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Proof of Concept (PoC) Competition
Cu畛c thi Ch畛ng minh Kh叩i ni畛m
Information Session
World Bank infoDevs Climate Technology Program (CTP)
Supporting local - and profitable - solutions to climate challenges
The Ghana CIC will
support local
competitiveness in
the SME sector
The Morocco CIC will support
local SMEs to participate in CTF
Ourzazate and other solar
The India CIC will support a networked
approach, covering multiple locations and will
address skills constraints and lack of financing
for the next generation of Indian cleantech
The Ethiopia CIC will
focus on agriculture
and include a women-
led innovation program
The Kenya CIC, is featured on GoKs
Climate Change Action Plan and is
already working with more than 70
Kenyan firms
The Caribbean CIC will
be regional and focus
on tourism, agriculture,
distributed renewables
and adaptation tech
The Vietnam CIC will focus on
green buildings and support the
governments Green Growth
The South Africa CIC, featured in
the governments Green Economy
Accord, will promote inclusive
 Challenge: Vietnam is one of the worlds most vulnerable countries to
the effects of climate change
 Th叩ch th畛c: Vi畛t Nam l m畛t trong nh畛ng n動畛c b畛 畉nh h動畛ng nhi畛u
nh畉t b畛i bi畉n 畛i kh鱈 h畉u.
 Need: Stimulating climate innovation and promoting new local climate
technology industries in Vietnam
 Nhu c畉u: Khuy畉n kh鱈ch c叩c s叩ng t畉o v畛 kh鱈 h畉u v th炭c 畉y ngnh
c担ng ngh畛 kh鱈 h畉u m畛i t畉i Vi畛t Nam.
 End game: Adapt to/mitigate of climate change, meet energy needs
from alternative sources & generate economic benefits
 K畉t qu畉: Th鱈ch 畛ng v lm gi畉m 畉nh h動畛ng c畛a bi畉n 畛i kh鱈 h畉u, 叩p
畛ng nhu c畉u nng l動畛ng b畉ng c叩c ngu畛n nng l動畛ng thay th畉 t畉o hi畛u
qu畉 kinh t畉.
PoC Competition
 Purpose: Establish a pipeline of future clients for the
soon-to-be established Vietnam CIC
 M畛c 鱈ch: Thi畉t l畉p danh s叩ch kh叩ch hng cho Trung
t但m s叩ng t畉o kh鱈 h畉u Vi畛t Nam s畉 s畛m 動畛c thnh l畉p
 Award/Gi畉i th動畛ng:
 Grant funding up to VND 1,000,000,000* per
successful applicant/Kho畉n ti tr畛 l棚n 畉n
1,000,000,000 VN*m畛i ng動畛i n畛p 董n thnh c担ng
 Preferred access to the Vietnam CIC program/働u ti棚n
ti畉p c畉n ch動董ng tr狸nh CIC Vi畛t Nam
* Subject to eligibility criteria
PoC Competition (Cnt.)
Climate/clean technology projects
D畛 叩n c担ng ngh畛 kh鱈 h畉u ho畉c c担ng ngh畛 s畉ch
Scalable, sustainable & high potential in creating jobs
Kh畉 nng m畛 r畛ng, b畛n v畛ng v c坦 tri畛n v畛ng cao
trong vi畛c t畉o c担ng n vi畛c lm
(scale up)
PoC Competition Process
1. Application phase/Giai o畉n n畛p 董n
Application deadline/H畉n n畛p : 07/07/2014
2. Judging phase/Giai o畉n 叩nh gi叩
Up to 30 shortlisted applicants to be selected/
L畛a ch畛n ra l棚n 畉n 30 畛ng vi棚n
3. Bootcamp phase/Tr畉i hu畉n luy畛n
2 days/ngy
4. Business case submission/N畛p t狸nh hu畛ng kinh doanh
Target Sectors (e.g.)
