successful Graft
  • 8. What is Grafting? Grafting is the method of asexual plant propagation that joins plant parts so they will grow as one plant. These technique is used to propagate cultivars that will not root well as cuttings or whose own root systems are inadequate. One or more new cultivars can be added to existing fruit and nut trees by grafting. The portion of the cultivar that is to be propagated is called the scion. It consists of a piece of shoot with dormant buds that will produce the stem and branches. The rootstock, or stock, provides the new plant’s root system and sometimes the lower part of the stem. The cambium is a layer of cells located between the wood and bark of a stem from which new bark and wood cells originate.
  • 9. Types Of Grafting? Cleft Grafting Bark Grafting Whip or Tongue Grafting Side-Veneer Graft Splice Grafting Saddle Grafting Bridge Grafting Inarch Grafting
  • 10. Cleft Grafting One of the simplest and most popular forms of grafting, cleft grafting (Figure 2), is a method for top working both flowering and fruiting trees (apples, cherries, pears, and peaches) in order to change varieties. Cleft grafting is also used to propagate varieties of camellias that are difficult to root. This type of grafting is usually done during the winter and early spring while both scion and rootstock are still dormant. Cleft grafting may be performed on main stems or on lateral or scaffold branches.    The rootstock used for cleft grafting should range from 1 to 4 inches in diameter and should be straight grained. The scion should be about 1/4 inch in diameter, straight, and long enough to have at least three buds. Scions that are between 6 and 8 inches long are usually the easiest to use.
  • 11. Preparing the Rootstock . The stock should be sawed off with a clean, smooth cut perpendicular to the main axis of the stem to be grafted. Using a clefting tool wedge and a mallet, make a split or "cleft" through the center of the stock and down 2 to 3 inches. Remove the clefting tool wedge and drive the pick end of the tool into the center of the newly made cleft so that the stock can be held open while inserting the scion. Preparing the Scion . In cleft grafting, one scion is usually inserted at each end of the cleft, so prepare two scions for each graft. Select scions that have three or four good buds. Using a sharp, clean grafting knife, start near the base of the lowest bud and make two opposing smooth-tapered cuts 1 to 2 inches long toward the basal end of the scion. Cut the side with the lowest bud slightly thicker than the opposite side. Be sure the basal end of the scion gradually tapers off along both sides. Inserting the Scion . Insert a scion on each end of the cleft, with the wider side of the wedge facing outward. The cambium of each scion should contact the cambium of the rootstock. Securing the Graft. Remove the clefting tool from the cleft so that the rootstock can close. Pressure from the rootstock will hold the scions in place. Thoroughly seal all cut surfaces with grafting wax or grafting paint to keep out water and prevent drying. If both scions in the cleft "take," one will usually grow more rapidly than the other. After the first growing season, choose the stronger scion and prune out the weaker.   NOTE: The temperature of grafting wax is critical. It must be hot enough to flow but not so hot as to kill plant tissue. Recently, paint-like sealants have replaced wax in many areas because they are easier to use and require no heating. Cleft Grafting (Steps)
  • 12. Cleft Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
  • 13. Preparing the Stock. Start at the cut surface of the rootstock and make a vertical slit through the bark where each scion can be inserted (2 inches long and spaced 1 inch apart). Preparing the Scion. Since multiple scions are usually inserted around the cut surface of the rootstock, prepare several scions for each graft. Cut the base of each scion to a 1 ½- to 2-inch tapered wedge on one side only. Inserting the Scion. Loosen the bark slightly and insert the scion so that the wedge-shaped tapered surface of the scion is against the exposed wood under the flap of bark. Push the scion firmly down into place behind the flap of bark, replace the bark flap, and nail the scion in place by driving one or two wire brads through the bark and scion into the rootstock. Insert a scion every 3 to 4 inches around the cut perimeter of the rootstock. Securing the Graft. Seal all exposed surfaces with grafting wax or grafting paint. Once the scions have begun to grow, leave only the most vigorous one on each stub; prune out all the others. Bark grafts tend to form weak unions and therefore usually require staking or support during the first few years. Bark Grafting (Steps)
  • 14. Bark Grafting Bark grafting is used primarily to top work flowering and fruiting trees. In contrast to cleft grafting, this technique can be applied to rootstock of larger diameter (4 to 12 inches) and is done during early spring when the bark slips easily from the wood but before major sap flow. The rootstock is severed with a sharp saw, leaving a clean cut as with cleft grafting.
