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MEMEDGE CONSULTING Memedge Consulting is a young Swiss company located in the lemanic region, providing services in:  -  communication   -  collaboration   -  business intelligence
  just as the world wide web combines  contents based communication ,  collective creation , while being  the best intelligence platform available We integrate communication, collaboration and business intelligence in a single service providing concept
Communication   Collaboration Business intelligence Coaching of managerial communication on web 2.0 tools Platforms selection Support & mentoring for virtual teams Communication & promotional materials Corporate storytelling  Contents spreading plans shaping Open innovation strategies Alliance management Scouting We build websites
Why 束油Memedge Consulting油損?  Memedge is the contraction of 束油meme油損 and 束油edge油損 A   meme   is a cultural unit transmissible from mind to mind ;  It can be depicted as an information pattern than can be replicated in individuals memories and brains A jingle is a meme, as well as a a brand name, a motto or a successful story  In the business context, memetics (the discipline that studies the replication, spread and evolution of memes) is useful in the fields of  viral marketing  or  rumors  dissemination We could mention  viral videos , or any  buzz  on the web to show successful memes 束油The   edge油 損 is either a  brink  or an  advantage  in competition. Todays landscape is shaped by hypercompetition. Gaining an edge implies  innovation .
Memedge is a methodology created in order to provide solutions for those who want to use cultural forces in a corporate environment  Contents & information Selective pressure Meme-Edge Competition Conflict with existing culture Contents, ideas and 束油cultural units油損 face selection What is at stake?  What are the key goals? Data  Knowledge Messages Contents Contents spreading plan strategy KM programs are often aimed at making tacit knowledge explicit, but what matters, over and above, in a compagny is  living knowledge Intranet Corporate channels  Web 2.0 platforms
A contents driven approach  Documents Databases, CRM systems Presentations  Training materials Contents   Business village meetings Competitors communication Newspapers Internal sources External sources Corporate channels Seminars Day to day meetings Intranet  Print documents  Web 2.0 platforms Selection Changes in culture follows from the  coherence between an information disseminating strategy and socialization channels within a firm  What makes social cohesion is social relationality
Web 2.0 is the gathering of  contents based communication ,  co-creation ,   selection/rating   and   social networking   Web 2.0
A few web 2.0 platforms applications Business communities management  Today community management is a key concept, for brands as well for businesses that tend to organize networks, ecosystems (consider open innovation models)  Alliances (or joint ventures) management A dedicated feed of information can be shaped, involving all partners, to rise the chances of success  Network of experts management  Businesses having to gather a lot of expertises can extract much value from the opportunity to tap experts online  Events related platforms  People can network and exchange the day of the event, and longer after online! 束油Multichannel油損 corporate leadership Corporate leadership has now to be expressed through online channels
Web 2.0: no pain, no gain The (expected) gains 束油Many companies experiment with Web 2.0 technologies, but creating an environment with  a critical mass of users is more difficult. The survey results confirm that successful adoption requires that the use of theses tools be integrated into the flow of users work. Furthermore, encouraging continuing use requires approaches other than the traditional financial or performance incentives deployed as motivational tools. In the Web community, status is often built on a reputation for meaningful contributions. Respondents say informal incentive incorporating the Web ethos such as rating by peers and online recognition of status (). They also say role modeling  active Web use by executives  has been important for encouraging adoption油損.  The (not so fearsome) pain Source: Mc Kinsey, How companies are benefiting from Web 2.0
Why do we call Memedge Consulting?  A few insights  A few projects on which we could work together Press review Contact  Balance face to face and virtual interactions Nurture your business community  Shape a dedicated communication program related to any major project in your corporation Act as if your ideas had to struggle for life
Organisations have now to balance face to face interaction with virtual interaction Are real meetings devoted to provide strategic insights and group experiences that strenghtens collective ties and commitment   while most of the job is to be done through collaborative platforms, and is then being virtualized?  Blueprint
Nurture your business community A 束油networked company油損 can be depicted as an organization managing complex relations. One of the main goal of web 2.0 technologies is  harnessing the value generated by close ties  with customers, partners, suppliers or experts.  As it is often obvious that a few get most of the gains of a collective initiative, the initiators of a network have to be very careful at rewarding all contributors.  In a complex environment, success is brought by  the ability to mingle in all social & business circles .  Networking is not just building links; it is the knowledge of  gathering the right minds at the right time . Some of them could be of high support. Some others could bring contradiction, warning or dissent. But dont forget the word of Patton: 束油 when everyone agrees, then someone is not doing his job 油損.  Networks generate a  living knowledge , exactly the sort that KM initiatives tried to capture.
