This presentation addresses the ways in which traditional catalogers are uniquely positioned to make valuable contributions to the linked library data future and outlines competencies for performing metadata work.
La temperatura es una magnitud relacionada con la energ鱈a cin辿tica de las part鱈culas de un sistema. Se define como la cuantificaci坦n de la actividad molecular y puede medirse con un term坦metro. Afecta propiedades como el estado de la materia y la velocidad de reacciones qu鱈micas.
AEJMC Literary Journalism Presentation 2016Mitzi Lewis
This document summarizes the results of a survey about how educators are incorporating long-form journalism into their classes. It provides details on:
- Who conducted and contributed to the survey
- Demographic information about the 120 respondents such as their organization affiliations, ages, years of teaching experience, and whether they have a journalism background
- Types of courses respondents teach and how deeply they cover long-form journalism
- Assignments respondents give related to long-form works, such as book-length readings from sources like The New Yorker and assigning both readings and videos
- Whether respondents incorporate social media into assignments and examples of how they do so
- The range of pages of writing respondents require for assignments throughout
All Natural ,Purified Stevia Extract Based Zero Calorie Sweetener ,Use of stevioside lowers the calorie content of foods and makes it suitable for the diabetics and dieting people .
09 13-15 photo and image, what to shootSung Woo Yoo
This document provides guidance on photo assignments for storytelling projects. It discusses shooting a series of 15 images for social media and an audio slide story with at least 7 photos. Key elements of the audio slide story include 1-2 minutes run time, use of multiple audio files like narration and music, and inclusion of titles and captions. It also covers different types of camera shots like wide, medium, and close-up shots to tell a complete story. Guidelines are provided on a "five shot rule" to construct a story through different shots like scene setters, connecting characters, portraits, and capturing details and action.
UK businesses waste millions of pounds each year through inefficient paper filling, lost or inaccurate data and awkward data management processes.
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- The exam for the Fundamentals of Digital/Online Media course will take place on August 6th in class from 2-3pm. It will cover material from chapters 7-11 and presentations since the midterm.
- The exam consists of 50 multiple choice and true/false questions, with one short answer extra credit question. It will focus 75% on material covered since the midterm.
- To prepare, students should review all chapters and presentations, as well as videos, additional links, and news items discussed throughout the course. Familiarity with key concepts, people, events, and companies is important.
- Any outstanding questions about blog posts, which are due by midnight on August 7th,
Mobile is eating the world, but few developers realize that mobile software is written very differently from desktop software. This leads to lots of mobile apps that simply dont work well, suck up battery power, or cant recover from being put into the background. Ill discuss a few such apps on the Android platform, and explain how they should have been written to improve user experience, illustrating general mobile development principles by example.
Make MarcEdit Work For You: OLC Technical Services RetreatTerry Reese
MarcEdit is a free open source tool for working with MARC data and other metadata formats. It allows users to break, edit, and create MARC records. It also facilitates crosswalking between MARC and other metadata schemas like MODS, EAD, and Dublin Core. The tool provides global editing functions, character conversions, templates, and integration with OCLC services for tasks like batch uploading records and managing holdings. Help is available through documentation, videos, and the MarcEdit mailing list.
O documento cont辿m v叩rios exerc鱈cios de correspond棚ncia entre imagens e palavras para crian巽as, incluindo circundar palavras corretas, associar objetos a figuras, e encontrar palavras em uma sopa de letras.
- Angela surveyed 50 potential customers and found that 35 were interested in her house cleaning services.
- Her target market is working women with children in school who want cleaning done 1-2 times per month.
- Based on the surveys, Angela could earn over $4,000 per month cleaning houses 1-2 times for working mothers.
Using a number of well-known paintings, Jan Schultink, a McKinsey-trained presentation designer and strategy consultant, introduces himself and his perspectives on presentation design.
This document is a collection of random letters, symbols and characters with no discernible meaning or structure. It does not contain any essential information that can be summarized in 3 sentences or less.
