I created a training program for project managers and executed that training in Tieto India's Bangalore site. Here are some sample slides from the training.
This document summarizes the new 1-hour nitrogen dioxide (NO2) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) and modeling requirements. Key points include:
1) The new 1-hour NO2 NAAQS is 188 micrograms per cubic meter (100 parts per billion), assessed as a 3-year average of the 98th percentile of daily maximum 1-hour concentrations. The annual NAAQS is still in place.
2) Air quality modeling to demonstrate compliance must use AERMOD and either 5 years of National Weather Service data or 1 year of on-site data.
3) PSD modeling should compare project emissions to significant impact levels to determine if a multi-source
Understanding the Role of Air Quality Modeling in Environmental Compliance All4 Inc.
Mark Wenclawiak of environmental consulting firm All4 Inc. presented on understanding the role of air quality modeling in environmental compliance. All4 performs complex air permitting and dispersion modeling. Dispersion models are mathematical tools that simulate how air pollutants disperse in the atmosphere. Modeling is used to support permit applications, conduct risk assessments, and evaluate compliance with upcoming regulations. Key inputs to models include emissions data, meteorological data, building dimensions, topography, and receptor grids. Guidance on modeling is available from All4, state environmental agencies, and the EPA.
The document discusses a study using an air quality modeling system (WRF-CHEM) to analyze the impact of industrial emissions on ozone and particulate matter concentrations in the Jackson, Mississippi area from June 25-28, 2008. The model predicts a high ozone peak in the afternoon as well as fluctuating particulate matter concentrations. While ozone formation is independent of particulate matter, increased particulate matter may influence increased ozone production by enhancing precursor concentrations. The results help understand the relationship between industrial pollution, climate change, and health effects.
Context in Environmental Modelling the room around the elephantBruce Edmonds
An Invited talk at iEMSs, Leipzig 2012 (http://www.iemss.org/sites/iemss2012).
Behaviour in society and the responses from the environment are both highly context-dependent. There is a lot of evidence that hyman cognition and behaviour depends sharply on the percieved context. Human collective and social behaviour is even more so, indeed may be structured around co-determined contexts that are then entrenched within our training, infrastructure and habits. Similarly ecological niches, where species adapt to each other can be highly specific to a particular set of environmental affordences. The response to a pertabation (e.g. reduction of a resource or introduction of a new species) depends highly on the environmental context.
However, to a very large extent, our formal models of the environment and of our interaction with the environment are context-free. It is often simply assumed that the variations due to specific contexts can be dealt with as a kind of "noise" to a main trend or interaction. Whilst this maybe sometimes the case, this assumption is rarely justified by any evidence or indeed convincing argument . Often it seems that context is ignored simply because it seems too difficult to do otherwise, so work proceeds simply on the hope that context-dependency can be treated as a kind of noise. Other strategies to avoid the issue of context include keeping to within a single, very restricted context (which prevents any general conclusions) or remaining in the world of analogy and natural language discourse (where context-dependency is masked by the innate ability of humans to reapply analogies on the fly). I argue that this must often not be the case and that a collection of context dependent interactions if treated in this way, can result in very different outcomes, especially when one needs to scale any conclusions.
I then seek to show some possible ways forward, ways to include some of the context-dependency in our techniques and models. These include kinds of agent-based modelling that include context-awareness in the agents and actors, kinds of data-mining that could be used to search for patterns in a context-dependent manner, and new techniques from the field of visual analytics to visualise and interact with data via a visual interface in a context-friendly manner.
This document discusses nitro shock absorbers, which are nitrogen-filled shock absorbers designed to provide a smooth ride. Nitro shock absorbers work by absorbing the kinetic energy of the vehicle's suspension movements and converting it to heat using hydraulic fluid. They contain nitrogen gas which limits foaming of the fluid, increasing efficiency over traditional shocks. The document describes the components and working of nitro shock absorbers, including how compression and rebound strokes function with gas and oil chambers separated by a dividing piston. It outlines advantages like better fade resistance and durability compared to non-gas shocks.
Select our performance review PowerPoint Presentation slide to highlight key features of your business and its functioning. You can easily demonstrate your thoughts and ideas with our visually impressive PowerPoint design. Make use of this professionally designed performance review PPT template to shape up your knowledge and experience about the performance of your employees. This performance review PowerPoint deck has been designed with all the important aspects related to performance review such as evaluation criteria, 360-degree performance appraisal, guidelines for feedback, employee rating summary, performance measures, etc. Performance reviews allow you and the employee to clearly see how he or she is improving compared with earlier reviews. This review also shows whether an employee is ready to assume more responsibility. Our performance review PowerPoint slides highlight skill deficiencies and clearly point to where a staff member could use additional training. Showcase your aspects with this ready-to-use performance review PowerPoint template. Our Performance Review PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s are a good investment. A high degree of interest is guaranteed.