Shape a dedicated channel related to every major corporate program Projects (as well as alliances)  failures are most of the time due to a lack of communication   Therefore it is wise to act as if a kind of  channel  (or a dedicated media) had to be managed by integrating all means of information delivering, such as:  - meetings;  - training sessions;  - intranets;  - web 2.0 platforms & web hosted project management tools  It is much useful to turn the program or (alliance) related medium  interactive . On web 2.0 platforms, gathered microcontents have a high added value considering both the contents for themselves and the involvment of contributors.
Act as if your ideas had to struggle for life   indeed, they have to.  When it is time to launch an initiative, ask: what are the ways to spread ideas?  - what could be good replicators of them?  what is the signal/noise ratio? what is the sort of selective pressure applied by the context, in order to find out the best way to communicate, following the chosen strategy?  It is now usual to hear about 束油share of market油損 or 束油share of voice油損. We should refer to  share of mind  too.  Thinking in terms of  selection  is relevant as it makes clear that nothing has to be taken for granted.  Cultural forces , as well as well designed process or clever plans contribute to  performance .
Contact  Denis Vitel graduated from the Institute of Political Studies of Paris and is a pharmacist (Paris 5 University). He owns a master in pharmaceutical sciences of the University of Geneva, certificates in biotechnology &油 pharmacology and  a bachelor in  philosophy (Paris IV Sorbonne) and has been working 6 years for communication & advertising agencies.  Denis Vitel specialized in providing added value contents.  He has extensive experience in 束油business village油損 events, focus groups, experts boards coverage.  He works as a facilitator and as an editor, to improve meetings and extract their key contents to keep momentum.  In March 2009, he launched Memedge Consulting, which is based in Switzerland (Vaud County). It is aimed at spreading an integrated approach of communication, collaboration and business intelligence. Denis Vitel +41 78 935 31 18  [email_address]

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  • 1. MEMEDGE CONSULTING Memedge Consulting is a young Swiss company located in the lemanic region, providing services in: - communication - collaboration - business intelligence
  • 2. just as the world wide web combines contents based communication , collective creation , while being the best intelligence platform available We integrate communication, collaboration and business intelligence in a single service providing concept
  • 3. Communication Collaboration Business intelligence Coaching of managerial communication on web 2.0 tools Platforms selection Support & mentoring for virtual teams Communication & promotional materials Corporate storytelling Contents spreading plans shaping Open innovation strategies Alliance management Scouting We build websites
  • 4. Why 束油Memedge Consulting油損? Memedge is the contraction of 束油meme油損 and 束油edge油損 A meme is a cultural unit transmissible from mind to mind ; It can be depicted as an information pattern than can be replicated in individuals memories and brains A jingle is a meme, as well as a a brand name, a motto or a successful story In the business context, memetics (the discipline that studies the replication, spread and evolution of memes) is useful in the fields of viral marketing or rumors dissemination We could mention viral videos , or any buzz on the web to show successful memes 束油The edge油 損 is either a brink or an advantage in competition. Todays landscape is shaped by hypercompetition. Gaining an edge implies innovation .
  • 5. Memedge is a methodology created in order to provide solutions for those who want to use cultural forces in a corporate environment Contents & information Selective pressure Meme-Edge Competition Conflict with existing culture Contents, ideas and 束油cultural units油損 face selection What is at stake? What are the key goals? Data Knowledge Messages Contents Contents spreading plan strategy KM programs are often aimed at making tacit knowledge explicit, but what matters, over and above, in a compagny is living knowledge Intranet Corporate channels Web 2.0 platforms
  • 6. A contents driven approach Documents Databases, CRM systems Presentations Training materials Contents Business village meetings Competitors communication Newspapers Internal sources External sources Corporate channels Seminars Day to day meetings Intranet Print documents Web 2.0 platforms Selection Changes in culture follows from the coherence between an information disseminating strategy and socialization channels within a firm What makes social cohesion is social relationality
  • 7. Web 2.0 is the gathering of contents based communication , co-creation , selection/rating and social networking Web 2.0
  • 8.
