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Play it again, Sam
Modern Screen Lecture Capture
Really easy.
Use standard network username and password

Type in Title
Hit Red Button
Any Questions ?
Really useful.
Pours into Blackboard
Play it again, sam
Not much else to know
Just use your regular network login id.

Log in
All collected together
 Can record at home and deliver
  through Relay

 Can deliver to multiple formats 
  Blackboard, iTunes

 Can easily trim front and back at end
  of class
Good. Very good.
The lecture was quite helpful.
One question though: did John ever acquire a stapler?

                                         Yeah I agree- I took an online class
                                         before and was pretty much in the dark
                                         the whole semester. Definitely a big help.

Just wanted to say thanks for uploading your in-class lecture, I found it very helpful.
 I was a little intimidated this week by the content as I have no programming experience,
but the video made it easier.

 I have two monitors hooked up, watched the lecture on the left, followed along on the
right. Worked wonderfully.

         yea i agree watching them videos and
         lectures help me a lot understanding things.
I just spoke with helpdesk about saving BB-posted videos
from CIS111 -- since I've been trying to review past weeks'
as well as this week's 2.
It would be great to review videos to solidify my learning
both before and after final.

I'd appreciate any that you feel comfortable sharing for
offline use.

                       It's VERY helpful, it gives us the opportunity to basically
                       experience being in the classroom and see/hear you explain
                       things. It's a great idea, and it definitely has helped me,
                       thanks for taking the effort to do this for us.

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Play it again, sam

  • 1. Play it again, Sam Modern Screen Lecture Capture
  • 3. Use standard network username and password Login
  • 11. Just use your regular network login id. Log in
  • 13. Can record at home and deliver through Relay Can deliver to multiple formats Blackboard, iTunes Can easily trim front and back at end of class
  • 15. The lecture was quite helpful. One question though: did John ever acquire a stapler? Yeah I agree- I took an online class before and was pretty much in the dark the whole semester. Definitely a big help. Just wanted to say thanks for uploading your in-class lecture, I found it very helpful. I was a little intimidated this week by the content as I have no programming experience, but the video made it easier. I have two monitors hooked up, watched the lecture on the left, followed along on the right. Worked wonderfully. yea i agree watching them videos and lectures help me a lot understanding things.
  • 16. I just spoke with helpdesk about saving BB-posted videos from CIS111 -- since I've been trying to review past weeks' as well as this week's 2. It would be great to review videos to solidify my learning both before and after final. I'd appreciate any that you feel comfortable sharing for offline use. It's VERY helpful, it gives us the opportunity to basically experience being in the classroom and see/hear you explain things. It's a great idea, and it definitely has helped me, thanks for taking the effort to do this for us.

Editor's Notes

  • #10: Run bbd cis 111 onln2 week 3, first choice.Show search on phrase variable type it slowly. Or use compile have to wait for full file to download Then go to second choice and show ppt indices.
  • #12: https://camrelay.mc3.edu/Relay/Welcome.aspx