Alcohol is a dangerous and addictive drug that causes more deaths than marijuana or other drugs. Alcoholism is a disease where the body develops a need for alcohol and can experience psychological changes without it. Drinking alcohol causes loss of control and dangerous behaviors like violence. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to alcohol addiction, which can cause emotional changes, and sometimes drink to fit in even if they don't feel the need. Statistics show Europe consumes the most alcohol, and men drink more than women.
How the Use of NFC is Evolving-Innovative Ways to Use NFC Beyond Payments.
Speakers - John Murray, Ranbijay Kumar and Amrish Jain
JAM ASIA 2013, Hong Kong
The @one Alliance met all targets for AMP5 between 2010-2015, delivering over 850 projects on time and within budget while achieving efficiency savings. Key accomplishments included meeting carbon reduction targets, adopting new construction methods, and developing innovative planning and safety processes. The article highlights comments from various Alliance members praising the successful collaboration across organizations and noting it has positioned them well to exceed expectations for AMP6.
The social audit Toolkit provides practical guidance and insights to its users working in government departments, community organizations and civil society groups for using social audit as a tool to identify, measure, assess and report on the social performance of their organizations. This toolkit has been designed keeping in mind the views and the needs of non-specialists interested in conducting social audit. The objective of the Consultant in developing this tool-kit is to provide not only a comprehensive but also an easy-to-use tool-kit for government departments, CSOs and others.
This tool-kit comprises of introduction to the concepts, steps, the purpose and templates / forms of conducting social audit which will help in understanding the framework of social audit; describes how this curriculum is to be used in a sequential process for conducting social audit and the preparation of social audit report.
Colecci坦n de ideas sobre lo que dice Sir Ken Robinson.
多Como se puede transformar la educacion? Ken Robinsosn da tres respuestas:
1. Suprimiendo la jerarquizaci坦n de las asignaturas.
2. Cambiando las asignaturas por disciplinas (interdisciplinariedad).
3. Mediante un plan de estudios individualizado, no globalizado.
This document discusses EN standards for playground and recreational equipment. It provides background on Lappset, a manufacturer of playground equipment, and ESA Junttila, their product safety expert. It then outlines the process for developing EN standards, including initiating proposals, forming working groups, developing standards over 3 years, voting, and publishing. Several specific EN standards are overviewed, including standards for playground equipment, impact attenuation testing, multi-sport arenas, fitness equipment, skate facilities, and football goals. The benefits of EN standards are described as providing requirements for public tenders, aiding in accident liability cases, supporting risk assessments, and outlining inspection and maintenance procedures.
This document discusses EN standards for playground and recreational equipment. It provides background on Lappset, a manufacturer of playground equipment, and ESA Junttila, their product safety expert. It then outlines the process for developing EN standards, including initiating proposals, forming working groups, developing standards over 3 years, voting, and publishing. Several specific EN standards are overviewed, including standards for playground equipment, impact attenuation testing, multi-sport arenas, fitness equipment, skate facilities, and football goals. The benefits of EN standards are described as providing requirements for public tenders, aiding in accident liability cases, supporting risk assessments, and outlining inspection and maintenance procedures.
1. Lappset Yeni Clover Yalp Sona Ay脹n sorusu
Lappset New Clover Yalp Sona Puzzle of the month
PLATONews 2/2016
A y l 脹 k H a b e r B 端 l t e n i / M o n t h l y N e w s l e t t e r
脹k, vandalizme dayan脹kl脹 ve hesapl脹
Stylish, vandal-proof and economic
2. 2/2016
Klasik ve hesapl脹 oyun park脹 巽旦z端mleri
Doal, boyas脹z ve sade tasar脹ml脹 Clover 端r端nleri, bu 旦zellikleri ile her t端rl端 巽evreye m端kemmel
uyum salamaktad脹r. S旦z konusu ilevsellik olduunda, Cloverlar tam anlam脹yla birer
klasiktirler. Bu seriye ait oyun park脹 ekipmanlar脹 temel, hesapl脹 ve geleneksel oyun ilevlerinin
t端m端n端 kar脹lar: T脹rmanma, as脹lma, denge, kayma ve sallanma.
