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Johnny Appleseed By Pleasant deSpain Illustrated by Victoria Raymond   An American legend adapted into a play.
Genre What is a play? A play is a short story that can be acted out. What other plays can you think of? What is a legend? A legend is a traditional story about history but is not always true. What other legends can you think of?
Phonics R-controlled vowels ir ear eer What words use r-controlled vowels?
Writers Craft Informative paragraph An author gives facts about a subject. Topic Sentence Detail Sentences
Background Who was Johnny Appleseed? Johnny Appleseed was a real person. His real name was John Chapman. He was one of the American settlers who moved across the west.  As Johnny travelled to the west, he planted many apple trees along the way. Johnny gave more seeds to settlers he met so they could plant trees as well.
Background What do we know about apples? How apples grow Where apples grow
Vocabulary Frontier-  the part of the country at the edge of a settled area. Nearby-  not far away. Orchards-  areas of land where fruit trees are grown. Survive-  stay alive. Tame-  to bring under control to make more gentle. Wild-  in a natural state; not controlled by humans.
Johnny Appleseed Activities Fun and Facts with Kids The Story of Johnny Appleseed
Lets Read!
Comprehension Questions What did you learn about Johnny Appleseed and his travels on the frontier? What is the setting of this play? Why is it important? Why do you think the author used a narrator? Would you like to live outdoors as Johnny Appleseed did? Why or Why not?
Video- Johnny Appleseed
Resources 油  Johnny Appleseed. Weston Woods.油 2000. Retrieved September 25, 2011, from 油 Learn360:  http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=255297   Wendy, Kristen. &quot;Johnny Appleseed Day with Kids.&quot; Fun and facts with Kids. Blogger, 26 Sep 2010. Web. 25 Sep. 2011. <http://www.blog.funandfactswithkids.com/2010/09/johnny-appleseed-day-with-kids.html#more>.  Johnny Appleseed.&quot; Photograph. Johny Appleseed Day. Sandy Mitchell. About.com, 2011. Web. 25 Sep 2011. <http://cleveland.about.com/b/2011/09/18/johnny-appleseed-in-ohio.htm>.  &quot;Johnny Appleseed.&quot; The Story of Johnny Appleseed. Weekly Reader Organization, 2008. Web. 25 Sep 2011.  http://www.weeklyreader.com/interactivestories/appleseed.html  .
From Seed to Plant   By Gail Gibbons A Second Grade  Expository Nonfiction
Expository Nonfiction What is Expository Text? What is Nonfiction? Examples?
Phonics Consonant Blends Spr_____ Str_____ Thr_____ What words can you think of that start this way?
Writers Craft Informative Paragraph: Title Main topic Facts Writing Prompt: Write the name of a plant and how to take care of it.
Building Background Image 1
Vocabulary Beautiful-  very pretty. Nutrition-  food part that is needed for life and growth. Protects-  keeps safe from harm. Ripens-   matures and becomes ready to eat. Streams-  small rivers; brooks.
Plant Activities The Great Plant Escape From Seed to Plant
Parts of Plants-Flowers
Life Cycle of a Bean Plant
Lets Read
Comprehension Questions How does a seed become a plant? Why do you think the author used the diagrams? Why do people like to eat fruit when it ripens? What did you learn from this story that you did not know before?
Franklin Plants a Tree
Lets Plant a Tree
Resources &quot;Plant Parts-Flowers.&quot; Graphic. The Great Plant Escape. Gretchen  Wieshuber. Chicago: University of Illinios Extension, Web. 25 Sep  2011. <http://urbanext.illinois.edu/gpe/case1/c1facts2d.html>. &quot;Life Cycle of Bean Plant.&quot; Photograph. Buzzle.com-Life Cycle of Bean  Plant. First buzzle.com. 2011. Web. 25 Sep 2011.  <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/life-cycle-of-bean-plant.html>. Gibbons, G. From Seed to Plant. 1st ed. New York City: Holiday House,  1991. 32. Print.  Let's Plant a Tree. Smarterville油 2004 Retrieved September 25, 2011,  from Learn360:  http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=355497 Franklin - Franklin Plants a Tree. VEC Nelvana 油  2005 Retrieved September 25, 2011, from 油  Learn360:  http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=129712

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Plant Presentation

  • 1. Johnny Appleseed By Pleasant deSpain Illustrated by Victoria Raymond An American legend adapted into a play.