Kaizen Planning Implementing And Controlling Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s際際滷Team
"You can download this product from 際際滷Team.net"
If you wish to give an intuitive presentation on business change then our content-ready kaizen planning implementing and controlling PowerPoint presentation can give a complete makeover to your business slides. This predesigned Kaizen strategy PPT presentation includes slides on 5s framework, 4M checklist, types of wastes, kaizen vs innovation, the PDCA Cycle, reasons for unproductivity, action plan, competitor's analysis, lead time & cycle time, data collection & analysis, cause & effect analysis, Pareto analysis, evaluation of goals, standard operating sheet, kaizen before & after, scatter chart, stacked column chart, combo charts and line charts etc. These business improvement PowerPoint templates are apt to present various topics such as organization change, process excellence, product planning & control, project inception, quality management, cost reduction & avoidance, total productive maintenance, DMAIC, lean manufacturing, six sigma productivity improvement, and project implementation. Download this predesigned kaizen planning implementing and controlling PowerPoint template to present overall improvement in productivity. Ensure folks function with the desired commitment with our Kaizen Planning Implementing And Controlling Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. Establish the correct intensity. https://bit.ly/3IGmorA
Kaizen Planning Implementing And Controlling PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s際際滷Team
If you wish to give an intuitive presentation on business change then our content-ready kaizen planning implementing and controlling PowerPoint presentation can give a complete makeover to your business slides. This predesigned Kaizen strategy PPT presentation includes slides on 5s framework, 4M checklist, types of wastes, kaizen vs innovation, the PDCA Cycle, reasons for unproductivity, action plan, competitor's analysis, lead time & cycle time, data collection & analysis, cause & effect analysis, Pareto analysis, evaluation of goals, standard operating sheet, kaizen before & after, scatter chart, stacked column chart, combo charts and line charts etc. These business improvement PowerPoint templates are apt to present various topics such as organization change, process excellence, product planning & control, project inception, quality management, cost reduction & avoidance, total productive maintenance, DMAIC, lean manufacturing, six sigma productivity improvement, and project implementation. Download this predesigned kaizen planning implementing and controlling PowerPoint template to present overall improvement in productivity. Ensure folks function with the desired commitment with our Kaizen Planning Implementing And Controlling PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. Establish the correct intensity.
This document outlines an extended homework task on simple interest that is broken into three sections. Section A requires students to research the simple interest formula and how to use it. Section B consists of answering 10 questions using the simple interest formulas. Section C involves explaining the importance of interest rates for saving and borrowing, presenting recommendations with mathematical examples in a digital format. The document provides references for creating bibliographies and details a marking rubric for the different sections.
This document summarizes a presentation on Agile development methodology. It defines Agile as a development approach that aims to be quick, responsive to change, and deliver frequently in small batches. This allows for feedback and course correction. The presentation notes that Agile reduces risk by breaking projects into smaller pieces. It also argues that Agile increases return on investment and options by delivering value earlier. However, it warns that an Agile approach requires an "Agile mindset" from leadership, including being tolerant of failure and experimentation.
The document provides information about FundX Upgrader Funds portfolio solutions. It consists of four Upgrader Funds that combine top performing mutual funds into a complete portfolio. There are also nine Investor Models that combine two or more Upgrader Funds into portfolios tailored for different investment goals and risk tolerances. The document outlines a three-step process for investors: 1) Set your investment goal based on time horizon, 2) Assess your risk tolerance through a questionnaire, 3) Match your risk tolerance and time horizon to select the appropriate Investor Model portfolio.
Human Resources Performance Management Metrics Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s際際滷Team
Looking to take up your HR performance metrics PowerPoint show to next level? Just check out our readymade deck Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s with 61 slides precisely showcase the data. Our Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PPT presentation supports to underline the important aspects related to HR performance metrics like performance review the role of HR, metrics model, most common HR metrics, employee turnover, profit per employee, revenue per employee, revenue-cost per employee comparison, workforce diversity by gender, staff with professional qualification, competency rating and many more such designs examples. With help of our PowerPoint presentation deck HR teams and managers can easily present the content and reports to the target management. Furthermore, using this visually impactful PPT slide sample, you can brief employees about employee absence schedule, employee absenteeism, employee attendance tracker, performance review scoring, training hours per employee etc. Above all, exclusive presentation slides like employee satisfaction, staff engagement model, David Zinger or Aon Hewitt employee engagement, HR Dashboard etc. are included to touch all aspects of a brilliant human resources PPT presentation. So, whats holding you back? Click and download our readymade Human Resources Performance Management Metrics Presentation sample and show your PowerPoint skills. Enlighten folks on baseless intolerance with our Human Resources Performance Management Metrics Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. Condemn any acts of bigotry. https://bit.ly/3AwuYGE
Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s 際際滷Team
Looking to take up your HR performance metrics PowerPoint show to next level? Just check out our readymade deck Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s with 61 slides precisely showcase the data. Our Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PPT presentation supports to underline the important aspects related to HR performance metrics like performance review the role of HR, metrics model, most common HR metrics, employee turnover, profit per employee, revenue per employee, revenue-cost per employee comparison, workforce diversity by gender, staff with professional qualification, competency rating and many more such designs examples. With help of our PowerPoint presentation deck HR teams and managers can easily present the content and reports to the target management. Furthermore, using this visually impactful PPT slide sample, you can brief employees about employee absence schedule, employee absenteeism, employee attendance tracker, performance review scoring, training hours per employee etc. Above all, exclusive presentation slides like employee satisfaction, staff engagement model, David Zinger or Aon Hewitt employee engagement, HR Dashboard etc. are included to touch all aspects of a brilliant human resources PPT presentation. So, whats holding you back? Click and download our readymade Human Resources Performance Management Metrics Presentation sample and show your PowerPoint skills. Enlighten folks on baseless intolerance with our Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. Condemn any acts of bigotry.
Shortlisting Selecting And Appointing Candidates PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s際際滷Team
Alone we can do so little; collectively together we can do so much. Shortlisting selecting and appointing candidates PPT slides are your way to your dream team. We have covered up all relevant aspects with respect to the subject. Appropriate visuals are covered in the PowerPoint slides to exhibit the background, capabilities, and accreditation of the candidates. Orderly arrangements are done here to understand the working of your company. Key managers can utilize the opportunity to work hand in hand with their team for an upward success graph. You can cover up all the services provided by your organization, be it consultation, strategy, technology, digital aspects and operations involved. We have invested our time in order to save yours. These appropriate designs are capable of displaying diverse ideas and cover a variety of recruitment process related topic. Downloading this PPT bundle allows you to unlock its numerous features and helps you to accomplish your motive by allowing your team to walk along with you. Ring in the new with our Shortlisting Selecting And Appointing Candidates PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. Bells of prosperity will begin to peal.