La estudiante entiende que la planeaci坦n es planificar tareas con anticipaci坦n considerando factores internos y externos para alcanzar objetivos. Cree que es importante planear la vida para saber qu辿 actividades realizar y lograr metas. La planeaci坦n permite saber las cosas que se tienen previsto hacer.
Aliens are a common element in many works of science fiction. They are typically depicted as more advanced lifeforms from other planets that are either hostile invaders or peaceful visitors exploring Earth. Some key examples include the Cylons from Battlestar Galactica who seek to destroy humanity, and the various alien races Greg encounters through space travel in many Star Trek episodes who have diverse cultures and technologies. Aliens allow science fiction writers to reflect on humanity and ask profound questions by placing people in contact with lifeforms that are both similar and different from us.
Data Visualization and Learning Analytics with xAPIMargaret Roth
With the Experience API we are able to collect more granular, high-resolution data from our learning tools and platforms. But once we have that data, how do we present it in ways that easily communicate the right insights to our stakeholders?
In this presentation from the xAPI Cohort's Spring 2018 session, you'll find a brief historical survey of data visualizations, three keys to designing good data visualizations, and case studies of xAPI specific data visualizations and the insights they provided to organizations.
Marianne Lykkes presentation at ASIS&T Conferenceellwordpress
The panel presentation discusses adaptivity in information retrieval systems and user interaction. It outlines four dimensions of adaptivity: 1) integration of information objects in the system to the user context, 2) adaptation of the system to users through dynamic user modeling and search features, 3) adaptation of searchers to systems through interaction and mental model building, and 4) central dimensions of adaptation through system-user integration and user adaptation to systems. The panelists then present case studies on these dimensions and discuss research opportunities in evaluating and designing adaptive integrated retrieval systems.
This presentation was given by Michael Lauruhn of Elsevier Labs during the NISO Virtual Conference, BIBFRAME & Real World Applications of Linked Bibliographic Data, held on June 15, 2016.
Rscd 2017 bo f data lifecycle data skills for libsSusanMRob
This document discusses the data skills required of librarians and presents a matrix of factors that influence these skills, including the librarian's role, the data lifecycle services provided by the library, and the research intensity of the institution. It notes the wide range of possible data-related skills and acknowledges that no individual can master all of them, emphasizing the need for librarians to work as a team with complementary skills. The document also examines questions around how librarians can become more involved in data science and what their future roles may be in supporting data-intensive research.
Learning and Behavioral Analytics From concept to realityAbelardo Pardo
How can learning analytics be taken from its design to its deployment in an educational institution? What are the issues, limitations, strategies? This presentation includes a descirption of Learning Analytics, examples, how to tackle systemic deployment and suggestions on how to build institutional capacity.
"We'll burn that bridge when we get to itTechnology, Metadata Standards, an...Jennifer Liss
Linked data, RDA, and shelf ready processing are relatively recent developments in a long evolution of library technology, metadata standards, and technical services workflows. Although change has been a constant fixture of the cataloger's reality, change is nonetheless disruptivesometimes, bridges burn. This session takes a historical view of cataloging and metadata creation from the time of Cutter to the dawn of semantic search. The evolution and interplay of technology, metadata standards, and workflowsthe tools of our tradewill be considered. What were the roles of catalogers during times of transition? Which personal and professional strengths have proven invaluable over the last century? How does any of this help our community interpret developments in linked library data or user-centered resource discovery? The presenter will propose a framework for interpreting changes in library technology, metadata standards, and technical services workflows. By viewing such changes through the lens of cataloging competencies, our community might navigate into new territory and cooperate in the building of new bridges.
An interdisciplinary journey with the SAL spaceship results and challenges ...Stefan Dietze
Keynote at HELMeTO2022 conference, Palermo, Italy on recent research in Search As Learning (SAL), at the intersection of machine learning and cognitive psychology.