Bu 旦zelliklere bir de Lappset'in 端retim esnas脹nda titizlikle uyduu 端st端n 巽ocuk oyun parklar脹
g端venlik standartlar脹 eklendiinde, Clover 端r端nleri alan脹nda rakipsiz kalmaktad脹r. Hem
kullan脹lan malzeme kalitesi hem de titiz i巽ilik, Clover 端r端nlerinin bak脹m脹n脹 da
Classic and affordable playground solutions
The undyed, aesthetically simplified Clover products are perfectly suited for various
surroundings because of the neutral looks. In respect to functioning, the Clover products are
real classics. The playground equipment has the very basic, affordable and traditional play
functions: climbing, hanging, balancing, swinging and sliding.
Lappsets established experience and skill in taking the safety of playing children into account
already during the design stages make the price-quality ratio of Clover products unique.
Materials and surface treatment makes Clover products particularly easy to maintain.
3. 2/2016
Gelitirilmi malzeme ve tasar脹m - 20 y脹l garanti
Y端ksek bas脹n巽l脹 laminat HPL malzemesinin daha fazla kullan脹m脹yla 端r端nlerin 旦mr端
art脹r脹lm脹 ve garanti s端resi 20 y脹l olarak belirlenmitir.
Hafif ve salam kayd脹rak ile 端r端n daha pratikletirilmitir.
Lappset tasar脹m b旦l端m端 HPL par巽alar脹n renklerini istee bal脹 olarak deitirerek
sizlere daha renkli oyun gruplar脹 sunar!
Improved materials and looks - 20 years warranty
Prolonged lifespan with the increased use of high pressure laminate, HPL with a
warranty for 20 years.
Now with light and easy plastic slide a practical choice.
Lappset design department can change the colour of HPL to make Clover more colour-
ful if needed!
4. Halitaa Cad. Ekiolu 聴 Merkezi No: 16 K: 2 D: 66-67
Kad脹k旦y 34714 聴stanbul - Turkey
T +90 216 450 52 67-68 F +90 216 450 52 69
Ay脹n Bulmacas脹
Puzzle of the Month
nceki sorunun 巽旦z端m端
Solution of previous puzzle
Y/A Y/M USD/TRY EUR/TRY Zorluk Derecesi Difficulty Level
Kaynak: TCMB Source: CBRT
Katil kim?
X: Katil Y'dir
Y: Katil Z'dir
Z: Katil ne X ne de Y'dir
Sadece bir tanesinin a巽脹klamas脹
doru ise katil kim?
Who is the murderer?
Y: is the murderer
Z: is the murderer
Neither X nor Y is the murderer
If only one of the statements is true,
then who is the murderer?
2016/01 2,9788 3,2479
2015/12 2,9228 3,1795
2015/11 2,8684 3,0920
2015/10 2,9296 3,2956
2015/09 3,0135 3,3871
2015/08 2,8538 3,1788
2015/07 2,7039 2,9787
2015/06 2,7113 3,0430
2015/05 2,6511 2,9575
2015/04 2,6549 2,8663
2015/03 2,5933 2,8073
2015/02 2,4641 2,7986
Yalp Sona, 旦zellikle d脹 mekanlar i巽in tasarlanm脹 sesli interaktif bir oyun
setidir. ok y旦nl端 interaktif oyun seti olarak, 100den fazla okula,
kamusal alanlara, elence mekanlar脹na ve hatta huzurevlerine
yerletirilmitir. B端y端k turuncu kemeri ger巽ekten g旦z al脹c脹d脹r ve uzaktan
farkedilir. Sadece bir d端meye basarak beraberinde gelen 10dan fazla
oyunu oynamaya balay脹n.
The Yalp Sona is an audio-interactive play set, especially designed for the
outdoors. As perhaps the most versatile interactive play set, over 100
have been placed in schools, the public realm, in recreational facilities
and even senior homes. The large orange arch is a real eye-catcher and
recognizable from a far. Play one of the 10+ games in comes with, with a
simple press of a button.
zellikler Specifications
3G kablosuz balant脹 3G wireless connection
Vandalizme dayan脹kl脹 Vandalism resistant
T端m hava artlar脹na dayan脹kl脹 All weather proof
Y端ksek kaliteli hoparl旦rler High quality audio speakers
50'den fazla renk se巽enei 50 + colors to choose from
Uzaktan kumanda Remote control
(Ak脹ll脹 telefon / Tablet / PC) (Smartphone / Tablet / PC)
Youn kullan脹ma g旦re tasar脹m ve 端retim Designed & built for heavy public use
Enerji kayna脹: ebeke Power source: regular mains
Zorlu kalite testlerinden ge巽mi Underwent rigorous quality testing
A巽脹k ve kapal脹 mekanlarda kullan脹m For indoors & outdoors use