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PLATAFOR.MA in english
.Know How
Creating Digital Businesses

At PLATAFOR.MA we create digital businesses.

We connect the best ideas with the best people to create
digital strategies, we process them in our digital ecosystem
and we launch into the market new businesses that
challenge the status quo. That is our formula and we use it
for our enterprises as well as yours.

                  DIGITAL BUSINESSES                           DIGITAL ADVERTISING
                  Innovation and Creativity Framework          Advertising has a New Ecosystem

                 CONTENT                                       MOBILE
                 Context is King                              The Third Screen

                  MARKETPLACE                                  TECHNOLOGY
                  The Internet is a Transaction Medium        The Net is a Living Organism
.Digital Businesses
   Innovation and Creativity Framework                                              DIGITAL BUSINESSES


    At PLATAFOR.MA we connect and collaborate with the industrys best people
    and companies to develop new business models in digital media. Following our    DIGITAL ADVERTISING
    innovation and creativity philosophy we build and operate our businesses
    according to the markets needs and to Internet industrys standards. We have   MOBILE

    developed our own framework to run digital businesses.                          TECHNOLOGY

Innovation and Creativity Framework
 Context is King                                                          DIGITAL BUSINESSES


 At PLATAFOR.MA we have broad experience and knowledge in the 鍖elds
 of content and information for digital media. This allows us to create   DIGITAL ADVERTISING

 audiences based on peoples needs, as well as offer 360尊 services in     MOBILE
 strategy development and content creation.

Internet + Content + Audience + Advertiser = Digital business
The Internet is a Transaction Medium                                              DIGITAL BUSINESSES

There are many successful cases where transactions are used as a way to
monetize a digital service. PLATAFOR.MA has the experience and the tools to       MARKETPLACE

help you transform your traditional business into a marketplace and then into a   DIGITAL ADVERTISING
digital business.
Internet + Supply + Demand = Digital Business
.Digital Advertising
Advertising has a New Ecosystem                                                   DIGITAL BUSINESSES


At PLATAFOR.MA we understand the challenge of this new digital wave due to        MARKETPLACE

the fact that we have collaborated in the making of this new advertising
                                                                                  DIGITAL ADVERTISING
ecosystem in Latin America. We have the ability to connect and collaborate
with all the players of this new landscape and build pro鍖table businesses based   MOBILE

on digital advertising.

Content + Transaction = Audience >> Audience + Advertisers = Digital Business
The Third Screen                                                                      DIGITAL BUSINESSES


PLATAFOR.MA has a broad experience in mobile businesses and has established           MARKETPLACE
relationships with mobile operators and mobile service integrators all across
the region. This way, we can offer our clients the possibility of creating            DIGITAL ADVERTISING
businesses based on mobile technologies that converge in the web with                 MOBILE
services, information, applications, mobility, connectivity in any place and at any
time.                                                                                 TECHNOLOGY

Content + SMS + Mobile Browsing + Mobile Video Streaming = Digital Business
The Net is a living Organism                                                     DIGITAL BUSINESSES


At PLATAFOR.MA we differentiate our market strategies with code and              MARKETPLACE
infrastructure. We offer solutions according to our clients and their business
                                                                                 DIGITAL ADVERTISING
reality, using emerging digital technologies and ensuring their availability,
scalability and cost optimization.                                               MOBILE

Code + Infrastructure = Digital Businesses
.About Us
PLATAFOR.MA is digital

We are a result of the connection, collaboration and experience in three key 鍖elds in the
development of digital businesses: management/business + product/design + technology.

           pombo@platafor.ma          juanfelipe@platafor.ma       juancarlos@platafor.ma

               Management / Business + Product / Design + Technology
.About Us
PLATAFOR.MA is digital

                       Ricardo is one of the leaders and pioneers of the Internet industry
                       in Colombia. He managed the New Media and Classi鍖ed Ads
                       Department in Casa Editorial El Tiempo for more than 13 years. In
                       collaboration with a visionary leader and an interdisciplinary staff,
                       he created 18 Internet web sites, a pro鍖table business unit and he
                       succeeded in positioning Casa Editorial El Tiempo as the leading
                       company in Colombias digital market.

