TOM Dráčata Zvole - představení oddíluLetní táborové školy Asociace TOMPředstavení oddílu TOM Dráčata na letní táborové škole Asociace TOM ve Sloupu v Čechách v roce 2010.
Školní projekt: Relikviář Svatého Maura - Doudleby nad OrlicízamekdoudlebyPodrobný dokumentace školního projektu, při němž žáci 5. třídy ZŠ Doudleby nad Orlicí vytvořili kopii relikviáře sv. Maura. Kopie byla následně darována místnímu zámku.
Knihovna města Plzně - plakát akcíKnihovna města Plzně, p. o.Akce pořádané Knihovnou města Plzně - besedy, přednášky, koncerty a další.
Global eco2013 geotourism_angusm_robinsonLeisure Solutions®This joint presentation is designed to explain how geotourism is inextricably linked to ecotourism and the potential opportunities for geotourism development and growth in Australia.
Design for MobileSales Hub ProFocusing on user experience, task analysis and mental models, this is a brief introduction to methods we can use to make content easier and more enjoyable to access on the mobile.
What Happened From 1767 Until Now In Theh20hoThe document provides background information on technology and science in Thailand from 1767 to the present. It discusses how Thailand has progressed from having armies with only 10% of soldiers having rifles made of wood to being sanctioned by the US for chemical and biological weapons proliferation. Transportation advanced from walking and boats to modern modes like automobiles and air travel. Western influence and the ruling Chakri Dynasty have been the two most significant factors shaping technology and science in Thailand over this time period. Current areas of focus include agriculture, industry, and research institutions.
TOM Dráčata Zvole - představení oddíluLetní táborové školy Asociace TOMPředstavení oddílu TOM Dráčata na letní táborové škole Asociace TOM ve Sloupu v Čechách v roce 2010.
Školní projekt: Relikviář Svatého Maura - Doudleby nad OrlicízamekdoudlebyPodrobný dokumentace školního projektu, při němž žáci 5. třídy ZŠ Doudleby nad Orlicí vytvořili kopii relikviáře sv. Maura. Kopie byla následně darována místnímu zámku.
Knihovna města Plzně - plakát akcíKnihovna města Plzně, p. o.Akce pořádané Knihovnou města Plzně - besedy, přednášky, koncerty a další.
Global eco2013 geotourism_angusm_robinsonLeisure Solutions®This joint presentation is designed to explain how geotourism is inextricably linked to ecotourism and the potential opportunities for geotourism development and growth in Australia.
Design for MobileSales Hub ProFocusing on user experience, task analysis and mental models, this is a brief introduction to methods we can use to make content easier and more enjoyable to access on the mobile.
What Happened From 1767 Until Now In Theh20hoThe document provides background information on technology and science in Thailand from 1767 to the present. It discusses how Thailand has progressed from having armies with only 10% of soldiers having rifles made of wood to being sanctioned by the US for chemical and biological weapons proliferation. Transportation advanced from walking and boats to modern modes like automobiles and air travel. Western influence and the ruling Chakri Dynasty have been the two most significant factors shaping technology and science in Thailand over this time period. Current areas of focus include agriculture, industry, and research institutions.
Hi 121 Power Point Aug Sep09h20hoThe document discusses the history and culture of Thailand from the Sukhothai Kingdom period to the early Rattanakosin period. It describes the social classes and occupations of the people, as well as the political and economic reforms implemented by various Thai kings to centralize administration and modernize the country. The kings played an active role in developing agriculture, trade, infrastructure and other sectors to strengthen the kingdom.
Ppc Bully 2.1 SuiteemilpazThe document summarizes the PPC Bully 2.1 training program. The program teaches advanced pay-per-click (PPC) strategies and tactics for building a sustainable business. Modules will cover topics like bidding strategies, niche research, landing pages, and setting up campaigns. The agenda for the first module outlines basics of PPC like mindset, goals, anatomy of a campaign, and three sample strategies: domain/product name bidding, list building, and using front-end and back-end offers.
normal distribution problemsrohan87111) The document provides 11 examples involving calculations using the normal distribution to solve probability problems related to business, quality control, and sampling.
2) Many of the examples ask the reader to calculate the probability of an event occurring or the expected number of outcomes given data about the average and standard deviation of a normal distribution.