This document presents a taxonomy of semantic web data retrieval techniques. It categorizes techniques into ontology retrieval, linked/RDF data retrieval, and graph/structured data retrieval. It describes aspects of semantic web retrieval including storage and search, ranking, evaluation, and practical aspects. It also surveys existing techniques, provides a categorization of prominent techniques, discusses research directions, and concludes with an overview of semantic web data retrieval approaches.
LRMI Smithsonian Workshop Presentation 140914-16Michael Jay
Presentation to curators, education personnel, and tech people about the LRMI and how that can be leveraged to make resources more discoverable and their collections more educationally relevant.
SCM offers challenges for researchers, especially in an emerging economy like India. This presentation is about some perspectives about doing research in SCM and opportunities ic in SCM.
A brief and simplified introduction to the ACRL Frameworks & Standards for Information Literacy to improve student learning in Higher Education classrooms.
This is from a webinar presented by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide called Major Supply Chain Trends for 2014. The presenter is Dr. Edward Knab.
Overview of semantic technologies and ontologies, with a focus on their definition, uses and users. RDF, RDF-S, OWL and SWRL are discussed. Some example users include IBM Watson, construction and finance industry companies, BBC and Google.
Make MarcEdit Work For You: OLC Technical Services RetreatTerry Reese
MarcEdit is a free open source tool for working with MARC data and other metadata formats. It allows users to break, edit, and create MARC records. It also facilitates crosswalking between MARC and other metadata schemas like MODS, EAD, and Dublin Core. The tool provides global editing functions, character conversions, templates, and integration with OCLC services for tasks like batch uploading records and managing holdings. Help is available through documentation, videos, and the MarcEdit mailing list.
O documento cont辿m v叩rios exerc鱈cios de correspond棚ncia entre imagens e palavras para crian巽as, incluindo circundar palavras corretas, associar objetos a figuras, e encontrar palavras em uma sopa de letras.
- Angela surveyed 50 potential customers and found that 35 were interested in her house cleaning services.
- Her target market is working women with children in school who want cleaning done 1-2 times per month.
- Based on the surveys, Angela could earn over $4,000 per month cleaning houses 1-2 times for working mothers.
Using a number of well-known paintings, Jan Schultink, a McKinsey-trained presentation designer and strategy consultant, introduces himself and his perspectives on presentation design.
This document is a collection of random letters, symbols and characters with no discernible meaning or structure. It does not contain any essential information that can be summarized in 3 sentences or less.
La estudiante entiende que la planeaci坦n es planificar tareas con anticipaci坦n considerando factores internos y externos para alcanzar objetivos. Cree que es importante planear la vida para saber qu辿 actividades realizar y lograr metas. La planeaci坦n permite saber las cosas que se tienen previsto hacer.
Aliens are a common element in many works of science fiction. They are typically depicted as more advanced lifeforms from other planets that are either hostile invaders or peaceful visitors exploring Earth. Some key examples include the Cylons from Battlestar Galactica who seek to destroy humanity, and the various alien races Greg encounters through space travel in many Star Trek episodes who have diverse cultures and technologies. Aliens allow science fiction writers to reflect on humanity and ask profound questions by placing people in contact with lifeforms that are both similar and different from us.
Data Visualization and Learning Analytics with xAPIMargaret Roth
With the Experience API we are able to collect more granular, high-resolution data from our learning tools and platforms. But once we have that data, how do we present it in ways that easily communicate the right insights to our stakeholders?
In this presentation from the xAPI Cohort's Spring 2018 session, you'll find a brief historical survey of data visualizations, three keys to designing good data visualizations, and case studies of xAPI specific data visualizations and the insights they provided to organizations.
Marianne Lykkes presentation at ASIS&T Conferenceellwordpress
The panel presentation discusses adaptivity in information retrieval systems and user interaction. It outlines four dimensions of adaptivity: 1) integration of information objects in the system to the user context, 2) adaptation of the system to users through dynamic user modeling and search features, 3) adaptation of searchers to systems through interaction and mental model building, and 4) central dimensions of adaptation through system-user integration and user adaptation to systems. The panelists then present case studies on these dimensions and discuss research opportunities in evaluating and designing adaptive integrated retrieval systems.
