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Apathy or Engagement and Empowerment?
                                              Applying Health Behavior theory to Disaster Preparedness
                                                                          Dorothy D. Zeviar, EdD, LAc, MPH, CPH and Fiorin T. Zeviar, PMP

                                                A disaster plan is only as good as its execution. Resilience and success in the
                                                Recovery phase depend on community engagement and empowerment.

                                                How we motivate citizens from apathy to preparedness may be helped by
                                                understanding and applying Health Behavior theories. Here are the most
                                                commonly-applied theories, and suggestions for how to overcome objections
                                                and barriers to engagement in your community.

      The Health Belief Model (USPHS)                                    Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura)
                                                                                                                                            The Transtheoretic Model  Readiness to Change (Prochaska et al)
 Key Constructs:                                             Key Constructs:
  Perceived susceptibility                                   Reciprocal determinism  individual, behavior and environment                Key Constructs:
  Perceived severity                                        are inter-connected                                                            Stages of Change:
  Perceived barriers                                         Outcome expectations  likelihood of positive outcome and                       Pre-contemplation  no intention within 6 mos
  Perceived benefits                                        value of preparedness                                                             Contemplation  intention within 6 mos
                                                              Observational learning                                                          Preparation  intention within 30 days
 Overcoming objections/ obstacles:                            Self-efficacy                                                                   Action  changed behavior for < 6 mos
  Disaster Prep is a f (recency and severity) of                                                                                              Maintenance  changed behavior > 6 mos
 the last disaster (even if not local)                       Overcoming objections/ obstacles:                                                 Termination  no intention to relapse, complete self-efficacy (no temptation
  Visuals (pictures, movies) are powerful                    City/ county infrastructure must support/ enable desired                       despite difficult situations)
  Emphasize threats that are most probable                  preparedness actions
  Apply procedures/ responses that are                       Demonstrate how preparedness helped others become self-                         Overcoming objections/ obstacles:
 applicable to most situations                               reliant and resiliant after a disaster                                            Provide information on pros and cons of action
  Practice WIIFM (whats in it for me?)                      Start easy  do whats doable today                                             Provide motivation around self-efficacy  this is something you can do
                                                                                                                                               Provide both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators to sustain behaviors
                                                                                                                                               Provide/ encourage social support for behavior maintenance
  Theory of Planned Behavior (Fishbein & Ajzen)                                            Community Theories
                                                                                   Social Networks and Social Support
Key Constructs:                                                                                                                                                                           Conclusions
 Attitude and Subjective Norm  Intention                              Key Constructs:
 Perceived power and control                                            Reciprocity                                                        Working in Disaster Management is about relationships/ collaboration
 Self-efficacy                                                          Social influence                                                   Disaster planning/ preparedness is people-focused
                                                                         Social capital                                                     Its about working and planning with, not for
Overcoming objections/ obstacles:                                                                                                            Knowledge, information and education are insufficient to motivate
 Break the task down! Simplify steps to preparedness                   Making it happen:                                                   behavior
 Emphasize positive outcomes of preparedness                            Strengthen networks and relationships with community               Engage/ inform all constituents and stakeholders  children, families,
 Emphasize that most people in the community are                       members and organizations                                           teachers, businesses, seniors, healthcare providers, disabled, churches
      participating                                                      Reach out in ways that are meaningful to minorities,               Use targeted media to spotlight messages, exercises, simulations, etc
 Emphasize likelihood of success if                                    disabled, seniors, etc. Meet their needs, dont assume.              Remember  KISS
      preparations are made                                              Develop plans based on input from community advocacy
 Encourage family plans  dinner table                                 groups, fraternal organizations, churches, senior centers.
      conversations                                                      Build TRUST!

                                                                                                                                                   Glanz, K., Rimer, B., & Viswanath, K. (2008). Health Behavior and Health Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

                                                                                                                                                   Hutton, D. (2012). Lessons Unlearnt: The (Human) Nature of Disaster Management, Emergency Management, Dr. Burak
                                                                                                                                                   Eksioglu (Ed.). Retrieved from http://www.intechopen.com/books/emergency-management/lessons-unlearnt-the-human-

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Pnwbha Poster 2012

  • 1. Apathy or Engagement and Empowerment? Applying Health Behavior theory to Disaster Preparedness Dorothy D. Zeviar, EdD, LAc, MPH, CPH and Fiorin T. Zeviar, PMP A disaster plan is only as good as its execution. Resilience and success in the Recovery phase depend on community engagement and empowerment. How we motivate citizens from apathy to preparedness may be helped by understanding and applying Health Behavior theories. Here are the most commonly-applied theories, and suggestions for how to overcome objections and barriers to engagement in your community. The Health Belief Model (USPHS) Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura) The Transtheoretic Model Readiness to Change (Prochaska et al) Key Constructs: Key Constructs: Perceived susceptibility Reciprocal determinism individual, behavior and environment Key Constructs: Perceived severity are inter-connected Stages of Change: Perceived barriers Outcome expectations likelihood of positive outcome and Pre-contemplation no intention within 6 mos Perceived benefits value of preparedness Contemplation intention within 6 mos Observational learning Preparation intention within 30 days Overcoming objections/ obstacles: Self-efficacy Action changed behavior for < 6 mos Disaster Prep is a f (recency and severity) of Maintenance changed behavior > 6 mos the last disaster (even if not local) Overcoming objections/ obstacles: Termination no intention to relapse, complete self-efficacy (no temptation Visuals (pictures, movies) are powerful City/ county infrastructure must support/ enable desired despite difficult situations) Emphasize threats that are most probable preparedness actions Apply procedures/ responses that are Demonstrate how preparedness helped others become self- Overcoming objections/ obstacles: applicable to most situations reliant and resiliant after a disaster Provide information on pros and cons of action Practice WIIFM (whats in it for me?) Start easy do whats doable today Provide motivation around self-efficacy this is something you can do Provide both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators to sustain behaviors Provide/ encourage social support for behavior maintenance Theory of Planned Behavior (Fishbein & Ajzen) Community Theories Social Networks and Social Support Key Constructs: Conclusions Attitude and Subjective Norm Intention Key Constructs: Perceived power and control Reciprocity Working in Disaster Management is about relationships/ collaboration Self-efficacy Social influence Disaster planning/ preparedness is people-focused Social capital Its about working and planning with, not for Overcoming objections/ obstacles: Knowledge, information and education are insufficient to motivate Break the task down! Simplify steps to preparedness Making it happen: behavior Emphasize positive outcomes of preparedness Strengthen networks and relationships with community Engage/ inform all constituents and stakeholders children, families, Emphasize that most people in the community are members and organizations teachers, businesses, seniors, healthcare providers, disabled, churches participating Reach out in ways that are meaningful to minorities, Use targeted media to spotlight messages, exercises, simulations, etc Emphasize likelihood of success if disabled, seniors, etc. Meet their needs, dont assume. Remember KISS preparations are made Develop plans based on input from community advocacy Encourage family plans dinner table groups, fraternal organizations, churches, senior centers. conversations Build TRUST! References Glanz, K., Rimer, B., & Viswanath, K. (2008). Health Behavior and Health Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Hutton, D. (2012). Lessons Unlearnt: The (Human) Nature of Disaster Management, Emergency Management, Dr. Burak Eksioglu (Ed.). Retrieved from http://www.intechopen.com/books/emergency-management/lessons-unlearnt-the-human- nature-of-disaster-management