3) The final example discusses whether a concession manager should hire additional employees given the potential costs and probabilities associated with the expected attendance at a hockey game.
CucumberArrrrCampThis document introduces Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) and Cucumber, describes how to install Cucumber with Ruby gems, provides a TextMate bundle link for writing Cucumber features, mentions a demo, and lists contact information and resources for learning more about BDD with Cucumber.
Use COBIT for IT SAVINGSSanjiv AroraUnderstand advantages of using COBIT Framework and how it can be used for IT Management in addition to a holistic IT Governance Implementation
Social Caring, il tassello mancante (free webinar)Artlandis' Webinar & WorkshopMentre si parla di Social Media ormai ovunque, inizia ad affacciarsi sempre più spesso tra gli articoli degli specialisti un termine importante dai risvolti significativi per lo sviluppo di una buona strategia promozionale online: si parla del "social caring", un'espressione che raccoglie ed eredita le dinamiche riconducibili alla gestione della reputazione online, all'ascolto ed alla capacità di interagire con il proprio pubblico, soddisfandone bisogni e curiosità.
Il web moderno cresce insieme con i nuovi devices e le abitudini degli utenti che sempre di più richiedono una "cura" ed una gestione migliore di quanto visto in passato. Il reale livello di coinvolgimento di ogni brand va di pari passo con la sua potenza espressiva e la capacità di interagire con il mercato e con il pubblico che lo rappresenta, per questo è di fondamentale importanza prevedere in ogni "azione" online le implicazioni (e le potenzialità) di una corretta gestione del #socialcaring all'interno delle pagine che lo rappresentano.
Curiosi? Parliamone insieme, c'è molto da dire ;)
Presentacio nova línia de suport a les formacions musicals establesInstitut Català de les Empreses CulturalsLa nova política vol garantir una major transparència en la concessió dels ajuts, afavorir l’excel·lència i promoure l’activitat professional dels músics catalans
· El nou sistema d’ajuts tindrà dos trams de valoració: un d’automàtic, mitjançant un sistema objectiu de punts, i un de qualitatiu, amb l’avaluació del projecte per part d’una comissió d’experts
· Com a novetat, també hi podran optar les big bands de jazz i les agrupacions corals
· El Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació incrementarà un 26 % (500.000 euros) la inversió en les formacions musicals estables
· Els principals equipaments públics i festivals s’han compromès a fer una cinquantena de noves actuacions per temporada
Service Orient Or Be DoomedBusiness Book SummariesThis document summarizes the key ideas from the book "Service Orient or Be Doomed! How Service Orientation Will Change Your Business". It discusses how adopting a service-oriented approach can help businesses become more flexible and agile to meet changing needs. The book argues that separating business and technology is no longer possible, and that future business success depends on developing a shared understanding between business and IT through principles like loose coupling, standardization, and iterative development. It also outlines the roles of enterprise architects and cross-functional teams in driving a successful shift to service-oriented operations.
Spark and Couchbase– Augmenting the Operational Database with SparkMatt IngenthronHow do NoSQL Document-Oriented Databases like Couchbase fit in with Apache Spark? This set of slides gives a couple of use cases, shows why Couchbase works great with Spark, and sets up a scenario for a demo.
České Vánoce/Czech ChristmasivanabrabcovaCzech Christmas traditions include floating small boats with candles in nutshells on water, where if two boats join it means the people will be together next year. Another tradition is slicing apples - if a star appears in the half it means good health, while a cross means sickness. On Christmas Eve Czech families decorate trees, watch TV, don't eat to try and see a legendary gold pig, and have dinner which often includes fried carp.
Adam MickiewiczivanabrabcovaThis document provides a short biography of Adam Mickiewicz, a famous Polish poet. It notes that he first gained attention for his collection of ballads and romances, which opened the romantic era in Polish literature. His most famous work was the dramatic poem "Forefathers' Eve", which portrayed Poland's role in Europe and equated the suffering of the Polish nation with the Passion of Christ. The document also includes an excerpt from Mickiewicz's poem "Ode to Youth".
Jaroslav Seifert - Look at bookivanabrabcovaJaroslav Seifert was a Czech poet and the first Czech Nobel Prize winner. He was born in 1901 in a poor family in Prague and studied at several high schools while working as an editor for many newspapers and magazines. He wrote poems for both children and adults throughout his life until his death in 1986.