The document appears to be a job promotion application or resume. It includes sections about the applicant's background, qualifications, skills, work experience, education, goals and contact information. The document consists primarily of placeholder text and is meant to be customized by the applicant for a particular job promotion. It provides an overview of the key components typically included in a promotion application or resume.
Presenting this set of slides with name - Job Promotion PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. This aptly crafted editable PPT deck contains twenty two slides. Our topic specific Job Promotion PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s deck helps devise the topic with a clear approach. We offer a wide range of custom made slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates. Speculate, discuss, design or demonstrate all the underlying aspects with zero difficulty. This deck also consists creative and professional looking slides of all sorts to achieve the target of a presentation effectively. You can present it individually or as a team working in any company organization.
Presenting this set of slides with name - Capacity Planning Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. Our topic specific Capacity Planning Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s deck contains twenty two slides to formulate the topic with a sound understanding. This PPT deck is what you can bank upon. With diverse and professional slides at your side, worry the least for a powerpack presentation. A range of editable and ready to use slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates makes it all the more worth. This deck displays creative and professional looking slides of all sorts. Whether you are a member of an assigned team or a designated official on the look out for impacting slides, it caters to every professional field.
"You can download this product from 際際滷Team.net"
Dig the details through our, talent mapping PowerPoint presentation slides. Grow your team using our complete decks. Presenting your twenty-four intimate PPT designs to meet your requirements. Use this high-quality PowerPoint bundle for investigating, planning, documenting or managing a business program in various areas that include recruitment and staff hiring services. Well suited graphics and subject driven content allow you to brief on future talent needs, assess the viable current staff, current vacancies, sources for future recruitment, talent acquisition strategy, recruitment tracker and the budget involved. Comprising associated icons and images which are in relevance with the subject in concern, allowing you to incorporate your data and change color schemes are few facilities that are covered up in our customization services. Comparison sheets, graphs, and charts are included here for a precise understanding on the subject. Deliver big with our Talent Mapping Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. Your capability will definitely grow. https://bit.ly/35Am149
How To do a Job Analysis Using techniques that are easily understandable.
- Easy To Understand
- At Least Know What Is Job Analysis
- Bible of Human Resource Professional
Keep your audience glued to their seats with professionally designed PPT slides. This deck comprises of total of nineteen slides. It has PPT templates with creative visuals and well researched content. Not just this, our PowerPoint professionals have crafted this deck with appropriate diagrams, layouts, icons, graphs, charts and more. This content ready presentation deck is fully editable. Just click the DOWNLOAD button below. Change the colour, text and font size. You can also modify the content as per your need. Get access to this well crafted complete deck presentation and leave your audience stunned. http://bit.ly/2Hf9cg1
You can download this product from 際際滷Team.net
Presenting this set of slides with name - Project Administration Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. This complete presentation has a set of seventy two slides to show your mastery of the subject. Use this ready-made PowerPoint presentation to present before your internal teams or the audience. All presentation designs in this Project Administration Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s have been crafted by our team of expert PowerPoint designers using the best of PPT templates, images, data-driven graphs and vector icons. The content has been well-researched by our team of business researchers. The biggest advantage of downloading this deck is that it is fully editable in PowerPoint. You can change the colors, font and text without any hassle to suit your business needs. https://bit.ly/3CJY1Gy
"You can download this product from 際際滷Team.net"
Presenting this set of slides with name - Job Promotion Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. This aptly crafted editable PPT deck contains twenty two slides. Our topic specific Job Promotion Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s deck helps devise the topic with a clear approach. We offer a wide range of custom made slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates. Speculate, discuss, design or demonstrate all the underlying aspects with zero difficulty. This deck also consists creative and professional looking slides of all sorts to achieve the target of a presentation effectively. You can present it individually or as a team working in any company organization. https://bit.ly/3H6n6Ov
You can download this product from 際際滷Team.net
Presenting this set of slides with name - Project Scope Framework Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. The stages in this process are Project Scope Framework, Project Scope Model, Project Scope Structure. https://bit.ly/3IGWuoN
My Leadership Habits = Needs Of My People? Talent Scorecard: An Assessment ...Scott Patchin
Talent management is too often about corporate initiatives and metrics. Lost in the discussion is the leader who just wants to know how they are doing meeting the needs of their people. Talent management is about having great conversations. The talent scorecard helps you understand which conversations you should focus on.
Kaizen PDCA Cycle Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s 際際滷Team
Need an engaging Plan-Do-Check-Act PowerPoint presentation for your next company meeting? Our professional designs have come out with Kaizen Pdca Cycle Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s having 80 complete readymade slide presentation to illustrate Pdca cycle. Using this PPT example you can highlight the importance of multi-step management method used in business for the control and continual improvement of processes and products. This example Kaizen Pdca Cycle Process PPT PowerPoint deck sample has slides like agenda, Kaizen 5S framework, 3 MUs Of Kaizen- Muda (Wastefulness), Mura (Imbalance), Muri (overload), 4M checklist, PDCA cycle, kaizen vs. innovation, problem and statement, our goals, action plan, competitor analysis, histograms, lead time and cycle time, solutions to the problem and many more. In addition, our PowerPoint show supports to highlight the understanding on types of waste like overproduction, waiting, transportation/moving, process inefficiencies, inventories/storage, unnecessary motions and defective products for better utilization of resources and to overcome business roadblocks. Using presentation templates of this visual communication you can discuss various Pdca models thereby motivating project team to become a part of this decision-making process. As we have included exclusive PowerPoint presentation slides like pareto analysis, implement countermeasures, kaizen report form, bar chart, pie chart, scatter area slides, comparison, dashboard etc. to make it complete. In short, our Pdca cycle process presentation deck not only saves time, but also has everything that a good Kaizen Pdca Cycle Process presentation example must carry. Just click to download. Take the call with our Kaizen Pdca Cycle Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. Be certain to have the best answers in hand.