                       Ricardo connects and collaborates with PLATAFOR.MA with his
                       vast experience in management, business development, creation
                       of alliances and business plans and his ability to de鍖ne strategic
                       guidelines aimed at building market position of new projects and
                       mature businesses.

.About Us
PLATAFOR.MA is digital

                            Juan Felipes career has been 100% digital and includes
                            experience in managing mobile companies and developing on line
                            businesses. As a Content VP / GM of Colombia and Ecuador in
                            CycleLogic Mobile Solutions, he developed content businesses
                            and platforms for most mobile operators in Latin America in more
                            than 12 countries, leading a team of over 80 people. In his last
                            job as Information Portal Manager, he led the construction of the
                            online and mobile content ecosystem and digital audiences for
                            Casa Editorial El Tiempo, positioning the 8 websites as market
                            leaders in Colombia.

                            Juan Felipe connects and collaborates with PLATAFOR.MA in the
                            way he envisions the web, his innovative spirit, his ability to
                            generate new businesses based on the development of product/
 JUAN FELIPE CASTAO        concept, content, brand, audiences, and transactions in mobile
   juanfelipe@platafor.ma   and online platforms.

.About Us
PLATAFOR.MA is digital

                           Juan Carlos has a vast experience in the information technology
                           and telecommunication industries. He worked for more than 16
                           years in the technology department of Casa Editorial El Tiempo
                           leading the transformation of the multimedia content generation
                           process, as well as the classi鍖ed ads process. He offered
                           technological support to advertising, distribution, circulation and
                           production of print media.       Furthermore, as Operation and
                           Technology Manager for new media, he built, managed and led
                           the development, architecture and technological evolution of the
                           digital businesses created by that business unit.

                           Juan Carlos connects and collaborates with PLATAFOR.MA with
                           his experience, his vision and understanding of businesses to
                           transform them into technological solutions.         His wide IT
JUAN CARLOS AGUDELO        knowledge enables him to put into play high performance
  juancarlos@platafor.ma   platforms, optimizing costs and using state of the art technology.

At PLATAFOR.MA we Connect and Collaborate to develop digital businesses.