  • 9. A few web 2.0 platforms applications Business communities management Today community management is a key concept, for brands as well for businesses that tend to organize networks, ecosystems (consider open innovation models) Alliances (or joint ventures) management A dedicated feed of information can be shaped, involving all partners, to rise the chances of success Network of experts management Businesses having to gather a lot of expertises can extract much value from the opportunity to tap experts online Events related platforms People can network and exchange the day of the event, and longer after online! 束油Multichannel油損 corporate leadership Corporate leadership has now to be expressed through online channels
  • 10. Web 2.0: no pain, no gain The (expected) gains 束油Many companies experiment with Web 2.0 technologies, but creating an environment with a critical mass of users is more difficult. The survey results confirm that successful adoption requires that the use of theses tools be integrated into the flow of users work. Furthermore, encouraging continuing use requires approaches other than the traditional financial or performance incentives deployed as motivational tools. In the Web community, status is often built on a reputation for meaningful contributions. Respondents say informal incentive incorporating the Web ethos such as rating by peers and online recognition of status (). They also say role modeling active Web use by executives has been important for encouraging adoption油損. The (not so fearsome) pain Source: Mc Kinsey, How companies are benefiting from Web 2.0
  • 11. Why do we call Memedge Consulting? A few insights A few projects on which we could work together Press review Contact Balance face to face and virtual interactions Nurture your business community Shape a dedicated communication program related to any major project in your corporation Act as if your ideas had to struggle for life
  • 12. Organisations have now to balance face to face interaction with virtual interaction Are real meetings devoted to provide strategic insights and group experiences that strenghtens collective ties and commitment while most of the job is to be done through collaborative platforms, and is then being virtualized? Blueprint
  • 13. Nurture your business community A 束油networked company油損 can be depicted as an organization managing complex relations. One of the main goal of web 2.0 technologies is harnessing the value generated by close ties with customers, partners, suppliers or experts. As it is often obvious that a few get most of the gains of a collective initiative, the initiators of a network have to be very careful at rewarding all contributors. In a complex environment, success is brought by the ability to mingle in all social & business circles . Networking is not just building links; it is the knowledge of gathering the right minds at the right time . Some of them could be of high support. Some others could bring contradiction, warning or dissent. But dont forget the word of Patton: 束油 when everyone agrees, then someone is not doing his job 油損. Networks generate a living knowledge , exactly the sort that KM initiatives tried to capture.
  • 14. Shape a dedicated channel related to every major corporate program Projects (as well as alliances) failures are most of the time due to a lack of communication Therefore it is wise to act as if a kind of channel (or a dedicated media) had to be managed by integrating all means of information delivering, such as: - meetings; - training sessions; - intranets; - web 2.0 platforms & web hosted project management tools It is much useful to turn the program or (alliance) related medium interactive . On web 2.0 platforms, gathered microcontents have a high added value considering both the contents for themselves and the involvment of contributors.
  • 15. Act as if your ideas had to struggle for life indeed, they have to. When it is time to launch an initiative, ask: what are the ways to spread ideas? - what could be good replicators of them? what is the signal/noise ratio? what is the sort of selective pressure applied by the context, in order to find out the best way to communicate, following the chosen strategy? It is now usual to hear about 束油share of market油損 or 束油share of voice油損. We should refer to share of mind too. Thinking in terms of selection is relevant as it makes clear that nothing has to be taken for granted. Cultural forces , as well as well designed process or clever plans contribute to performance .
  • 16. Contact Denis Vitel graduated from the Institute of Political Studies of Paris and is a pharmacist (Paris 5 University). He owns a master in pharmaceutical sciences of the University of Geneva, certificates in biotechnology &油 pharmacology and a bachelor in philosophy (Paris IV Sorbonne) and has been working 6 years for communication & advertising agencies. Denis Vitel specialized in providing added value contents. He has extensive experience in 束油business village油損 events, focus groups, experts boards coverage. He works as a facilitator and as an editor, to improve meetings and extract their key contents to keep momentum. In March 2009, he launched Memedge Consulting, which is based in Switzerland (Vaud County). It is aimed at spreading an integrated approach of communication, collaboration and business intelligence. Denis Vitel +41 78 935 31 18 [email_address]