Human Resources Management Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s 際際滷Team
In order to give new definition to your business, its important to have the right planning and information recorded in human resources management process PowerPoint slides. Its not only the people but the department associated, whose information, objective and achievements are to be recorded in human resource PPT presentation. Every single step designed and implemented to maximize the human resource potential can be recorded in this very handy and easy to use presentation layout. Recruitment, interview and hiring process becomes very easy and manageable when you have all the stats right in front of you in PPT design. The human resources managers can coordinate well with the administrative staff by directing, coordinating and planning well with the help of pre designed PowerPoint visual. Management becomes much of an easy task when information can be added in human resource PowerPoint presentation as and when required. The images create a 3D illusion, thus making your work on presentation speak for itself without you having to invest a lot of time. Express affection with our Human Resources Management Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. They help display your emotions.
FIN 610 Midterm ExamInstructions Write your name on your exam.docxRAJU852744
FIN 610 Midterm Exam
Instructions: Write your name on your exam.
STUDENT NAME:______________________
The exam is individual work. It is to be your work and your work alone, with no assistance from classmates, family, friends or others.
Your completed exam is due by 11:59 PM, (upload to your Assignments folder) by March 12. Exams submitted late will be penalized 5 points for each day up to three days late.
Exams received more than three days after the due date will automatically receive an F.
by proceeding with the exam you are agreeing not to share the exam content or your answers with anyone, including students who may take
FIN 610
in the future.
Please fill in (use
capital letters
) your best choice for each question on the attached answer sheet and post it in your assignment folderby the due date----March 12
Please read the questions carefully; there may be a little more to it than might be obvious at first reading. If you find a question challenging, try to take the question in parts, working from what you know to what you are trying to solve.
Franks Dogs has beginning net fixed assets of $480 and ending net fixed assets of $530. Assets valued at $300 were sold during the year. Depreciation was $40. What is the amount of capital spending?油
Please use the following Income Statement and Balance sheet for Questions 2 to 6
Income Statement for Fair Company
Gross Income
Interest Expense
taxable income
Net Income
Balance Sheet for Fair Company
Liabilities and Shareholder Equity
Accounts Payable
Accounts receivable
Notes Payable
total current
Pre-paid expenses
Long-term debt
total current
Common Stock
Next fixed assets (PPE)
Retained Earnings
Total Assets
$ 17,980
What is the operating cash flow for 2016?油
The 2015 equity multiplier ratio is :油
E.油cannot compute with numbers given
What are the accounts receivable turnover?
E.油cannot compute with numbers given
What is the debt ratio for 2016?
E.油cannot compute with numbers given
What is the ROE (Return on Equity) for 2016?
A. 22.72%
The Ajax Co. just decided to save $1,500 a month for the next five years as a safety net for recessionary periods. The money will be set aside in a separate savings account which ...
Kaizen Planning Implementing And Controlling PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s際際滷Team
If you wish to give an intuitive presentation on business change then our content-ready kaizen planning implementing and controlling PowerPoint presentation can give a complete makeover to your business slides. This predesigned Kaizen strategy PPT presentation includes slides on 5s framework, 4M checklist, types of wastes, kaizen vs innovation, the PDCA Cycle, reasons for unproductivity, action plan, competitor's analysis, lead time & cycle time, data collection & analysis, cause & effect analysis, Pareto analysis, evaluation of goals, standard operating sheet, kaizen before & after, scatter chart, stacked column chart, combo charts and line charts etc. These business improvement PowerPoint templates are apt to present various topics such as organization change, process excellence, product planning & control, project inception, quality management, cost reduction & avoidance, total productive maintenance, DMAIC, lean manufacturing, six sigma productivity improvement, and project implementation. Download this predesigned kaizen planning implementing and controlling PowerPoint template to present overall improvement in productivity. Ensure folks function with the desired commitment with our Kaizen Planning Implementing And Controlling PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. Establish the correct intensity.
This document outlines an extended homework task on simple interest that is broken into three sections. Section A requires students to research the simple interest formula and how to use it. Section B consists of answering 10 questions using the simple interest formulas. Section C involves explaining the importance of interest rates for saving and borrowing, presenting recommendations with mathematical examples in a digital format. The document provides references for creating bibliographies and details a marking rubric for the different sections.
This document summarizes a presentation on Agile development methodology. It defines Agile as a development approach that aims to be quick, responsive to change, and deliver frequently in small batches. This allows for feedback and course correction. The presentation notes that Agile reduces risk by breaking projects into smaller pieces. It also argues that Agile increases return on investment and options by delivering value earlier. However, it warns that an Agile approach requires an "Agile mindset" from leadership, including being tolerant of failure and experimentation.
The document provides information about FundX Upgrader Funds portfolio solutions. It consists of four Upgrader Funds that combine top performing mutual funds into a complete portfolio. There are also nine Investor Models that combine two or more Upgrader Funds into portfolios tailored for different investment goals and risk tolerances. The document outlines a three-step process for investors: 1) Set your investment goal based on time horizon, 2) Assess your risk tolerance through a questionnaire, 3) Match your risk tolerance and time horizon to select the appropriate Investor Model portfolio.
