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Improving livelihoods,
and increasing food
Roland Dietz
Non Executive Board Director
 40% lost
to pests and diseases
1% less =
25 Million more fed
Lose less,
Feed more.
The vision
Improve food security
Reduce poverty
Support farmers, via free local clinics
Strengthen national plant health systems
Open access data and tools
Global vigilance of emerging threats
Adapt to climate change
Facilitate trade
Lose less, feed more
Think global, act local.
screen shot
Expertise from CABI and partnersContent from CABI and partners
Data for prevention,
identification and
Practical assistance for
Global vigilance network
Public goods: trade,
knowledge, food
Plant doctors
Knowledge Bank
Plant ClinicsKnowledge Bank
Knowledge Bank
Partner organisations
Government extension bodies
Government research bodies
Farmer-based organisations
Local volunteers
Using clinic data
Data gathered at clinics is recorded and uploaded to a central
Clinic data is then blended with data harvested from other
sources -
CABI publications
Third party information (with permission)
to extract data points relating to the location of plants and the
pests and diseases that damage them at a given time
which are then stored for further manipulation in the Plantwise
Knowledge Bank
Data Validation
All data points come with an audit trail allowing users to
validate their origin and authority
Any contributed data is clearly labeled
Links into CAB Abstracts and onward to published research
articles through DOI linking
Data visualization adds value to the original research and
creates new insights
Embedded into workflows
Combined with other global datasets
Predictive pest maps
Coffee wilt
World soils
Predictive pest maps
Based on soil
profile, where
could Coffee
Wilt Disease
make its next
Semantic tagging
All terms and concepts controlled and validated by CAB
130,000 terms and phrases, specific to agriculture and related
Essential to ensure consistency, discoverability and reliability
Flat Thesaurus being developed into a three-dimensional
ontology using RDF
Breathing new life into a long-standing CABI asset
Business model
Major fund-raising campaign has already secured >$30m for
the whole Plantwise initiative, from DFID, SDC, EU, ACIAR
and others
The Plantwise Knowledge Bank will be an Open Access
CABI will create value-added products and services for
commercial sale
Potential users range from academic researchers to
quarantine officers and supply chain logisticians
Thank you
Roland Dietz
Non Executive Board Director

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Plantwise presentation MIT RD

  • 1. LOSE LESS, FEED MORE www.plantwise.org Improving livelihoods, and increasing food security Roland Dietz Non Executive Board Director
  • 2. 40% lost to pests and diseases 1% less = 25 Million more fed Lose less, Feed more.
  • 3. The vision Improve food security Reduce poverty Support farmers, via free local clinics Strengthen national plant health systems Open access data and tools Global vigilance of emerging threats Adapt to climate change Facilitate trade Lose less, feed more
  • 4. Think global, act local. screen shot Expertise from CABI and partnersContent from CABI and partners Data for prevention, identification and management Practical assistance for farmers Global vigilance network Public goods: trade, knowledge, food security Plant doctors Knowledge Bank Plant ClinicsKnowledge Bank Plant Clinics Knowledge Bank
  • 5. Partner organisations Government extension bodies Government research bodies Universities NGOs Agro-industry Farmer-based organisations Local volunteers
  • 6. Using clinic data Data gathered at clinics is recorded and uploaded to a central repository Clinic data is then blended with data harvested from other sources - CABI publications Third party information (with permission) to extract data points relating to the location of plants and the pests and diseases that damage them at a given time which are then stored for further manipulation in the Plantwise Knowledge Bank
  • 7. Data Validation All data points come with an audit trail allowing users to validate their origin and authority Any contributed data is clearly labeled Links into CAB Abstracts and onward to published research articles through DOI linking Data visualization adds value to the original research and creates new insights
  • 9. Combined with other global datasets
  • 10. Predictive pest maps Coffee wilt distribution data + World soils database =
  • 11. Predictive pest maps Based on soil profile, where could Coffee Wilt Disease make its next appearance?
  • 12. Semantic tagging All terms and concepts controlled and validated by CAB Thesaurus 130,000 terms and phrases, specific to agriculture and related disciplines Essential to ensure consistency, discoverability and reliability Flat Thesaurus being developed into a three-dimensional ontology using RDF Breathing new life into a long-standing CABI asset
  • 13. Business model Major fund-raising campaign has already secured >$30m for the whole Plantwise initiative, from DFID, SDC, EU, ACIAR and others The Plantwise Knowledge Bank will be an Open Access resource CABI will create value-added products and services for commercial sale Potential users range from academic researchers to quarantine officers and supply chain logisticians
  • 14. Thank you Roland Dietz Non Executive Board Director LOSE LESS, FEED MORE www.plantwise.org