Energy efficiency
Hi畛u qu畉 S畛 d畛ng nng l動畛ng
Sustainable agriculture
N担ng nghi畛p b畛n v畛ng
Transportation technology
C担ng ngh畛 v畉n t畉i
Water management and purification
Qu畉n l箪 v l畛c n動畛c
Adaptation technology
C担ng ngh畛 th鱈ch 畛ng
Renewable energy technology
C担ng ngh畛 nng l動畛ng t叩i sinh
Biofuels & biomass
Nhi棚n li畛u sinh h畛c v sinh kh畛i
Other climate technology
C叩c h狸nh th畛c kinh doanh c担ng
ngh畛 kh鱈 h畉u kh叩c
Eligible Applicants
C叩c nh nghi棚n c畛u
Doanh nh但n
C担ng ty kh畛i nghi畛p
Existing business  climate change
C担ng ty ang ho畉t 畛ng  l挑nh v畛c bi畉n
d畛i kh鱈 h畉u
Competition is opened to consortium of parties/M畛t t畉p th畛 nhi畛u b棚n c坦 th畛 tham gia
cu畛c thi.
Individual applicants must be Vietnamese nationals & corporate applicants must have at
least 51% Vietnamese ownership/畛ng vi棚n c叩 nh但n ph畉i l ng動畛i Vi畛t Nam. 畛ng vi棚n
doanh nghi畛p ph畉i c坦 鱈t nh畉t 51% v畛n thu畛c v畛 Vi畛t Nam.
PoC Competition Selection Criteria
 Relevance to the target sectors/Li棚n quan 畉n c叩c khu v畛c m畛c ti棚u
 Level of innovation/M畛c 畛 s叩ng t畉o
 Market viability/Kh畉 nng th動董ng m畉i h坦a
 Scalability/Kh畉 nng m畛 r畛ng
 Impact on the environment, society, and the economy/T叩c 畛ng 畛i
v畛i m担i tr動畛ng, x達 h畛i v kinh t畉
 Competitive advantage or uniqueness of business model/働u th畉
c畉nh tranh/t鱈nh 畛c 叩o c畛a m担 h狸nh kinh doanh
Application Process
 Step 1: Obtain the application package & the FAQs/T畉i b畛 h畛 s董 v
c叩c c但u h畛i th動畛ng g畉p
www.vietnamcic.org or PoCcompetition@pennamapartners.com
 Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the application form and requirements in
the application package/Nghi棚n c畛u, t狸m hi畛u 董n ng k箪 v nh畛ng y棚u
c畉u trong b畛 h畛 s董.
Application Process
 Step 3: Complete the application form using:
Incubator Portal
Excel spreadsheet
Hard copy
Application Form Components
 Main components/Thnh t畛 ch鱈nh:
 Business profile/H畛 s董 doanh nghi畛p
 Team members/畛i ng滴 th畛c hi畛n
 Business model/M担 h狸nh kinh doanh
Product and/or service/S畉n ph畉m v/ho畉c d畛ch v畛
Customer segment, value propositions, marketing strategy/Ph但n kh炭c
kh叩ch hng, tuy棚n Ng担n Gi叩 Tr畛, chi畉n L動畛c Ti畉p Th畛
Cost structure and revenue streams/C董 C畉u Chi Ph鱈 v C叩c D嘆ng Doanh
Environmental, social and economic impacts/T叩c 畛ng M担i Tr動畛ng, X達
H畛i v Kinh T畉
 Financials/Ti Ch鱈nh
 Support requirements/C叩c y棚u c畉u h畛 tr畛
Funding breakdown/tr狸nh by chi ti畉t nhu c畉u c畉p v畛n
Stay Connected
 Do you have a query?/B畉n c嘆n c但u h畛i n畛a?:
 Email PoCcompetition@pennampartners.com
 Call 835 207 656
 Refer to the application package and the FAQs
documents/T狸m hi畛u trong b畛 h畛 s董 v c叩c c但u h畛i th動畛ng
 Stay up-to-date:
 Visit www.vietnamcic.org
 Register for tips and updates:
 Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/vietnamcic
 Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vietnamcic
Organizing partners:
In partnership with:
PoC Competition Media partner:
PoC competition consultant:
PoC competition support parties:

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Vietnam Climate Innovation Center PoC Competition - Information session