Human Resources Performance Management Metrics Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s際際滷Team
Looking to take up your HR performance metrics PowerPoint show to next level? Just check out our readymade deck Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s with 61 slides precisely showcase the data. Our Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PPT presentation supports to underline the important aspects related to HR performance metrics like performance review the role of HR, metrics model, most common HR metrics, employee turnover, profit per employee, revenue per employee, revenue-cost per employee comparison, workforce diversity by gender, staff with professional qualification, competency rating and many more such designs examples. With help of our PowerPoint presentation deck HR teams and managers can easily present the content and reports to the target management. Furthermore, using this visually impactful PPT slide sample, you can brief employees about employee absence schedule, employee absenteeism, employee attendance tracker, performance review scoring, training hours per employee etc. Above all, exclusive presentation slides like employee satisfaction, staff engagement model, David Zinger or Aon Hewitt employee engagement, HR Dashboard etc. are included to touch all aspects of a brilliant human resources PPT presentation. So, whats holding you back? Click and download our readymade Human Resources Performance Management Metrics Presentation sample and show your PowerPoint skills. Enlighten folks on baseless intolerance with our Human Resources Performance Management Metrics Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. Condemn any acts of bigotry. https://bit.ly/3AwuYGE
Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s 際際滷Team
Looking to take up your HR performance metrics PowerPoint show to next level? Just check out our readymade deck Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s with 61 slides precisely showcase the data. Our Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PPT presentation supports to underline the important aspects related to HR performance metrics like performance review the role of HR, metrics model, most common HR metrics, employee turnover, profit per employee, revenue per employee, revenue-cost per employee comparison, workforce diversity by gender, staff with professional qualification, competency rating and many more such designs examples. With help of our PowerPoint presentation deck HR teams and managers can easily present the content and reports to the target management. Furthermore, using this visually impactful PPT slide sample, you can brief employees about employee absence schedule, employee absenteeism, employee attendance tracker, performance review scoring, training hours per employee etc. Above all, exclusive presentation slides like employee satisfaction, staff engagement model, David Zinger or Aon Hewitt employee engagement, HR Dashboard etc. are included to touch all aspects of a brilliant human resources PPT presentation. So, whats holding you back? Click and download our readymade Human Resources Performance Management Metrics Presentation sample and show your PowerPoint skills. Enlighten folks on baseless intolerance with our Human Resources Performance Management Metrics PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. Condemn any acts of bigotry.
Shortlisting Selecting And Appointing Candidates PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s際際滷Team
Alone we can do so little; collectively together we can do so much. Shortlisting selecting and appointing candidates PPT slides are your way to your dream team. We have covered up all relevant aspects with respect to the subject. Appropriate visuals are covered in the PowerPoint slides to exhibit the background, capabilities, and accreditation of the candidates. Orderly arrangements are done here to understand the working of your company. Key managers can utilize the opportunity to work hand in hand with their team for an upward success graph. You can cover up all the services provided by your organization, be it consultation, strategy, technology, digital aspects and operations involved. We have invested our time in order to save yours. These appropriate designs are capable of displaying diverse ideas and cover a variety of recruitment process related topic. Downloading this PPT bundle allows you to unlock its numerous features and helps you to accomplish your motive by allowing your team to walk along with you. Ring in the new with our Shortlisting Selecting And Appointing Candidates PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. Bells of prosperity will begin to peal.
The document appears to be a job promotion application or resume. It includes sections about the applicant's background, qualifications, skills, work experience, education, goals and contact information. The document consists primarily of placeholder text and is meant to be customized by the applicant for a particular job promotion. It provides an overview of the key components typically included in a promotion application or resume.
Presenting this set of slides with name - Job Promotion PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. This aptly crafted editable PPT deck contains twenty two slides. Our topic specific Job Promotion PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s deck helps devise the topic with a clear approach. We offer a wide range of custom made slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates. Speculate, discuss, design or demonstrate all the underlying aspects with zero difficulty. This deck also consists creative and professional looking slides of all sorts to achieve the target of a presentation effectively. You can present it individually or as a team working in any company organization.
Presenting this set of slides with name - Capacity Planning Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. Our topic specific Capacity Planning Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s deck contains twenty two slides to formulate the topic with a sound understanding. This PPT deck is what you can bank upon. With diverse and professional slides at your side, worry the least for a powerpack presentation. A range of editable and ready to use slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates makes it all the more worth. This deck displays creative and professional looking slides of all sorts. Whether you are a member of an assigned team or a designated official on the look out for impacting slides, it caters to every professional field.
"You can download this product from 際際滷Team.net"
Dig the details through our, talent mapping PowerPoint presentation slides. Grow your team using our complete decks. Presenting your twenty-four intimate PPT designs to meet your requirements. Use this high-quality PowerPoint bundle for investigating, planning, documenting or managing a business program in various areas that include recruitment and staff hiring services. Well suited graphics and subject driven content allow you to brief on future talent needs, assess the viable current staff, current vacancies, sources for future recruitment, talent acquisition strategy, recruitment tracker and the budget involved. Comprising associated icons and images which are in relevance with the subject in concern, allowing you to incorporate your data and change color schemes are few facilities that are covered up in our customization services. Comparison sheets, graphs, and charts are included here for a precise understanding on the subject. Deliver big with our Talent Mapping Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. Your capability will definitely grow. https://bit.ly/35Am149
How To do a Job Analysis Using techniques that are easily understandable.