This presentation was given by Michael Lauruhn of Elsevier Labs during the NISO Virtual Conference, BIBFRAME & Real World Applications of Linked Bibliographic Data, held on June 15, 2016.
Rscd 2017 bo f data lifecycle data skills for libsSusanMRob
This document discusses the data skills required of librarians and presents a matrix of factors that influence these skills, including the librarian's role, the data lifecycle services provided by the library, and the research intensity of the institution. It notes the wide range of possible data-related skills and acknowledges that no individual can master all of them, emphasizing the need for librarians to work as a team with complementary skills. The document also examines questions around how librarians can become more involved in data science and what their future roles may be in supporting data-intensive research.
Learning and Behavioral Analytics From concept to realityAbelardo Pardo
How can learning analytics be taken from its design to its deployment in an educational institution? What are the issues, limitations, strategies? This presentation includes a descirption of Learning Analytics, examples, how to tackle systemic deployment and suggestions on how to build institutional capacity.
"We'll burn that bridge when we get to itTechnology, Metadata Standards, an...Jennifer Liss
Linked data, RDA, and shelf ready processing are relatively recent developments in a long evolution of library technology, metadata standards, and technical services workflows. Although change has been a constant fixture of the cataloger's reality, change is nonetheless disruptivesometimes, bridges burn. This session takes a historical view of cataloging and metadata creation from the time of Cutter to the dawn of semantic search. The evolution and interplay of technology, metadata standards, and workflowsthe tools of our tradewill be considered. What were the roles of catalogers during times of transition? Which personal and professional strengths have proven invaluable over the last century? How does any of this help our community interpret developments in linked library data or user-centered resource discovery? The presenter will propose a framework for interpreting changes in library technology, metadata standards, and technical services workflows. By viewing such changes through the lens of cataloging competencies, our community might navigate into new territory and cooperate in the building of new bridges.
An interdisciplinary journey with the SAL spaceship results and challenges ...Stefan Dietze
Keynote at HELMeTO2022 conference, Palermo, Italy on recent research in Search As Learning (SAL), at the intersection of machine learning and cognitive psychology.
This document presents a taxonomy of semantic web data retrieval techniques. It categorizes techniques into ontology retrieval, linked/RDF data retrieval, and graph/structured data retrieval. It describes aspects of semantic web retrieval including storage and search, ranking, evaluation, and practical aspects. It also surveys existing techniques, provides a categorization of prominent techniques, discusses research directions, and concludes with an overview of semantic web data retrieval approaches.
LRMI Smithsonian Workshop Presentation 140914-16Michael Jay
Presentation to curators, education personnel, and tech people about the LRMI and how that can be leveraged to make resources more discoverable and their collections more educationally relevant.
SCM offers challenges for researchers, especially in an emerging economy like India. This presentation is about some perspectives about doing research in SCM and opportunities ic in SCM.
A brief and simplified introduction to the ACRL Frameworks & Standards for Information Literacy to improve student learning in Higher Education classrooms.
This is from a webinar presented by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide called Major Supply Chain Trends for 2014. The presenter is Dr. Edward Knab.
Overview of semantic technologies and ontologies, with a focus on their definition, uses and users. RDF, RDF-S, OWL and SWRL are discussed. Some example users include IBM Watson, construction and finance industry companies, BBC and Google.
JISC repositories and preservation programme: Plenary presentation 2009Kevin Ashley
The document summarizes the Repositories and Preservation Programme that was conducted by JISC, looking back at what was asked of participants and what was accomplished, and looking forward to the future direction. Specifically:
1) JISC asked participants to create more repositories, enhance existing ones, and provide services to help and exploit repository content through specific targeted projects.
2) Participants established more repositories, built on existing successes, and created services to help with discovery, deposit, and application profiles.