  • 1. 1 Proof of Concept (PoC) Competition Cu畛c thi Ch畛ng minh Kh叩i ni畛m Information Session World Bank infoDevs Climate Technology Program (CTP) Supporting local - and profitable - solutions to climate challenges The Ghana CIC will support local competitiveness in the SME sector The Morocco CIC will support local SMEs to participate in CTF Ourzazate and other solar ambitions The India CIC will support a networked approach, covering multiple locations and will address skills constraints and lack of financing for the next generation of Indian cleantech entrepreneurs The Ethiopia CIC will focus on agriculture and include a women- led innovation program The Kenya CIC, is featured on GoKs Climate Change Action Plan and is already working with more than 70 Kenyan firms The Caribbean CIC will be regional and focus on tourism, agriculture, distributed renewables and adaptation tech The Vietnam CIC will focus on green buildings and support the governments Green Growth Strategy The South Africa CIC, featured in the governments Green Economy Accord, will promote inclusive innovation
  • 2. 2 Context Challenge: Vietnam is one of the worlds most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change Th叩ch th畛c: Vi畛t Nam l m畛t trong nh畛ng n動畛c b畛 畉nh h動畛ng nhi畛u nh畉t b畛i bi畉n 畛i kh鱈 h畉u. Need: Stimulating climate innovation and promoting new local climate technology industries in Vietnam Nhu c畉u: Khuy畉n kh鱈ch c叩c s叩ng t畉o v畛 kh鱈 h畉u v th炭c 畉y ngnh c担ng ngh畛 kh鱈 h畉u m畛i t畉i Vi畛t Nam. End game: Adapt to/mitigate of climate change, meet energy needs from alternative sources & generate economic benefits K畉t qu畉: Th鱈ch 畛ng v lm gi畉m 畉nh h動畛ng c畛a bi畉n 畛i kh鱈 h畉u, 叩p 畛ng nhu c畉u nng l動畛ng b畉ng c叩c ngu畛n nng l動畛ng thay th畉 t畉o hi畛u qu畉 kinh t畉. PoC Competition Purpose: Establish a pipeline of future clients for the soon-to-be established Vietnam CIC M畛c 鱈ch: Thi畉t l畉p danh s叩ch kh叩ch hng cho Trung t但m s叩ng t畉o kh鱈 h畉u Vi畛t Nam s畉 s畛m 動畛c thnh l畉p Award/Gi畉i th動畛ng: Grant funding up to VND 1,000,000,000* per successful applicant/Kho畉n ti tr畛 l棚n 畉n 1,000,000,000 VN*m畛i ng動畛i n畛p 董n thnh c担ng Preferred access to the Vietnam CIC program/働u ti棚n ti畉p c畉n ch動董ng tr狸nh CIC Vi畛t Nam * Subject to eligibility criteria
  • 3. 3 PoC Competition (Cnt.) Climate/clean technology projects D畛 叩n c担ng ngh畛 kh鱈 h畉u ho畉c c担ng ngh畛 s畉ch Scalable, sustainable & high potential in creating jobs Kh畉 nng m畛 r畛ng, b畛n v畛ng v c坦 tri畛n v畛ng cao trong vi畛c t畉o c担ng n vi畛c lm Launch Development/ demonstration Early-growth (scale up) Product / Service OR OR PoC Competition Process 1. Application phase/Giai o畉n n畛p 董n Application deadline/H畉n n畛p : 07/07/2014 2. Judging phase/Giai o畉n 叩nh gi叩 Up to 30 shortlisted applicants to be selected/ L畛a ch畛n ra l棚n 畉n 30 畛ng vi棚n 3. Bootcamp phase/Tr畉i hu畉n luy畛n 2 days/ngy 4. Business case submission/N畛p t狸nh hu畛ng kinh doanh
