This document discusses a framework for adopting personal learning environments (PLEs) in commercial organizations. It conducted interviews in small to large commercial and public sector organizations to identify 10 factors that influence PLE adoption. These factors include the cost-effectiveness, time and effort required, technical compatibility with existing systems, basic IT support available, leadership's attitude towards change, strategic alignment of PLEs with organizational goals, the role of line managers as champions, having an agreed definition of PLEs, using social networks to communicate benefits, and organizational learning culture. The interviews were analyzed using a three-stage coding process to identify these adoption factors.
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15. Demonstrable prototypes via screencastsDemonstrable compatibility with existing solutions will positively effect PLE adoption.
16. Basic IT Support1 October 2009The type of IT support within a organisation will have an impact on the adoption of PLEs
17. Leaderships attitudePLE adoption within commercial organisations will be influenced by the top managements attitude towards change.
18. Strategic Alignment The absence of a learning/training strategy, linking organizational goals with individual performance outcomes, will negatively impact adoption of PLEs.
22. High social network/media usageUsing social media to communicate PLE benefits is likely to influence PLE adoption.
23. Learning CultureThe more prescriptive the nature of learning is within an organisation, the more likely it will have a negative impact on PLE adoption.
24. Proposed PLE diffusion modelLine ManagerLeadership AttitudeStrategic AlignmentIT SupportLearning CulturePerceived factuality and Social Networks Cost-benefit, compatibility andTime expectancy