1. The story follows the struggles of a low-income family in the Philippines as the father struggles to find work and the mother earns money by putting beads on gowns when customers bring them work. Their son Voltaire initially finds unacceptable work to help support the family.
2. A turning point occurs when Voltaire is hit by a car in an accident. This inspires him to start helping his mother by putting beads on gowns, despite it being unusual for a man.
3. Voltaire has an angry confrontation with his brother Aljun, whom he blames for the accident, but their mother reconciles them with a speech about persevering through hard times by helping each other
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Plot of the story beadworks
1. Plot of the Story Beadworks
1. Exposition- The story happed on one of Iloilos unattended barangays, the Brgy. Labrido. The
characters are, Veronica; the mother; MangInggoy, the father; Ramona, the eldest followed by
Voltaire, Paola, and Harry. Some Characters are, Castor; one of the gay characters, Maggie,
which was Ramonas friend-for-a-reason, Miss bing; Greggie, which was Voltaires first
girlfriend; Hedley, one of Veronicas gay customer which was a fashion designer; Nicandro.
Which was also one of the gay characters; Miss Anabelle, which was the owner of the wedding
gown sewed by Voltaire which at the end was married to Voltaire because of the death of her
fianc辿 due to ship accident; Maymay, a little girl who reported to Paolas parents that Paola was
singing at the club which she(Maymay) thought something bad; the teacher, who gave food to
Aljun during break time; Lolo, Voltaires grandfather whom Aljun helped; Joel, ramonas
husband; Voltaires barkadas, helped him after he was bumped by the car .This story must have
happened between March and April (Based on the calendar)
2. Rising action- This story is focused primarily on a kind of family considered as Low-class. The
father (MangInngoy couldnt find a job. He only helps in reaping the grains on the rice field.)
Veronicas job is putting the beads on gowns whenever a customer have something to be done,
so, she doesnt have any steady job. They could only eat whenever there is a customer. If none,
then no money and worst no food. This family struggled for survival, Voltaire find a job which is
something considered not good and also Aljuninorder to help their parents even in a little way,
but when Voltaire saw Aljun in that club, he chased him which in the end led him to be crippled,
because of this he strived to put up beads until he was able.
3. Climax- The climax happened when Voltaire was bumped by a car, because this was the turning
point of his life, before, he never thought of helping his parents putting up beads on gowns due
to the reason that hes a man( its quite awkward for a man to put up beads on gowns) but
because of this( the accident) he is the one already who puts the beads on gowns, and he was
also inspired because of it.
4. Falling action- While Voltaire was busy putting up beads, Aljun suddenly appeared, and because
he run away from Voltaire (that was the cause of Voltaires accident) , Voltaire was very angry
that he spoke several unkind words, because of too much anger he throwed even the bead
holder on Aljuns head that causes his head to bleed. Harry seeing the scene cried out the
names of his parents, summoning them. When the two arrived, Manginggoy stopped Voltaire
from hurting Aljunanyfurther and was very angry to what had happened, then, Veronica took
over and had her speech (which I Like to hear)..Everytime my fingers were pricked by the
needle, my heart was also pricked" Until MangInngoy have the two reconciled.
2. 5. Denouement- Anabelle approached Veronicas house in a really bad feeling. She told Voltaire
that the gown is of no use anymore because Melchor died. When Anabelle came the second
time, she wanted to see the gown again, when she saw that the gown was finished, she was
really upset and began to yell at Voltaire to why he finished the gown when she said it was of no
use anymore but when Voltaire revealed his feelings toward Anabelle. Then theay stared to
have a date. Until the two got married and not only that, they were united as one as well.