3) Looking ahead, the document suggests moving away from individual projects and toward more joined-up international activities, exposing and sharing content across repositories to better support research, teaching, and learning.
Metadata Provenance Tutorial at SWIB 13, Part 1Kai Eckert
The slides of part one of the Metadata Provenance Tutorial (Linked Data Provenance). Part 2 is here:
RIRs and the Next Chapter of Internet Growth - from IPv4 to IPv6APNIC
Subha Shamarukh, Internet Resource Analyst at APNIC, presented on 'RIRs and the Next Chapter of Internet Growth - from IPv4 to IPv6' at the Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum held in Dhaka on 29 January 2025.
cyber hacking and cyber fraud by internet online moneyVEENAKSHI PATHAK
Cyber fraud is a blanket term to describe crimes committed by cyberattacks via the internet. These crimes are committed with the intent to illegally acquire and leverage an individual's or businesss sensitive information for monetary gain
Learn the key differences between the Internet and WAN. Understand how high Internet plans and private networks can serve different purposes for businesses.
Shopify API Integration for Custom Analytics_ Advanced Metrics & Reporting Gu...CartCoders
CartCoders offers specialized Shopify integration services to enhance your eCommerce store's functionality and user experience. Connect your Shopify store seamlessly with essential software and applications. Perfect for businesses aiming to streamline operations and boost efficiency.
Building a Multiplatform SDKMAN in JavaFX.pdfJago de Vreede
SDKMAN is one of the most popular ways to install/upgrade Java or other build tooling on your system. It works great from the command line, but what if you could bring its power to a graphical interface? And what if it worked seamlessly on Windows too? In this talk, we will use SDKMAN as an example of how to build a multiplatform native application using JavaFX for the UI and GraalVM to compile native images. We will dive into the process of creating native apps with GraalVM, distributing them with GitHub, and identifying some limitations of native Java applications. Plus, well explore alternative methods for shipping native apps across platforms. By the end of this session, you will have practical insights on how to build and distribute native apps with or without JavaFX.
10 Critical Skills Kids Need in the AI EraRachelDines1
What skills do the next generation need to thrive in the age of AI? Exploring the benefits of AI and the potential risks when it comes to the next generation.
#Tangki4dexclusive #tangki4dlink #tangki4dvip #bandarsbobet #idpro2025 #stargamingasia #situsjitu #jppragmaticplay
Here are the Top 10 Writers Of 2025 by GLCPglcppro
Please send catalogers : metadata staffing in the 21st century
Metadata Staffing in the 21st Century
Jennifer A. Liss
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest
June 27, 2014
2. What tasks are catalogers good at?
Enter text here!
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
4. Competencies for catalogers
performing metadata work
Reimagining performance indicators
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
5. Selected Competencies
Normalizing data
Parsing resource metadata
Exploring information hierarchically
Recognizing relationships
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
6. Normalizing data
Applies content standards
(AACR2, RDA) for resource
description and access
Expand to use of:
Archives (DACS)
Moving images (AMIM)
Cultural objects (CCO)
Data sets (?)
214 p.
62 pages
7 cubic feet (7 boxes)
179 leaves; text block: 26.6 x
19.1 cm (10 1/2 x 7 1/2
inches); text area: 17 x 13 cm
(6 3/4 x 5 1/8 inches); oak
covers: 27.3 x 19.8 cm (10
3/4 x 7 7/8 inches)
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
What are the
biases of each
7. Parsing resource metadata
Assigns descriptive metadata
by parsing textual materials
Expand to:
Parsing visual materials
for description and access
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
8. Exploring info hierarchically
Applies taxonomies by
navigating broader/narrower
terms (LCSH)
Expand to applying structural
metadata standards:
Books (TEI)
Finding aids (EAD)
Music (MEI)
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
9. Recognizing relationships
Provides additional access
points; performs subject
Expand to include:
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
10. With change comes opportunity
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
11. Human dimension of tech change
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
12. Great Expectations
Everything online
Everything interlinked
Everything in one search box
Everything in your pocket
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
13. What about the semantic web?
(Its already here)
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
14. Dawn of the semantic search, K-Graph & Hummingbird
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
27. Semantic web: SEND CATALOGERS
Normalize data
Explore information hierarchically
Structure data for machine manipulation
Recognize and declare relationships
Disambiguate persons, corporations, places, topics, and things
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
28. Image credits
際際滷 3 Balance, Hans Splinter
Darth Vader in a Kilt playing the Bagpipes on a Unicycle,
Trevor Dykstra
際際滷 7 James Whitcomb Riley and Lew Wallace, The Lilly Library
際際滷 10 Students Using Card Catalog, Indiana University
際際滷 11 Bernard Fry with the Hazeltine 2000, Indiana University
際際滷 13 Calvin & Hobbes, Bill Watterson
際際滷 24 Android robot toy, Lucas Zallio
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
Find these slides:
Jennifer A. Liss
Head, Monographic Cataloging Image
Indiana University, Bloomington Libraries
CaMMS Competencies and Education for a
Career in Cataloging IG
Please Send Catalogers: Metadata Staffing in the 21st Century by Jennifer A. Liss is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Editor's Notes
#3: Lets spend a couple minutes doing some group brainstorming.
Lets keep these actionable tasks in mind but for now, Id like to transition into talking about competencies.
#4: Competencies are behaviors or tasks that must be completed in order to show adequate job performance. Competencies are usually not concrete in nature.
For example, being a performance artist requires balancebalance is a competency.
How do we know that a performer possesses good balance? We look for performance indicators.
For example, you may observe a bagpiping Sith Lord riding a unicycle and you may draw a conclusion as to whether that performer has demonstrated the competency of balance adequately.
On their own, neither the unicycle, nor the bagpipes, nor the costume are competencies; theyre tools of the performers trade.
Similarly, MARC is one of many tools catalogers use to perform their jobs. Consistent and correct usage of MARC is evidence that a cataloger has a met one of the key competencies for catalogers: the structuring of data for machine manipulation.
#5: When traditional catalogers perform metadata work, I dont automatically assume that existing competencies must change (new competencies occasionally ariseIll give an example later)
I do however, expect tasks and performance indicators to change.
When introducing metadata work into daily duties of a cataloger, the highest concentration of change is more likely to be in the realm of tools and tasks.
This is what Id like to address nexthow to reimagine performance indicators in light of expanded metadata tasking
#6: This is, of course, not an exhaustive list! Ive selected a few competencies for the sake of illustration.
#7: Standardizing data values, by using tools like content standards, helps us normalize data for indexing, display, etc.
Being familiar with a set of content standards such as AACR2 and RDA primes us for cataloging work even when were in unfamiliar territory--we dont have to start completely from scratch every time were met with something new, we have a framework to build upon
The benefit of learning new content standards and how they are applied in a user community, is that you begin to see the biases of standards you know well
For example, I refuse to use RDA to describe archival materials. Why? How do you reconcile the idea of FRBR Expression with a handwritten letter? RDA has a built-in publication bias. This doesnt work for archival materials.
Danger of using/knowing only one standard is that youre unaware of how metadata you produce plays with other metadata in The Wild.
Be aware of your blinders. You cant know everything but you can try to know what you dont know.
#8: Parsing a resource for descriptive metadata is one of the first things catalogers are trained to do. Experienced catalogers do this so naturally, were not aware were doing it.
What happens when the resource is predominantly visual, rather than textual, in nature? How does one parse an image?
Heres an instance where there may be a new competency to be considered! Visual literacy is required for successful image descriptionthis is hardly new territory for media catalogers but it not so with those who only cataloged text-based resources.
#9: Catalogers brains seem to be hard-wired to recognize structural patterns and hierarchy of information.
This competency is needed to master taxonomies that contain broader and narrower terms, such as Library of Congress Subject Headings.
This competency is also useful for encoding textual content for machines to parse and display; has been useful in text encoding projects using TEI and EAD.