 Communicate and Connect with us @







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PLATAFOR.MA in english

  • 2. .Know How Creating Digital Businesses At PLATAFOR.MA we create digital businesses. We connect the best ideas with the best people to create digital strategies, we process them in our digital ecosystem and we launch into the market new businesses that challenge the status quo. That is our formula and we use it for our enterprises as well as yours. DIGITAL BUSINESSES DIGITAL ADVERTISING Innovation and Creativity Framework Advertising has a New Ecosystem CONTENT MOBILE Context is King The Third Screen MARKETPLACE TECHNOLOGY The Internet is a Transaction Medium The Net is a Living Organism
  • 3. .Digital Businesses Innovation and Creativity Framework DIGITAL BUSINESSES CONTENT MARKETPLACE At PLATAFOR.MA we connect and collaborate with the industrys best people and companies to develop new business models in digital media. Following our DIGITAL ADVERTISING innovation and creativity philosophy we build and operate our businesses according to the markets needs and to Internet industrys standards. We have MOBILE developed our own framework to run digital businesses. TECHNOLOGY Innovation and Creativity Framework
  • 4. .Content Context is King DIGITAL BUSINESSES CONTENT MARKETPLACE At PLATAFOR.MA we have broad experience and knowledge in the 鍖elds of content and information for digital media. This allows us to create DIGITAL ADVERTISING audiences based on peoples needs, as well as offer 360尊 services in MOBILE strategy development and content creation. TECHNOLOGY Internet + Content + Audience + Advertiser = Digital business
  • 5. .MarketPlace The Internet is a Transaction Medium DIGITAL BUSINESSES CONTENT There are many successful cases where transactions are used as a way to monetize a digital service. PLATAFOR.MA has the experience and the tools to MARKETPLACE help you transform your traditional business into a marketplace and then into a DIGITAL ADVERTISING digital business. MOBILE Internet + Supply + Demand = Digital Business TECHNOLOGY
  • 6. .Digital Advertising Advertising has a New Ecosystem DIGITAL BUSINESSES CONTENT At PLATAFOR.MA we understand the challenge of this new digital wave due to MARKETPLACE the fact that we have collaborated in the making of this new advertising DIGITAL ADVERTISING ecosystem in Latin America. We have the ability to connect and collaborate with all the players of this new landscape and build pro鍖table businesses based MOBILE on digital advertising. TECHNOLOGY Content + Transaction = Audience >> Audience + Advertisers = Digital Business
  • 7. .Mobile The Third Screen DIGITAL BUSINESSES CONTENT PLATAFOR.MA has a broad experience in mobile businesses and has established MARKETPLACE relationships with mobile operators and mobile service integrators all across the region. This way, we can offer our clients the possibility of creating DIGITAL ADVERTISING businesses based on mobile technologies that converge in the web with MOBILE services, information, applications, mobility, connectivity in any place and at any time. TECHNOLOGY Content + SMS + Mobile Browsing + Mobile Video Streaming = Digital Business
  • 8. .Technology The Net is a living Organism DIGITAL BUSINESSES CONTENT At PLATAFOR.MA we differentiate our market strategies with code and MARKETPLACE infrastructure. We offer solutions according to our clients and their business DIGITAL ADVERTISING reality, using emerging digital technologies and ensuring their availability, scalability and cost optimization. MOBILE TECHNOLOGY Code + Infrastructure = Digital Businesses
  • 9. .About Us PLATAFOR.MA is digital We are a result of the connection, collaboration and experience in three key 鍖elds in the development of digital businesses: management/business + product/design + technology. RICARDO POMBO JUAN FELIPE CASTAO JUAN CARLOS AGUDELO pombo@platafor.ma juanfelipe@platafor.ma juancarlos@platafor.ma Management / Business + Product / Design + Technology
  • 10. .About Us PLATAFOR.MA is digital Ricardo is one of the leaders and pioneers of the Internet industry in Colombia. He managed the New Media and Classi鍖ed Ads Department in Casa Editorial El Tiempo for more than 13 years. In collaboration with a visionary leader and an interdisciplinary staff, he created 18 Internet web sites, a pro鍖table business unit and he succeeded in positioning Casa Editorial El Tiempo as the leading company in Colombias digital market. Ricardo connects and collaborates with PLATAFOR.MA with his vast experience in management, business development, creation of alliances and business plans and his ability to de鍖ne strategic guidelines aimed at building market position of new projects and mature businesses. RICARDO POMBO pombo@platafor.ma http://co.linkedin.com/in/ricardopombo
  • 11. .About Us PLATAFOR.MA is digital Juan Felipes career has been 100% digital and includes experience in managing mobile companies and developing on line businesses. As a Content VP / GM of Colombia and Ecuador in CycleLogic Mobile Solutions, he developed content businesses and platforms for most mobile operators in Latin America in more than 12 countries, leading a team of over 80 people. In his last job as Information Portal Manager, he led the construction of the online and mobile content ecosystem and digital audiences for Casa Editorial El Tiempo, positioning the 8 websites as market leaders in Colombia. Juan Felipe connects and collaborates with PLATAFOR.MA in the way he envisions the web, his innovative spirit, his ability to generate new businesses based on the development of product/ JUAN FELIPE CASTAO concept, content, brand, audiences, and transactions in mobile juanfelipe@platafor.ma and online platforms. http://co.linkedin.com/in/maqroll
  • 12. .About Us PLATAFOR.MA is digital Juan Carlos has a vast experience in the information technology and telecommunication industries. He worked for more than 16 years in the technology department of Casa Editorial El Tiempo leading the transformation of the multimedia content generation process, as well as the classi鍖ed ads process. He offered technological support to advertising, distribution, circulation and production of print media. Furthermore, as Operation and Technology Manager for new media, he built, managed and led the development, architecture and technological evolution of the digital businesses created by that business unit. Juan Carlos connects and collaborates with PLATAFOR.MA with his experience, his vision and understanding of businesses to transform them into technological solutions. His wide IT JUAN CARLOS AGUDELO knowledge enables him to put into play high performance juancarlos@platafor.ma platforms, optimizing costs and using state of the art technology. http://co.linkedin.com/in/glider68
  • 13. At PLATAFOR.MA we Connect and Collaborate to develop digital businesses. Communicate and Connect with us @ conectese@platafor.ma connectandcollaborate.com twitter.com/plataf0rma facebook.com/plataf0rma 鍖ickr.com/plataf0rma linkedin.com/companies/platafor.ma