Karel Čapek - Look at bookivanabrabcovaKarel Čapek was a Czech writer and painter born in 1890. He worked as a journalist, writer, dramatist, translator and critic. He is best known for co-creating the word "robot" which he first used in his play RUR.
Czech Christmas - eTwinning project "Look at book"ivanabrabcovaCzech Christmas traditions include floating small boats with candles in nutshells on water, where if two boats join it means the people will be together next year. Another tradition is slicing apples - if a cross appears it means bad luck and sickness, while a star means good health. On Christmas Eve people decorate trees and don't eat in hopes of seeing a gold pig. Typical foods include fried carp and potato salad for the Christmas dinner. People also sing carols under the Christmas tree.
PizapivanabrabcovaPizap is a free and easy to use website for creating collages and editing photos. Users can sign in using their Facebook account, choose a collage type, add photos and effects, customize with stickers and borders, add text, and then save and share their finished collage. Pizap provides fun ways to creatively edit and combine photos through its variety of filters, frames, and colorful stickers.
KizoaivanabrabcovaKizoa allows users to easily create slideshows online without downloading any software. Users can upload photos and videos, add transitions, special effects, text, and music. ݺߣshows can then be played, saved, and shared on websites, blogs, and social media like Facebook and Twitter. The process involves uploading content, customizing each slide with effects and animations, and adding a song to accompany the slideshow.
What is eTwinningivanabrabcovaeTwinning is a European network that connects teachers through online projects. It provides a free and safe platform called TwinSpace that allows teachers and students to collaborate on projects. TwinSpace offers various online tools like a calendar, messaging, chat, and spaces for activities, forums, blogs, and file sharing to facilitate project work between schools. The goal of eTwinning is to support teachers in setting up international partnerships and carrying out educational projects with schools across Europe.
E twinning plus contact seminar (1)ivanabrabcovaThe document summarizes an eTwinning Plus contact seminar that took place in Krakow from September 26-29, 2013. It describes activities around creating collaborative detective stories in relay format and publishing them as an e-book. It also lists other activities like team, school, and country presentations, chats, a Christmas video, and notice boards. Feedback was positive, noting the activities were fun and great work. The document concludes by outlining an eTwinning Plus project on fashion involving schools in Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Azerbaijan that included team presentations, questionnaires, collecting photos, and interviewing a fashion designer.
How to register a projectivanabrabcovaTo register an eTwinning project, a teacher must first find and add a partner contact from another country to their contact list. Once the contact accepts, the first teacher fills out a registration form providing the project title, description, languages, ages and number of pupils involved, subject, aims, tools to be used, work process, and expected results. Both the first teacher's and second teacher's national support services must then approve the project before other partners can be added and work can begin.
E twinning contact_seminarivanabrabcovaThis document outlines an eTwinning Contact Seminar taking place in Prague from April 25-27, 2013. The seminar aims to introduce teachers to the eTwinning portal and tools, help them find international partners, register projects, and develop professionally while having fun. The first activity is an icebreaker where teachers find others with the same colored ball and discuss their school, project ideas, and interests. Successful eTwinning projects are defined as having a common topic and language, agreed upon aims and outcomes, inclusion in the school curriculum, discussion of ICT tools, teacher communication, an initial collaborative activity, and evaluation.
DesktopivanabrabcovaThe document provides an overview of the key features and tools available on the eTwinning desktop workspace. It allows teachers to find partners, communicate with other schools, and start projects. Key features include access to eTwinning news, learning events, discussion groups, profiles, contacts, projects, and teachers' rooms on various topics. Teachers can also create their own rooms and use tools to find partners and proposals to collaborate on projects.
2. Dne 30.4. jsme jeli na exkurzi na Pálavu. Na Pálavu
jsme šli s paní učitelkou Babáčkovou a paní
učitelkou Šlancarovou. Na vrchol Pálavy jsme šli
přes Dolní Věstonice. Procházeli jsme lesem až k
Dívčímu hradu. Z Dívčího hradu jsme viděli Pavlov.
Jak jsme pokračovali v exkurzi, tak nám paní
učitelka Babáčková ukazovala spoustu zajímavých
květin. Když jsme obešli Pálavu, dorazili jsme do
Horních Věstonic. V Horních Věstonicích jsme
nastoupili na autobus a jeli jsme domů.
Dan Morávek, 6.A