- Easy To Understand
- At Least Know What Is Job Analysis
- Bible of Human Resource Professional
Keep your audience glued to their seats with professionally designed PPT slides. This deck comprises of total of nineteen slides. It has PPT templates with creative visuals and well researched content. Not just this, our PowerPoint professionals have crafted this deck with appropriate diagrams, layouts, icons, graphs, charts and more. This content ready presentation deck is fully editable. Just click the DOWNLOAD button below. Change the colour, text and font size. You can also modify the content as per your need. Get access to this well crafted complete deck presentation and leave your audience stunned. http://bit.ly/2Hf9cg1
You can download this product from 際際滷Team.net
Presenting this set of slides with name - Project Administration Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. This complete presentation has a set of seventy two slides to show your mastery of the subject. Use this ready-made PowerPoint presentation to present before your internal teams or the audience. All presentation designs in this Project Administration Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s have been crafted by our team of expert PowerPoint designers using the best of PPT templates, images, data-driven graphs and vector icons. The content has been well-researched by our team of business researchers. The biggest advantage of downloading this deck is that it is fully editable in PowerPoint. You can change the colors, font and text without any hassle to suit your business needs. https://bit.ly/3CJY1Gy
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Presenting this set of slides with name - Job Promotion Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. This aptly crafted editable PPT deck contains twenty two slides. Our topic specific Job Promotion Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s deck helps devise the topic with a clear approach. We offer a wide range of custom made slides with all sorts of relevant charts and graphs, overviews, topics subtopics templates, and analysis templates. Speculate, discuss, design or demonstrate all the underlying aspects with zero difficulty. This deck also consists creative and professional looking slides of all sorts to achieve the target of a presentation effectively. You can present it individually or as a team working in any company organization. https://bit.ly/3H6n6Ov
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Presenting this set of slides with name - Project Scope Framework Powerpoint Presentation 際際滷s. The stages in this process are Project Scope Framework, Project Scope Model, Project Scope Structure. https://bit.ly/3IGWuoN
My Leadership Habits = Needs Of My People? Talent Scorecard: An Assessment ...Scott Patchin
Talent management is too often about corporate initiatives and metrics. Lost in the discussion is the leader who just wants to know how they are doing meeting the needs of their people. Talent management is about having great conversations. The talent scorecard helps you understand which conversations you should focus on.
Kaizen PDCA Cycle Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s 際際滷Team
Need an engaging Plan-Do-Check-Act PowerPoint presentation for your next company meeting? Our professional designs have come out with Kaizen Pdca Cycle Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s having 80 complete readymade slide presentation to illustrate Pdca cycle. Using this PPT example you can highlight the importance of multi-step management method used in business for the control and continual improvement of processes and products. This example Kaizen Pdca Cycle Process PPT PowerPoint deck sample has slides like agenda, Kaizen 5S framework, 3 MUs Of Kaizen- Muda (Wastefulness), Mura (Imbalance), Muri (overload), 4M checklist, PDCA cycle, kaizen vs. innovation, problem and statement, our goals, action plan, competitor analysis, histograms, lead time and cycle time, solutions to the problem and many more. In addition, our PowerPoint show supports to highlight the understanding on types of waste like overproduction, waiting, transportation/moving, process inefficiencies, inventories/storage, unnecessary motions and defective products for better utilization of resources and to overcome business roadblocks. Using presentation templates of this visual communication you can discuss various Pdca models thereby motivating project team to become a part of this decision-making process. As we have included exclusive PowerPoint presentation slides like pareto analysis, implement countermeasures, kaizen report form, bar chart, pie chart, scatter area slides, comparison, dashboard etc. to make it complete. In short, our Pdca cycle process presentation deck not only saves time, but also has everything that a good Kaizen Pdca Cycle Process presentation example must carry. Just click to download. Take the call with our Kaizen Pdca Cycle Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. Be certain to have the best answers in hand.
Human Resources Management Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s 際際滷Team
In order to give new definition to your business, its important to have the right planning and information recorded in human resources management process PowerPoint slides. Its not only the people but the department associated, whose information, objective and achievements are to be recorded in human resource PPT presentation. Every single step designed and implemented to maximize the human resource potential can be recorded in this very handy and easy to use presentation layout. Recruitment, interview and hiring process becomes very easy and manageable when you have all the stats right in front of you in PPT design. The human resources managers can coordinate well with the administrative staff by directing, coordinating and planning well with the help of pre designed PowerPoint visual. Management becomes much of an easy task when information can be added in human resource PowerPoint presentation as and when required. The images create a 3D illusion, thus making your work on presentation speak for itself without you having to invest a lot of time. Express affection with our Human Resources Management Process PowerPoint Presentation 際際滷s. They help display your emotions.
FIN 610 Midterm ExamInstructions Write your name on your exam.docxRAJU852744
FIN 610 Midterm Exam
Instructions: Write your name on your exam.
STUDENT NAME:______________________
The exam is individual work. It is to be your work and your work alone, with no assistance from classmates, family, friends or others.
Your completed exam is due by 11:59 PM, (upload to your Assignments folder) by March 12. Exams submitted late will be penalized 5 points for each day up to three days late.
Exams received more than three days after the due date will automatically receive an F.
by proceeding with the exam you are agreeing not to share the exam content or your answers with anyone, including students who may take
FIN 610
in the future.
Please fill in (use
capital letters
) your best choice for each question on the attached answer sheet and post it in your assignment folderby the due date----March 12
Please read the questions carefully; there may be a little more to it than might be obvious at first reading. If you find a question challenging, try to take the question in parts, working from what you know to what you are trying to solve.
Franks Dogs has beginning net fixed assets of $480 and ending net fixed assets of $530. Assets valued at $300 were sold during the year. Depreciation was $40. What is the amount of capital spending?油
Please use the following Income Statement and Balance sheet for Questions 2 to 6
Income Statement for Fair Company
Gross Income
Interest Expense
taxable income
Net Income
Balance Sheet for Fair Company
Liabilities and Shareholder Equity
Accounts Payable
Accounts receivable
Notes Payable
total current
Pre-paid expenses
Long-term debt
total current
Common Stock
Next fixed assets (PPE)
Retained Earnings
Total Assets
$ 17,980
What is the operating cash flow for 2016?油
The 2015 equity multiplier ratio is :油
E.油cannot compute with numbers given
What are the accounts receivable turnover?