  • 4. 4 Target Sectors (e.g.) Energy efficiency Hi畛u qu畉 S畛 d畛ng nng l動畛ng Sustainable agriculture N担ng nghi畛p b畛n v畛ng Transportation technology C担ng ngh畛 v畉n t畉i Water management and purification Qu畉n l箪 v l畛c n動畛c Adaptation technology C担ng ngh畛 th鱈ch 畛ng Renewable energy technology C担ng ngh畛 nng l動畛ng t叩i sinh Biofuels & biomass Nhi棚n li畛u sinh h畛c v sinh kh畛i Other climate technology businesses C叩c h狸nh th畛c kinh doanh c担ng ngh畛 kh鱈 h畉u kh叩c Eligible Applicants Researchers C叩c nh nghi棚n c畛u Entrepreneurs Doanh nh但n Start-ups C担ng ty kh畛i nghi畛p Existing business climate change innovation C担ng ty ang ho畉t 畛ng l挑nh v畛c bi畉n d畛i kh鱈 h畉u Note: Competition is opened to consortium of parties/M畛t t畉p th畛 nhi畛u b棚n c坦 th畛 tham gia cu畛c thi. Individual applicants must be Vietnamese nationals & corporate applicants must have at least 51% Vietnamese ownership/畛ng vi棚n c叩 nh但n ph畉i l ng動畛i Vi畛t Nam. 畛ng vi棚n doanh nghi畛p ph畉i c坦 鱈t nh畉t 51% v畛n thu畛c v畛 Vi畛t Nam.
  • 5. 5 PoC Competition Selection Criteria Relevance to the target sectors/Li棚n quan 畉n c叩c khu v畛c m畛c ti棚u Level of innovation/M畛c 畛 s叩ng t畉o Market viability/Kh畉 nng th動董ng m畉i h坦a Scalability/Kh畉 nng m畛 r畛ng Impact on the environment, society, and the economy/T叩c 畛ng 畛i v畛i m担i tr動畛ng, x達 h畛i v kinh t畉 Competitive advantage or uniqueness of business model/働u th畉 c畉nh tranh/t鱈nh 畛c 叩o c畛a m担 h狸nh kinh doanh Application Process Step 1: Obtain the application package & the FAQs/T畉i b畛 h畛 s董 v c叩c c但u h畛i th動畛ng g畉p www.vietnamcic.org or PoCcompetition@pennamapartners.com Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the application form and requirements in the application package/Nghi棚n c畛u, t狸m hi畛u 董n ng k箪 v nh畛ng y棚u c畉u trong b畛 h畛 s董.
  • 6. 6 Application Process Step 3: Complete the application form using: Incubator Portal Excel spreadsheet Hard copy Application Form Components Main components/Thnh t畛 ch鱈nh: Business profile/H畛 s董 doanh nghi畛p Team members/畛i ng滴 th畛c hi畛n Business model/M担 h狸nh kinh doanh Product and/or service/S畉n ph畉m v/ho畉c d畛ch v畛 Customer segment, value propositions, marketing strategy/Ph但n kh炭c kh叩ch hng, tuy棚n Ng担n Gi叩 Tr畛, chi畉n L動畛c Ti畉p Th畛 Cost structure and revenue streams/C董 C畉u Chi Ph鱈 v C叩c D嘆ng Doanh Thu Environmental, social and economic impacts/T叩c 畛ng M担i Tr動畛ng, X達 H畛i v Kinh T畉 Financials/Ti Ch鱈nh Support requirements/C叩c y棚u c畉u h畛 tr畛 Funding breakdown/tr狸nh by chi ti畉t nhu c畉u c畉p v畛n
  • 7. 7 Stay Connected Do you have a query?/B畉n c嘆n c但u h畛i n畛a?: Email PoCcompetition@pennampartners.com Call 835 207 656 Refer to the application package and the FAQs documents/T狸m hi畛u trong b畛 h畛 s董 v c叩c c但u h畛i th動畛ng g畉p. Stay up-to-date: Visit www.vietnamcic.org Register for tips and updates: PoCcompetition@pennampartners.com Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/vietnamcic Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vietnamcic Organizing partners: In partnership with: Donors: Partners
  • 8. 8 PoC Competition Media partner: PoC competition consultant: PoC competition support parties: Organizers