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Presentation Modeling Framework

Presentation Modeling Framework

       What PMF can do for you
     and what you can do for PMF

             Jim van Dam
              (PMF Committer)

                                息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework


   What is PMF and why?
   PMF focus
   Toolsets and Target Platforms

                                    息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

  What is PMF?
 Eclipse Project for a Presentation Modeling Framework

 MDA solution for UI

                                    息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

  What is PMF?

 Make development of UIs easier
   More productive
   Separate roles in UI development to enable specialization
   Integrate UI development with other Eclipse modeling stack

 Three separate steps:
  2.Technical representation

                                          息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

  Why PMF?
 UI development is hard and takes a lot of time

 UI Technology is changing quickly

 Lack of easy to use tools to do UI at higher abstraction

 Complete the tool-chain in Modeling for all layers

                                      息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

  Platform Independent Model (PIM) focus
 References to
    domain model

 Intent of the UI

 Multiple representations
    Past: Swing, ASP.Net
    Future: e4, XWT, SWT/JFace,

                                   息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

  Contributors and Underlying Technology
      Olivier Mo誰ses
      Yves Yang
      Thomas Guiu
      Jim van Dam

      M2M and M2T (OAW)
      RDBMS repository

                                      息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

  PIM focus: the intent

    ContentForm, CollectionDialogue, CompoundDialogue, etc

    Automated, Interactive

 Navigation between contexts

 Presentation patterns
    Master-detail, Finder, Selector, ChoiceInput, etc,

                                            息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

You recognize what is near to your heart

                              息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

Live Demo: dynamic behavior

 Service Calls

    Conditional flow and display

                                    息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

Live Demo: dynamic behavior

 Live UI Model


                                息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

  PMF Toolsets

 Tree-editors using wizards and D&D

 Textual editor using xText (Mod4J)

 Transformation and codegeneration

 Targeting e4/live model (XWT/Wazaabi), JFace and JSF

                                       息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

PIM level textual model

                              息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

First phase
1. PIM level model
2. Editors
3. Transformation to UI (code and declarative)
4. Runtime model

Second phase
1. Integrate into EMF chain
2. Examples catalog
3. Expand reference implementations
                                      息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

For you
1. What would you like PMF to provide?
2. What examples would you like to see?

For us?

                                  息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
Presentation Modeling Framework

    Ask later



                                    息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009

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Pmf Demo Camp 2009

  • 1. Presentation Modeling Framework Presentation Modeling Framework What PMF can do for you and what you can do for PMF Jim van Dam (PMF Committer) 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 2. Presentation Modeling Framework Agenda What is PMF and why? PMF focus Demo Toolsets and Target Platforms Roadmap 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 3. Presentation Modeling Framework What is PMF? Eclipse Project for a Presentation Modeling Framework MDA solution for UI 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 4. Presentation Modeling Framework What is PMF? Make development of UIs easier More productive Separate roles in UI development to enable specialization Integrate UI development with other Eclipse modeling stack Three separate steps: 1.Functional 2.Technical representation 3.Layout 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 5. Presentation Modeling Framework Why PMF? UI development is hard and takes a lot of time UI Technology is changing quickly Lack of easy to use tools to do UI at higher abstraction Complete the tool-chain in Modeling for all layers 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 6. Presentation Modeling Framework Platform Independent Model (PIM) focus References to domain model services constraints Intent of the UI Multiple representations Past: Swing, ASP.Net Future: e4, XWT, SWT/JFace, 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 7. Presentation Modeling Framework Contributors and Underlying Technology Contributors Olivier Mo誰ses Yves Yang Thomas Guiu Jim van Dam Technology RCP EMF M2M and M2T (OAW) RDBMS repository 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 8. Presentation Modeling Framework PIM focus: the intent Dialogue ContentForm, CollectionDialogue, CompoundDialogue, etc Process Automated, Interactive Navigation between contexts Presentation patterns Master-detail, Finder, Selector, ChoiceInput, etc, 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 9. Presentation Modeling Framework You recognize what is near to your heart 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 10. Presentation Modeling Framework Live Demo: dynamic behavior Service Calls Constraints Validation Conditional flow and display 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 11. Presentation Modeling Framework Live Demo: dynamic behavior Live UI Model M2M 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 12. Presentation Modeling Framework PMF Toolsets Tree-editors using wizards and D&D Textual editor using xText (Mod4J) Transformation and codegeneration Targeting e4/live model (XWT/Wazaabi), JFace and JSF 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 13. Presentation Modeling Framework PIM level textual model 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 14. Presentation Modeling Framework Roadmap First phase 1. PIM level model 2. Editors 3. Transformation to UI (code and declarative) 4. Runtime model Second phase 1. Integrate into EMF chain 2. Examples catalog 3. Expand reference implementations 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 15. Presentation Modeling Framework Questions For you 1. What would you like PMF to provide? 2. What examples would you like to see? For us? 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009
  • 16. Presentation Modeling Framework Ask later jim.van.dam@hipes.nl yves.yang@soyatec.com olivier@wazaabi.org http://www.eclipse.org/pmf/ news://news.eclipse.org/eclipse.modeling 息 2009 by Jim van Dam, Eclipse DemoCamp Nieuwegein 2009