Editor's Notes

  • #3: It is a shocking fact that 40% of food produced in this world is lost to pests and diseases before it can be harvested. If we could reduce those losses by just 1%, we would feed an extra 25 million people. So the objective of Plantwise can be summed up by the phrase lose less, feed more.
  • #5: In positioning CABI as the Global Plant Health Centre, we will extend the the current pilot project on Plant Clinics to train plant doctors and establish a network of plant health clinics in at least 25 countries around the globe. These plant health clinics will provide immediate benefits to local farmers but will also contribute surveillance and monitoring of plant pests and diseases to a comprehensive global database which will also contain content from CABI and other partners. Initial focus on Pest and Disease information but long term intention will be to cover all aspects of plant health. The database will have a significant part of its content which will be available on an open access basis, forming a public good which will help build knowledge in support of food security and trade. We also envisage that certainly value-added analytical tools, reports and consultancy services will be paid for so as to ensure that the concept is financially self-sustaining.
  • #6: CABI has partnered with a number of different organisations, which establish and operate regular plant clinics. While our ultimate objective is to link with government extension bodies to establish clinics, CABI has supported private and civil sector organisations in setting up plant clinic networks. Different types of organisation often play different roles in a Plant health system not all are best placed to run clinics
  • #7: We take all of the data captured at the clinics and blend it with information taken from other validated sources in order to extract data points relating specifically to the location of plants and the pests and diseases that damage them. These data points form the bedrock of the Plantwise Knowledge Bank.
  • #8: This information has to be trustworthy, so anything published comes with a full audit trail indicating its origin, its level of authority and any supporting references to the research literature. The visualisation tools employed add value to the raw data and create new ways of interpreting or responding to this information.
  • #9: The Knowledge Bank also includes clinic administration functionality, allowing the Plant Doctors to manage their data collection using standard templates and systems. This ensures that the data gathered is suitably indexed and structured, but it also makes his life easier and therefore incentivises him to contribute his information for the global good.
  • #10: This clinics data, combined with other global datasets, such as climate zones, soil characteristics, land use, water data gives us a huge dataset and very rich situational awareness
  • #11: For example: Coffee wilt disease is a soil borne fungal disease devastating to coffee growers in Africa. 油- thanks to our data gathering, we have very granular information from Uganda about where this disease exists. 油- we've overlaid those points with the world soils database, to start seeing if there are particular soil types the disease likes/needs to exist
  • #12: - some interesting patterns emerged, and we were able to create predictive maps of where the disease could exist due to conducive soil conditions As you can imagine, this is hugely valuable information for plant health systems throughout Africa.
  • #13: One final important point to make is the role played by the CAB Thesaurus to ensure all content in the Knowledge Bank is consistently and reliably indexed. Without this semantic backbone, much of the analytics described earlier would be impossible.
  • #14: You may be wondering how all of this is being funded! Our business model at the moment is one of donor funding, but we fully expect to be able to create revenue-generating opportunities in the longer run, once the data reaches a critical mass and the toolkit is more fully developed. The potential market for these services is huge, and takes us beyond our core library market.