The document outlines the Plone roadmap, including the planned releases of versions 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3, with feature freezes in June and December. It discusses how the last security exploit was handled, and that recent releases have focused on developers, but that users are ultimately most important. The roadmap moves to timed releases every 6 months to set reasonable expectations and will feature evolutionary rather than revolutionary upgrades intended to keep upgrades easy. It also plans to engage outside experts on usability, priorities, and customer needs to help guide where Plone 4 is going, and mentions Plone Trunk and opens the floor for questions.
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Plone roadmap
1. Plone Roadmap
Calvin Hendryx-Parker
President, Plone Foundation
Plone Symposium East 2011
2. What's happening now
4.1 (within 3 weeks-ish)
4.2 PLIP feature freeze end of June
4.3 PLIP feature freeze end of December
3. How we handled
the last CVE
(Security Exploit)
keep calm and carry on
4. Latest Plone releases have
catered to Plone Developers
In the end the users are
really what matters
#6: keeping the process agile\nwe are trying to not break your site\ntrivial releases stay trivial, minor stays minor and major doesn't drive you nuts\nbiting off innovation in reasonable chunks vs. trying to boil the ocean\n
#9: new major features in earlier, work out the bugs, they aren't default\nconsistent delivery\nas these are ready, they will roll into plone, not hold up the process waiting for any one piece\neric needs a raise\n