E.油cannot compute with numbers given
What is the debt ratio for 2016?
E.油cannot compute with numbers given
What is the ROE (Return on Equity) for 2016?
A. 22.72%
The Ajax Co. just decided to save $1,500 a month for the next five years as a safety net for recessionary periods. The money will be set aside in a separate savings account which ...
Reliability and Validity
Quantitative Methodology
Reliability and validity are important aspects of selecting a survey instrument. Reliability refers to the extent that the instrument yields the same results over multiple trials. Validity refers to how well the instrument measures what you intend it to measure. In research, there are three ways to approach validity and they include content validity, construct validity, and criterion-related validity.
Content validity evaluates how well the items on the scale represent or measure the information you intend to assess. Do the questions you ask represent all the possible questions you could ask?
Construct validity measures what the calculated scores represent and whether you can generalize them. Construct validity uses statistical analyses, such as correlations, to verify the relevance of the questions. You can correlate questions from an existing, reliable instrument with questions from the instrument under examination to determine if construct validity is present. High correlation between the scores indicates convergent validity. If you establish convergent validity, you support construct validity.
Criterion-related validity refers to how well the instruments scores predict a known outcome that you expect them to predict. You use statistical analyses, such as correlations, to determine if criterion-related validity exists. You should correlate scores from the instrument with an item they knew to predict. If a correlation of > .60 exists, criterion related validity exists as well.
You can assess reliability using the test-retest method, alternative form method, internal consistency method, split-halves method, and inter-rater reliability.
Test-retest is a method that administers the same instrument to the same sample at two different points in time, perhaps one year intervals. If you find that the scores at both time periods correlate highly (> .60), you can consider them reliable. The alternative form method requires two different instruments consisting of similar content. You must have the same sample take both instruments, and then you correlate the scores from both instruments. If you find high correlations, you can consider the instrument reliable. Internal consistency uses one instrument administered only once.
You use the coefficient alpha (or Cronbachs alpha) to assess the internal consistency of the items. If the alpha value is .70 or higher, you can consider the instrument reliable. The split-halves method also requires one test administered once. The number of items in the scale are divided into halves and a correlation is taken to estimate the reliability of each half of the test. To estimate the reliability of the entire survey, the Spearman-Brown correction must be applied. Inter-rater reliability involves comparing the observations of two or more individuals and assessing the agreement of the observations. Kappa values can be calculated in this instance. Question
Learning objective: Examine methods to build your capacity to foster high-performing teams
As organizations become increasingly collaborative, the nature of teamwork has evolved significantly. Today, team leaders often find themselves managing virtual teams across various time zones, navigating home-office distractions, and addressing a range of personal challenges their team members may face. In this dynamic workplace, effective leadership requires a blend of traditional and modern skills to drive results and foster a supportive team workplace.
This course is designed to equip you with essential skills for leading and participating in todays varied and remote teams. You will explore the stages of team development, learn practical teamwork strategies, and familiarize yourself with collaboration tools that enhance productivity and cohesion. The seminar emphasizes creating a facilitative油workplace油by empowering team members to make decisions at all levels, which can significantly strengthen team dynamics and engagement.油
Additionally, you will gain insights into promoting a compassionate and caring approach, ensuring that team members feel supported and valued. Join us to develop the capabilities needed to lead your team effectively, achieve organizational goals, and build a resilient, collaborative workplace.油
At the end of the seminar, attendees will:
1.油油 油Learn techniques to guide your team through each phase to ensure growth and cohesion.
2.油油 油Discover methods to enhance collaboration, manage virtual interactions, and overcome familiar challenges in a modern workplace.油
3.油油 油Learn how to leverage resources to improve productivity, streamline communication, and maintain team cohesion across different time zones and locations.
4.油油 油Understand how to empower team members to exercise decision-making authority at all levels, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement.
5.油油 油Learn how to address personal challenges faced by team members and ensure they feel supported and valued.
6.油油 油Enhance your leadership capabilities to effectively navigate the complexities of modern teamwork and achieve organizational goals.
Exploring DesignOps as a Business Strategic FunctionPatrizia Bertini
Is Design Operations a Business Strategic Function?
To answer this question, we explored the job market across the UK, US, and EU (minus the UK) to understand how DesignOps is positioned today. The data speaks for itself: DesignOps remains an underdefined discipline, with unclear career paths and expectations, leading to a confusing market and sometimes unrealistic demands.
Whats the solution? Awareness and Intentionality.
Strategic Management in Public Administration .pptxErnestojrSayson1
In public administration, strategic management refers to the application of strategic principles to public organizations, aiming to improve government efficiency, policy implementation, and service delivery. The goal is to align the mission and vision of public agencies with the changing needs and demands of society while navigating the complexities of governance, policy, and public expectations
The PPT provides nutshell amount of information required for a group work process and why each phase is important with reference attached for complete understanding. Hence you would get to know with this group work process explained can be applied to any target people.
GetData Graph Digitizer With Crack Free Download [Latest]wkmbwmnk
GetData Graph Digitizer is a software tool designed to extract data points from scanned or digital images of graphs and plots. It's especially useful for situations where you have a graph (usually in an image or PDF format) but don't have access to the underlying raw data. The tool allows you to digitize the graph, turning visual data into usable numerical values for analysis or further processing.