  • 15. Bark Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
  • 16. Whip or Tongue Grafting   The whip and tongue technique is most commonly used to graft nursery crops or woody ornamentals. Both the rootstock and scion should be of equal size and preferably no more than 1/2 inch in diameter. The technique is similar to splice grafting except that the whip on the rootstock holds the tongue of the scion in place (and vice versa). This leaves both hands free to wrap the joint.    For the whip and tongue graft, make similar cuts on both the stock and scion. These cuts should be made with a single draw of the knife and should have a smooth surface so that the two can develop a good graft union. Up to this point, rootstock and scion are cut the same as for a splice graft.
  • 17. Preparing the Stock and Scion. Cut off the stock using a diagonal cut. The cut should be four to five times longer than the diameter of the stock to be grafted. Make the same kind of cut at the base of the scion.    Next, place the blade of the knife across the cut end of the stock, halfway between the bark and pith (on the upper part of the cut surface). Use a single knife stroke to draw the blade down at an angle through the wood and pith. Stop at the base of the initial diagonal cut. This second cut must not follow the grain of the wood but should run parallel to the first cut. Inserting the Scion. Prepare the scion in the same way. Fit the scion into the rootstock so that they interlock whip and tongue. Be certain that the cambia are aligned. Securing the Graft. Wrap the junction with a grafting strip or twine, and seal it with grafting wax or grafting paint. Never allow the binding material to girdle the stem. Whip or Tongue Grafting (Steps)
  • 18. Whip or Tongue Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
  • 19. Side-Veneer Grafting At one time the side-veneer graft was a popular technique for grafting varieties of camellias and rhododendrons that are difficult to root. Currently, it is the most popular way to graft conifers, especially those having a compact or dwarf form. Side-veneer grafting is usually done on potted rootstock.
  • 20. Preparing the Stock . Rootstock is grown in pots the season before grafting, allowed to go dormant, and then stored as with other container nursery stock. After exposure to cold weather for at least six weeks, the rootstock is brought into a cool greenhouse for a few days before grafting takes place to encourage renewed root growth. The plant should not be watered at this time. Make a shallow downward cut about 3/4 inch to 1 inch long at the base of the stem on the potted rootstock to expose a flap of bark with some wood still attached. Make an inward cut at the base so that the flap of bark and wood can be removed from the rootstock. Preparing the Scion . Choose a scion with a diameter the same as or slightly smaller than the rootstock. Make a sloping cut 3/4 to 1 inch long at the base of the scion. Inserting the Scion . Insert the cut surface of the scion against the cut surface of the rootstock. Be certain that the cambia contact each other. Securing the Graft . Hold the scion in place using a rubber grafting strip, tape, or grafting twine. Seal the entire graft area with warm grafting wax or grafting paint. Remove the rubber or twine shortly after the union has healed. Never allow the binding material to girdle the stem. Side-Veneer Grafting (Steps)
  • 22. Splice Grafting Splice grafting is used to join a scion onto the stem of a rootstock or onto an intact rootpiece. This simple method is usually applied to herbaceous materials that callus or "knit" easily, or it is used on plants with a stem diameter of 1/2 inch or less. In splice grafting, both the stock and scion must be of the same diameter.
  • 23. Preparing the Stock and Scion. Cut off the rootstock using a diagonal cut 3/4 to 1 inch long. Make the same type of cut at the base of the scion. Inserting the Scion. Fit the scion to the stock. Wrap this junction securely with a rubber grafting strip or twine. Securing the Graft . Seal the junction with grafting wax or grafting paint. Water rootstock sparingly until the graft knits. Over watering may cause sap to "drown" the scion. Be sure to remove the twine or strip as soon as the graft has healed. Splice Grafting (Steps)
  • 24. Splice Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
  • 25. Saddle Grafting Saddle grafting is a relatively easy technique to learn and once mastered can be performed quite rapidly. The stock may be either field-grown or potted. Both rootstock and scion should be the same diameter. For best results, use saddle grafting on dormant stock in mid- to late winter. Stock should not be more than 1 inch in diameter.