Is domain expertise (in a subject or language) a competency?
#10: Recognizing and recording relationships has always been important in cataloging work; in AACR2-speak, think of all of those main and added entries we supply during cataloging and subject analysis.
RDA really pushes us to focus on this particular competency.
Think of all of those 7XX and $e relator terms that RDA wants you to add
The identifier at the center is for James Whitcomb Riley. We have physical materials (books as well as letters, papers, and photographs in which Riley is the subject); many of these objects are being digitized.
By declaring relationships, one can discover that Lew Wallace once posed with Riley for some photographs; and that Riley wrote letters to the man who would become is biographer, John Marcus Dickey--our special collections library holds the biographers papers
This linked data stuff REALLY hinges on authority data!
#12: Change is nothing new to catalogers. Technology has always seemed to be changing out from under usstandards changed and continued to develop (MARC), we implemented OPACs, etc.
#13: Technology doesnt fundamentally change people; however, it can have a significant impact on their behaviors and expectations.
And then theres that semantic web thing
#16: was the brainchlid of Google, Yahoo, Bing! Introduced in summer of 2011, it was implemented to structure web content semantically to support searching.
This means that not just headings and paragraphs are being marked up; ingredients and cook times are encoded for recipe pages, actors, directors, and synopses are encoded in movie pages, and location, hours, and contact information are encoded in restaurants webpages.
Shown here is a search result from a search on events in Las Vegas. Dates and shows can be displayed because that data is marked up semantically on this particular website.`
#17: Because most emails are coded in HTML, semantic markup is appearing in our inboxes too.
#18: Googles Knowledge Graph was introduced in 2012.
Although Google hasnt divulged much about the Knowledge Graphs inner workings, the word graph suggests linked data graphs (triple statements).
Relationships between people, places, things, and concepts are being encoded semantically. I have to imagine that some sort of taxonomy is being built to map complex concepts (such as broader, narrower, and related terms).
#19: You know those cards that pop up at the right of your web browser, next to the search results list? That is data is being pulled in from the Knowledge Graph.
A keyword search cannot do this; this feature is powered by taxonomies much like the controlled vocabularies we use in libraries. The difference is the Knowledge Graph is expressed in linked data.
In DaVincis card, related artists and works of art are displayed.
#20: Drilling down into works of art related to the search.
#21: And then Google pushes things even further. Google quietly launched its new Hummingbird search algorithm in late August 2013 and announced the release a month later.
#22: This algorithm is a complete rewrite; gone now is the keyword search, which, although powered by sophisticated algorithms, was still essentially a machine matching strings of text and displaying results that seemed to be the most relevant.
#23: Instead of keywords, the new search algorithm focuses not on text strings but on concepts.
Searching is meant to be conversational. Now, even when you type in keywords, Google seems to be answering natural-language question you didnt ask.
#24: This is where Googles Knowledge Graph comes ina rich taxonomy, expressed in linked data, provides powerful platform on which to build algorithms that tease out what searchers REALLY want to know.
In this case, Google guessed that I wanted to know more about the dog breed (Wikipedia and American Kennel Club is at the top of list), or perhaps that Im interested in adopting a retriever.
The one-box approach to searching was once a blind matching of keywords; that one-box search now operates like a machine-facilitated reference interview
#25: How serious is this change to semantic search?
#26: Like it or not, Google is EVERYWHERER. Its not just in search browsers that Google will be implementing semantic search; Google is in the OS and hardware markets too, meaning that semantic search is in our pockets, on our faces, and around our wrists.
User expectations are already beginning to shift; our users will never be happy with keyword search againthis is very good news for catalogers.
#27: How often have we heard this argument, usually offered as a reason why structuring data is a waste of time?
It is no longer all about keyword searching. Please learn as much as you can about semantic search and start educating your staff and your administrators.
#28: Rest assured catalogers already possess the core competencies needed in order to participate in the semantic web.
The challenge will be in reimagining the tools we use to do our work and figuring out what those performance indicators will be.