Please Copy This Direct Download Link Below
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
Key Features of GetData Graph Digitizer:
Graph Digitization: The primary function of GetData Graph Digitizer is to convert scanned images of graphs (e.g., scatter plots, line charts, bar graphs, etc.) into numerical data points. Users can click on various points on the graph to extract coordinates (X and Y values).
Graeme Cowan, keynote speaker: Building Team Safety, Resilience and Growth Gr...Graeme Cowan Enterprises
Graeme Cowan is a team care and resilience speaker. His keynote topics include:
GREAT TEAMS CARE - Building safety, resilience, and growth
SELFCARE ISN'T SELFISH - Resilience for uncertain times
CREW CARE - Building psychologically safe and resilient teams
R U OK?365 - How to support a teammate (or loved one) in distress
He has found that in the best teams - people have each other's back, enjoy working together, and care about each other
During my 2nd round interview with Walmart Canada for a KAM role, I developed this slide presenting upgradation for Walmart.ca website vis a vis Flipkart, a comparative analysis of walmart.ca with its biggest rival and a strategic breakdown of my plans for the future
Tran Quoc Bao Leading Chief Executive Officer CEO in Vietnam Healthcare -the ...Ignite Capital
Tran Quoc Bao: The Visionary Transforming Vietnams Healthcare Landscape
Tran Quoc Bao, CEO of Prima Saigon, stands as one of Vietnams most influential healthcare leaders, making a profound mark on the countrys healthcare sector and beyond. As the first Vietnamese member of the Advisory Panel for the Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management, Bao shapes global healthcare trends. Under his leadership, Prima Saigon has become the benchmark for excellence in international daycare and ambulatory services.
With nearly two decades of experience at the crossroads of healthcare and finance, Bao is not only a clinical innovator but also a master strategist. He has held leadership roles at prominent institutions like City International Hospital, FV Hospital, and TMMC Healthcare (Tam Tri Hospital Group), as well as international experience at The Alfred Hospital in Australia. His crowning achievement was leading Cao Tang Hospital through its transformation into Vietnams first Joint Commission International (JCI)-accredited hospitalan achievement that propelled Vietnams healthcare system onto the global stage.
Baos influence reaches far beyond his clinical expertise. Armed with elite financial credentialsCFA速, CMT速, CPWA速, and FMVA速he has directed over $2 billion in healthcare mergers and acquisitions, fundamentally reshaping the countrys healthcare investment landscape. His rare ability to merge healthcare innovation with financial insight has earned him widespread recognition as a thought leader in the sector.
A prolific writer, Bao has contributed over 20 articles to leading publications such as Bloomberg, Forbes, and US News, offering valuable perspectives on healthcare investment and innovation. His insights have made him a sought-after authority globally. He has also received numerous accolades, including "Healthcare Executive of the Year Vietnam 2021" and Medical Tourism Leader of the Year 2021 from Medical Excellence Japan.
Beyond his leadership at Prima Saigon, Bao advises global consulting giants like BCG, Bain, and McKinsey on strategic healthcare investments and partnerships. His unparalleled expertise continues to shape the future of healthcare in Asia and around the world, solidifying his legacy as one of the most influential healthcare leaders in Vietnam.
Learning objective: Provide leaders with the tools and insights needed to harness the power of EQ油
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a vital set of skills that enables individuals to understand, manage, and utilize emotions effectively, both personally and interpersonally. For leaders, high EQ translates into superior interpersonal skills and stronger relationships, which are crucial for personal and career success. Leaders with elevated EQ are better equipped to enhance employee engagement by connecting with their team on an emotional level, understanding their needs, and motivating them effectively. They are also adept at recognizing how their own emotions influence their team, allowing them to manage their responses and interactions in ways that promote a positive workplace.油
Conflict resolution is another area where high EQ proves invaluable; emotionally intelligent leaders can navigate disputes with empathy and tact, fostering constructive resolutions and maintaining team cohesion.油
Improved communication is another significant benefit of high EQ, as it helps leaders convey their messages more clearly, listen actively, and build trust with their team members. This clarity and understanding contribute to increased productivity and creativity, as employees feel more valued and supported.油
Importantly, emotional intelligence is not a static trait, but a skill set that can be developed and refined over time. With dedication, commitment, and practice, leaders can enhance their EQ, thereby strengthening their leadership capabilities and creating a more engaged, productive, and innovative workplace.
At the end of the seminar, attendees will:
1.油油 油Discover techniques to connect with your team on an emotional level, understanding their needs, and motivating them effectively.
2.油油 油Develop skills to manage your responses and interactions in ways that foster a positive and supportive workplace.油
3.油油 油Learn how to approach disputes with empathy and tact, foster constructive resolutions and maintain team cohesion.
4.油油 油Explore ways to improve clarity and understanding within your team.
5.油油 油Discover how an emotionally intelligent leadership approach contributes to increased productivity and creativity by making employees feel valued and supported.
Material management is the process of planning, sourcing, storing, and controlling materials to ensure efficient production and cost-effectiveness. It helps in optimizing inventory, reducing waste, and maintaining a smooth supply chain.
2. Training Content
1. Basics: project lifecycle, roles, terminology, project types, agile way of
2. Core aspects: scope-, time-, budget - and stakeholder management
3. Communication & Leadership: communication, teams,
trust, feedback, motivation, conflicts, leadership
4. Change: Change management, risk management, common risks in our
projects, ways of working
5. Quality: planning for quality, measuring, ways of working
6.Traditional exercices: Work breakdown, scheduling, earned
13. Seth Godins
feedback rules
No one cares
about your opinion
Say the right thing
at the right time.
Give me
feedback, no
matter what
If you have
something nice to
say, say it