  • 26. Preparing the Stock . Using two opposing upward strokes of the grafting knife, sever the top from the rootstock. The resulting cut should resemble an inverted V, with the surface of the cuts ranging from 1/2 to 1 inch long. Preparing the Scion. Now reverse the technique to prepare the base of the scion. These cuts on the rootstock and scion must be the same length and have the same slope so that a maximum amount of cambial tissue will make contact when the two halves are joined. Inserting the Scion. Place the V-notched scion onto the saddle of the rootstock. If rootstock and scion are the same diameter, cambial alignment is easier; otherwise adjust as needed. Securing the Graft . Wrap the graft with a grafting twine, tape, or strip, then seal it with grafting wax or grafting paint. Saddle Grafting (Steps)
  • 27. Saddle Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
  • 28. Bridge Grafting Bridge grafting is used to "bridge" a diseased or damaged area of a plant, usually at or near the base of the trunk. Such damage commonly results from contact with grading or lawn maintenance equipment, or it may be caused by rodents, cold temperatures, or disease organisms. The bridge graft provides support as well as a pipeline that allows water and nutrients to move across the damaged area.    Bridge grafts are usually done in early spring just before active plant growth begins. They may be performed any time the bark on the injured plant "slips."
  • 29. Preparing the Scion. Select scions that are straight and about twice as long as the damaged area to be bridged. Make a 1 1/2- to 2-inch-long tapered cut on the same plane at each end of the scion. Preparing the Stock . Remove any damaged tissue so the graft is on healthy stems. Cut a flap in the bark on the rootstock the same width as the scion and below the injury to be repaired. Gently fold the flap away from the stock, being careful not to tear the bark flap. Inserting the Scion . First, insert and secure the scion below the injury; push the scion under the flap with the cut portion of the scion against the wood of the injured stem or trunk. Then go back and insert and secure the scion above the injury following these same steps. Push the scion firmly into place. Pull the flap over the scion and tack it into place as described for bark grafting. When grafting with young stems that may waver in the wind, insert the scions so that they bow outward slightly. Bridge grafts should be spaced about 3 to 4 inches apart across the damaged area. Securing the Graft . Secure all graft areas with warm grafting wax or grafting paint. During and after the healing period, remove any buds or shoots that develop on the scions. Bridge Grafting (Steps)
  • 30. Bridge Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
  • 31. Inarch Grafting Inarching, like bridge grafting, is used to bypass or support a damaged or weakened area of a plant stem. Unlike bridge grafting, the scion can be an existing shoot, sucker, or watersprout that is already growing below and extending above the injury. The scion may also be a shoot of the same species as the injured plant growing on its own root system next to the main trunk of the damaged tree. With the inarching technique, the tip of the scion is grafted in above the injury using the same method as for bark or bridge grafting.
  • 32. Inarch Grafting (Diagrammatic Representation)
  • 33. Grafting: An Analysis When to graft? Selecting and Handling Scion Wood Grafting Plants
  • 34. When to Graft? Unlike budding, which can be performed before or during the growing season, most grafting is done during winter and early spring while both scion and rootstock are still dormant. Containerized plants may be moved indoors during the actual grafting process; after grafting, these plants are placed in protected areas or in unheated overwintering houses. Field-grown stock, of course, must be grafted in place. Some deciduous trees are commonly grafted as bare rootstock during the winter and stored until spring planting. Indoor winter grafting is often referred to as bench grafting because it is accomplished at a bench.
  • 35. Selecting and Handling Scion Wood The best quality scion wood usually comes from shoots grown the previous season. Scions should be severed with sharp, clean shears or knives and placed immediately in moistened burlap or plastic bags. It is good practice during the harvesting of scions and the making of grafts to clean the cutting tools regularly. This may be done by flaming or immersing them in a sterilizing solution. Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol also works well as a sterilant, although it evaporates quite readily. An alternative sterilizing solution may be prepared by mixing one part household bleach with nine parts water (by volume). However, this bleach solution can be highly corrosive to certain metals.    For best results, harvest only as much scion wood as can be used for grafting during the same day. Select only healthy scion wood that is free from insect, disease, or winter damage. Be sure the stock plants are of good quality, healthy, and true to type. Scion wood that is frozen at harvest often knits more slowly and in lower percentage.