  • 2. Genre What is a play? A play is a short story that can be acted out. What other plays can you think of? What is a legend? A legend is a traditional story about history but is not always true. What other legends can you think of?
  • 3. Phonics R-controlled vowels ir ear eer What words use r-controlled vowels?
  • 4. Writers Craft Informative paragraph An author gives facts about a subject. Topic Sentence Detail Sentences
  • 5. Background Who was Johnny Appleseed? Johnny Appleseed was a real person. His real name was John Chapman. He was one of the American settlers who moved across the west. As Johnny travelled to the west, he planted many apple trees along the way. Johnny gave more seeds to settlers he met so they could plant trees as well.
  • 6. Background What do we know about apples? How apples grow Where apples grow
  • 7. Vocabulary Frontier- the part of the country at the edge of a settled area. Nearby- not far away. Orchards- areas of land where fruit trees are grown. Survive- stay alive. Tame- to bring under control to make more gentle. Wild- in a natural state; not controlled by humans.
  • 8. Johnny Appleseed Activities Fun and Facts with Kids The Story of Johnny Appleseed
  • 10. Comprehension Questions What did you learn about Johnny Appleseed and his travels on the frontier? What is the setting of this play? Why is it important? Why do you think the author used a narrator? Would you like to live outdoors as Johnny Appleseed did? Why or Why not?
  • 12. Resources 油 Johnny Appleseed. Weston Woods.油 2000. Retrieved September 25, 2011, from 油 Learn360: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=255297 Wendy, Kristen. &quot;Johnny Appleseed Day with Kids.&quot; Fun and facts with Kids. Blogger, 26 Sep 2010. Web. 25 Sep. 2011. <http://www.blog.funandfactswithkids.com/2010/09/johnny-appleseed-day-with-kids.html#more>. Johnny Appleseed.&quot; Photograph. Johny Appleseed Day. Sandy Mitchell. About.com, 2011. Web. 25 Sep 2011. <http://cleveland.about.com/b/2011/09/18/johnny-appleseed-in-ohio.htm>. &quot;Johnny Appleseed.&quot; The Story of Johnny Appleseed. Weekly Reader Organization, 2008. Web. 25 Sep 2011. http://www.weeklyreader.com/interactivestories/appleseed.html .
  • 13. From Seed to Plant By Gail Gibbons A Second Grade Expository Nonfiction
  • 14. Expository Nonfiction What is Expository Text? What is Nonfiction? Examples?
  • 15. Phonics Consonant Blends Spr_____ Str_____ Thr_____ What words can you think of that start this way?
  • 16. Writers Craft Informative Paragraph: Title Main topic Facts Writing Prompt: Write the name of a plant and how to take care of it.
  • 18. Vocabulary Beautiful- very pretty. Nutrition- food part that is needed for life and growth. Protects- keeps safe from harm. Ripens- matures and becomes ready to eat. Streams- small rivers; brooks.
  • 19. Plant Activities The Great Plant Escape From Seed to Plant
  • 21. Life Cycle of a Bean Plant
  • 23. Comprehension Questions How does a seed become a plant? Why do you think the author used the diagrams? Why do people like to eat fruit when it ripens? What did you learn from this story that you did not know before?
  • 25. Lets Plant a Tree
  • 26. Resources &quot;Plant Parts-Flowers.&quot; Graphic. The Great Plant Escape. Gretchen Wieshuber. Chicago: University of Illinios Extension, Web. 25 Sep 2011. <http://urbanext.illinois.edu/gpe/case1/c1facts2d.html>. &quot;Life Cycle of Bean Plant.&quot; Photograph. Buzzle.com-Life Cycle of Bean Plant. First buzzle.com. 2011. Web. 25 Sep 2011. <http://www.buzzle.com/articles/life-cycle-of-bean-plant.html>. Gibbons, G. From Seed to Plant. 1st ed. New York City: Holiday House, 1991. 32. Print. Let's Plant a Tree. Smarterville油 2004 Retrieved September 25, 2011, from Learn360: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=355497 Franklin - Franklin Plants a Tree. VEC Nelvana 油 2005 Retrieved September 25, 2011, from 油 Learn360: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=129712