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    Plateaus ICT Journey 2011
    Our ICT focii for 2011


       Online class space

       E portfolios

       Our online presence in the school Library

       Effective use of IWBs

       Use ideas from the expo to enhance teaching and learning

By the end of Term one we had uniform class pages set up by each
teacher in a session led by the LTs. These can be viewed by the public.
We created these using PowerPoint. They will be updated each year.
+   All Plateau students have their own Uspace up and running. This is
    where theire-portfolio sits.
    Active class pages
    All teachers have been working on creating
    active class pages on the Ultranet with relevant
    links to online spaces/ activities which are being
    used by their class.

    -After school workshops by the LTs supported
    staff in this.

    Once the students access their class
    pages they know that they can click
    on these different sub pages or
    linked images for the set activities.
+ Our online News Centre has they needpaper notices. All teachers
  now use this for notices which
                                          to share.

    E portfolios
    Following a meeting with Kat
    Story from Ultranet we set up 2
    control classes to trial the use of
    the e portfolios on our uSpace.

    To do this we had to set a task
    for the children to complete on
    their portfolios.

    They comment against the WALT
    and WILF on the samples of
    work they upload.

    The format of our e portfolios
    allow for other students to
    leave constructive peer
    observations and comments.

    We have also set up our own teacher e portfolios where we can record and
    gather evidence for the RTCs.
An Online Library space for our Students
+   Following a National Library Course on online library spaces in March, our Librarian and LTR
    have set up an effective and active online space for students to access homework/ research
    links and the library catalogue in and out of school. We now have a Library blog to promote
    new books and library events.
    Our aim was to make these active spaces. To give incentive we decided any students who
    left comments on any blog posts should go into a draw at the end of each month. The traffic
    on the blog has been increasing steadily ever since
    IWB PD
    During the last two terms we have had 5 PD sessions on effective use of
    our Promethean boards. Other schools in our area and cluster have
    been attending these courses.

     Active boards are now being used independently by students during
     group rotations at maths and reading time.
What we took from the Expos
  The sunlight tree.         By Carlie-Ann

Adore  love

                                                                     soak up

   scrape away
   or wear down

Awesome  inspiring          Acrid 
or overwhelming              unpleasantly sharp            Accomplice  a
wonder, respect or           to the taste or               person who has
dread                        smell                         helped another to
                                                           commit a crime
                       Our Dictionary of Wonderful Words

                        hyperlinking with Innes Kennard
On the Job- Using digital images and movies to inspire writing
Many classes have adopted this writing exercise first thing in the morning using their IWB to
                     display video and images to enhance writing.
The teachers at Plateau have had a busy year of many challenging
and exciting ICT new learnings and tasks.
Their increasing confidence and willingness to venture outside the
comfort zone has reflected in our students use, familiarity and
integration of ICT into everyday learning and activities.

                                       Pauline Roberts
                                       Brid OKeeffe
                                       November 2011

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Plateau's ict journey 2011 finished

  • 1. + Plateaus ICT Journey 2011
  • 2. + Our ICT focii for 2011 Ultranet Online class space E portfolios Our online presence in the school Library Effective use of IWBs Use ideas from the expo to enhance teaching and learning
  • 3. +
  • 4. + By the end of Term one we had uniform class pages set up by each teacher in a session led by the LTs. These can be viewed by the public. We created these using PowerPoint. They will be updated each year.
  • 5. + All Plateau students have their own Uspace up and running. This is where theire-portfolio sits.
  • 6. +
  • 7. + Active class pages All teachers have been working on creating active class pages on the Ultranet with relevant links to online spaces/ activities which are being used by their class. -After school workshops by the LTs supported staff in this.
  • 8. + Once the students access their class pages they know that they can click on these different sub pages or linked images for the set activities.
  • 9. + Our online News Centre has they needpaper notices. All teachers now use this for notices which replaced to share.
  • 10. + E portfolios Following a meeting with Kat Story from Ultranet we set up 2 control classes to trial the use of the e portfolios on our uSpace. To do this we had to set a task for the children to complete on their portfolios. They comment against the WALT and WILF on the samples of work they upload.
  • 11. + The format of our e portfolios allow for other students to leave constructive peer observations and comments.
  • 12. + We have also set up our own teacher e portfolios where we can record and gather evidence for the RTCs.
  • 13. An Online Library space for our Students + Following a National Library Course on online library spaces in March, our Librarian and LTR have set up an effective and active online space for students to access homework/ research links and the library catalogue in and out of school. We now have a Library blog to promote new books and library events. Our aim was to make these active spaces. To give incentive we decided any students who left comments on any blog posts should go into a draw at the end of each month. The traffic on the blog has been increasing steadily ever since http://plateaulibrary.blogspot.com/
  • 14. + IWB PD During the last two terms we have had 5 PD sessions on effective use of our Promethean boards. Other schools in our area and cluster have been attending these courses. Active boards are now being used independently by students during group rotations at maths and reading time.
  • 15. What we took from the Expos The sunlight tree. By Carlie-Ann Photography
  • 16. Adore love deeply aA Absorb Angry soak up Abrade scrape away or wear down Awesome inspiring Acrid or overwhelming unpleasantly sharp Accomplice a wonder, respect or to the taste or person who has dread smell helped another to commit a crime Our Dictionary of Wonderful Words hyperlinking with Innes Kennard
  • 17. On the Job- Using digital images and movies to inspire writing Many classes have adopted this writing exercise first thing in the morning using their IWB to display video and images to enhance writing.
  • 18. The teachers at Plateau have had a busy year of many challenging and exciting ICT new learnings and tasks. Their increasing confidence and willingness to venture outside the comfort zone has reflected in our students use, familiarity and integration of ICT into everyday learning and activities. Pauline Roberts Brid OKeeffe November 2011