  • 36. If large quantities of scion wood must be harvested at one time, follow these steps: Cut all scions to a uniform length, keep their basal ends together, and tie them in bundles of known quantity (for example, 50 scions per bundle). Label them, recording the cultivar, date of harvest, and location of the stock plant. Wrap the base of the bundles in moistened burlap or sphagnum, place them in polyethylene or waterproof paper bags, and seal the bags. Store the bundles for short periods, if necessary, either iced down in insulated coolers or in a commercial storage unit at 32o to 34oF. Never store scions in refrigerated units where fruits or vegetables are currently kept or have been stored recently. Stored fruits and vegetables release ethylene gas, which can cause woody plant buds to abort, making the scions useless. Keep the scions from freezing during storage.
  • 37. NOTE : In grafting, as well as budding, the vascular cambium of the scion or bud must be aligned with the vascular cambium of rootstock. In woody plants the cambium is a very thin ribbon of actively dividing cells located just below the bark. The cambium produces conductive tissue for the actively growing plant (Figure 1). This vascular cambium initiates callus tissue at the graft and bud unions in addition to stimulating tissue growth on the basal ends of many vegetative cuttings before they have rooted.
  • 38. Grafting Plants The whip-and-tongue grafting process begins in early winter once plants have become fully dormant and growth hormones are concentrated in next season's buds. The only tools you need now are bypass pruning shears to collect the scions and a plastic bag in which to store them. Although you won't be grafting for several months, choose scions of the same diameter as that of your well-established rootstock (which should have been planted one year earlier). Select scions that are about pencil thickness, 6 to 8 inches long, with three or four buds. Label them by origin and with the variety name, and be sure to indicate the top and bottom. Refrigerate the scions in plastic bags until early spring. The ideal time to graft is between January and March, just prior to the natural burst of spring growth. To make clean cuts, you'll need a sharp, sterile knife with a flat (not beveled) blade. Within a month after grafting, expect new growth from both rootstock and scion. The rootstock will send out suckers during the first year. Remove them down to the very base of the tree to redirect the energy from the tree's roots into the scion. On the other hand, leave new scion growth untouched until the longest is 6 to 8 inches, normally toward the end of May. At this point, select the best shoot to form the main trunk of the new tree. Pinch out the growing tips of the other shoots, leaving five or six leaves on each shoot to aid the formation of a strong union. (In fall, cut away these pinched shoots.) Also in May, remove the binding by running a sharp knife up the back of the rootstock, taking care not to injure the bark. Water your grafted tree weekly throughout the first year.
  • 39. Steps to a Successful Graft In early spring, match scion wood to rootstock (the scion must be fully dormant). Ideally, they should be exactly the same diameter, though the rootstock may be slightly larger. Make a slanting cut halfway between buds on both scion and rootstock, holding them together to ensure that the angle is the same. Make clean cuts using a very sharp knife. Make matching slits (the tongues) about 1/4-inch deep in the surface of each cut. These notches interlock when the scion and stock are joined. Join the scion and rootstock by aligning their cambium layers. (The cambium is the active, green layer of tissue between the bark and the wood.)
  • 40. Steps to a Successful Graft (contd.) Make the graft by gently pushing the scion into the rootstock and interlocking the tongues. If the scion and rootstock widths are slightly dissimilar, match the cambium layers on at least one side of the graft. Wrap and stake the graft to secure it until the bond is strong. Use a cut rubber band, winding from the bottom up, and slipping the end under the final loop. Tying the graft to a 1-inch stake will provide support when top-heavy scion growth forms. (Adequate trimming may preclude the need for staking.) Seal the union by covering the grafted area with a thin coat of water-based grafting sealant. Three years later, the graft is strong enough to support the growing scion and any fruit it bears.
  • 41. Conclusion Grafting has been recognized by all the agriculturalists in the world as a time saving process which helps them enjoy a better yield. Through grafting the maturity of a sapling plant can be hastened and plants of desirable traits grown over the plants already established over the soil. This makes grafting an important tool for a farmer.
  • 42. Bibliography And References This project has been made with references made from: www.wikipedia.com www.doityourself.com www.associatedcontent.com National Gardening Association North Carolina State University: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • 43. The Study Sr. Secondary School Badi, Udaipur